
Modern Family: Melodies of Modernity

In a fateful turn of events, Liam Cadence, an ordinary teenager, discovers an extraordinary musical talent that changes his life forever. With melodies and lyrics flowing through him, Liam realizes he has been bestowed with a unique gift. Determined to pursue his newfound passion, he embarks on a journey to share his music with the world. As he navigates the challenges and opportunities that come his way, Liam's talent and dedication propel him to great heights in the music industry. This is experimental so updated will be very slow

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11 Chs

New Connections

Today was the day for the housewarming party, and my mother was filled with excitement. It was an opportunity for us to get to know our new neighbors, with whom we might spend the rest of our days, or so we thought.

"Liam, hurry up and help me set up the tables. Everyone will be here soon," my mother called me from my room.

"Coming!" I responded, quickly getting ready in my favorite red checkered shirt and khaki chinos. I was tuning my guitar, which I had obtained for free.

[Flashback at the shop, after the song]

I stopped playing after just two verses. It was enough to showcase my talent. As I ceased, I noticed people had gathered around me, but it was only when I stood up that I truly saw the crowd.

"That was awesome, once again," someone commented.

"What's the name of the song?" another person asked.

I didn't respond immediately and instead looked directly at Jake, who had a smile plastered on his face.

"Well, the guitar is all yours, and you can keep the money for yourself. Let's just say that's your performance fee, but don't forget to buy your next instruments from here," Jake replied, patting my back.

"Thank you, Mr. Rhythm," I expressed my gratitude, grabbed the guitar cover, and headed back home.

[Jake's Commentary]

"I'm $400 down today, but it was worth it."

"Wasn't the guitar worth $800?" asked the interviewer.

"Well, you know, you gotta earn something. The bills aren't going to pay themselves," Jake laughed, his voice echoing in the shop.


[Back to the present]

My mom had prepared everything perfectly and was overflowing with excitement for the party. This was the first time she was doing something for herself, on her own.

"Mom, you look beautiful today. It's going to be hot, huh!" I complimented my mother in a playful voice.

"You little rascal. I am your mother. Well, I suppose you got that charm from me. Some of the neighborhood girls are going to be smitten after looking at you," my mother teased me, but her words soon took a different turn.

"MOM! Stop!"

"Fine, fine! But you always look good. Now come and help me set up those grills. Did you invite everyone?" my mother asked.

"Yeah! They should be here soon. I asked them to come 15 minutes earlier than the scheduled time, so everyone should be on time," I replied.

As I helped my mother set up the grills and other items, I heard a knock on the door.

"Coming!" I rushed to the door and opened it.

"Hey, L-money! Look who's here," Phil exclaimed as I greeted him at the door.

"Stop it, Phil," Claire interjected, looking at Phil and then at me.

"Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Dunphy, don't just stand there. Come on in. My mother's in the backyard," I welcomed them, leading everyone to where my mother was waiting.

Mr. and Mrs. Dunphy arrived with their family, including two girls and a boy. The eldest girl seemed engrossed in her phone, while the younger one also appeared out of place but kept staring at me. The boy was lost in his own world, circling around the tables and grills.

Mrs. Dunphy brought a saucepan with her, and I still had no idea what was inside, but it must have been something delicious.

While the adults engaged in conversation, I tried to strike up conversations with the girls. I mean, what could I talk about with the boy who was busy fidgeting with his pants?

"Hello, I'm Liam, Liam Cadence," I introduced myself.

"H... Hi. I'm Alex, and this is Haley," Alex replied, while Haley didn't even look up from her phone.

"Not to sound rude, but I noticed you staring at me for a long time," I confronted the younger sister, which caught Haley's attention, and she finally looked up.

"No... I'm sorry, but it felt like I've seen you somewhere. Were you the one who sang 'I'm Yours' in the mall?" Alex inquired.

"Oh, that. Yes, it was me at Jake's Music Shop," I replied, genuinely surprised to meet my first fan here.

"Did you write that song? Are you in a band? Where do you study? Do you have any other songs?" Once confirmed, Alex bombarded me with questions.

"Wait, wait... you're the one in the video?" This time it was Haley who asked the question.

"Hey, I asked first," Alex protested, clearly not pleased with Haley interrupting.

"Shut up, Nerd. The adults are talking here," Haley retorted, silencing her sister with a hand gesture.

Haley's outburst caught the attention of the adults, but soon our attention shifted to the doorbell ringing.

"I'll get that," I said, running to open the door. This time it was a couple with their little baby.

"Hey, Liam. This is Cam, and this is Lilly. Say hi, Lilly," before I could invite them in, they introduced themselves right at the doorstep.

"Hey, Mitch. Come on in," I invited them inside, then introduced myself to Cam.

"Hello, Cam. I'm Liam, Liam Cadence. Oh, if you don't mind, I must say you look sassy in your hot pink blazer. I like it," I complimented Cameron, earning a hug from him.

[Cam's Commentary]

"This guy knows his stuff, and I like him."


I then led the two of them to the backyard, where Phil, Claire, and my mom were standing in a circle around Haley, listening to my song that someone had uploaded on the internet.

🎶 I'm yours 🎶

That was the last line before the video stopped, and the song ended.

[Haley and Alex's Commentary]

"Isn't he really cool, Haley? I mean, the song. Wasn't it really cool?" Alex said, while Haley rolled her eyes.

"He would be so popular if he came to our school," Alex interjected again.

"Well, he needs to be popular to become my friend," Haley responded.

"But the song was really cool. I've never seen Dylan sing something like that," Haley murmured.

[Phil and Claire's Commentary]

"Wasn't the song fire? I felt like I was back in my youth when I chased after you," Phil remarked.

"Stop it, Phil," Claire blushed and hugged him, feeling a bit embarrassed by his comment.

"Seize every opportunity," Phil added those words.

"But did you understand the meaning behind those lyrics? It's like he was trapped before and has finally gained freedom. I guess his father was really a jerk," Claire commented.

"Should we book him to sing at the dinner next week when Jay and Gloria come?" Phil asked, almost begging.

"It's a family dinner, Phil," Claire rejected the idea.


"No 'buts.'"
