
Modern Family: Melodies of Modernity

In a fateful turn of events, Liam Cadence, an ordinary teenager, discovers an extraordinary musical talent that changes his life forever. With melodies and lyrics flowing through him, Liam realizes he has been bestowed with a unique gift. Determined to pursue his newfound passion, he embarks on a journey to share his music with the world. As he navigates the challenges and opportunities that come his way, Liam's talent and dedication propel him to great heights in the music industry. This is experimental so updated will be very slow

wheretonow · TV
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11 Chs

Strumming the Strings of Surprise

The party was scheduled for Sunday. With my school transfer request still in progress, I had plenty of free time. I had two days left to prepare.

"Mom, can you buy me a guitar? I want to prepare a song for the party," I asked

[Liam's Commentary]

"Thank goodness my mom didn't sign a prenup, or we'd have been in dire straits"


With around $500 in my pocket, I ventured to a local music store in the mall. My research indicated a good mid-range guitar would cost between $300 to $400.

Upon entering the shop, I was greeted by a woman in her mid-20s.

"Good afternoon, how can I help you today?" she asked.

"I'm looking for an acoustic guitar, a simple one," I replied.

"Come with me," she led me to a section filled with acoustic guitars neatly hung on the wall.

Browsing through the assortment, one particular guitar caught my eye. Its craftsmanship was breathtaking. The combination of tonewoods, a solid spruce top promising rich, resonant melodies, and mahogany back and sides resonated with my taste.

The neck seemed tailor-made for my fingers, and the fretboard, adorned with intricate inlays, felt inviting. Every detail was meticulously designed, the binding gracefully framing the body, adding a touch of elegance to its curves.

"A good choice," a rough voice commented from behind me. I turned to see a burly man with loose long hair offering a handshake.

"I am Jake Rhythm. Owner of this humble shop. Nice to meet you. So, you found something?"

"Yes, I am Liam Cadence. Nice to meet you too. I was considering this mahogany. How much is it? Do I get a student discount?"

"This is a unique piece. Quite pricey for a student. I can do $800," he replied.

"That's out of my budget. How about $200? I know it's unrealistic, but you won't regret it when I make it big. I'll give you a shoutout."

"For now, $200 is too low. How about $700?"

"$250 and I'll buy every instrument from here."

"$650 and you'll buy every instrument from here," he countered.

"$300, and I'll buy every instrument from here and sing you a song."

"Fine, but there's a condition. If I don't like the song, you'll pay $800 for the guitar."

"Sure, but can you tune it for me? This is my first time handling an acoustic guitar."

Jake looked surprised. "Are you sure you want to bet on this? You can pay $400 now, and the rest later. You're sure you can sing and play this?"

"Don't worry, I'm just a bit rusty. Now, will you tune it for me?"

Jake nodded and started tuning the guitar. Holding this guitar felt familiar, like I'd always been playing this instrument, which gave me confidence. I was ready to take my chances.

Five minutes later, Jake handed me the tuned guitar. "Here, do your thing fast. I'm waiting for my payment."

[I'm Yours - Jason Mraz]

As my fingers began to strum the opening chords, the atmosphere in the shop started to shift. Customers slowly halted their conversations, drawn in by the beautiful sound emanating from the mahogany guitar. The shop owner, Jake Rhythm, furrowed his brow, clearly surprised as he watched me play.

♪♪Well, you done done me and you bet I felt it

I tried to be chill, but you're so hot that I melted...♪♪

The lyrics flowed effortlessly from my lips, my voice clear and strong. The woman who had initially greeted him was caught off guard. She stood a short distance away, her eyes wide as she listened, a soft smile forming on her lips. Customers began to drift closer, their attention fully captured by the music.

♪♪I fell right through the cracks

And now I'm trying to get back

Before the cool done run out

I'll be giving it my bestest♪♪

As the melody carried on, the shop was now silent except for the sound of the guitar and Liam's voice. Even Jake, who had crossed his arms and tried to maintain an indifferent expression, was visibly taken aback by this. He glanced around the shop, noticing how many of his customers were now gathering around me.

♪♪And nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention

I reckon, it's again my turn

To win some or learn some...♪♪

As the chorus was about to begin, a customer pulled out their phone, starting a video recording. It was as if they knew this was a moment worth capturing. More phones came out, and suddenly my impromptu performance was being documented from multiple angles.

♪♪But I won't hesitate

No more, no more.

It cannot wait,

I'm yours.♪♪

As the first chorus ended, the room fell into silence, all eyes on me. My performance was mesmerizing, and the listeners in the shop waited with bated breath, eager for the song to continue. The shop, usually filled with the sound of idle chatter and instruments being tested, was now a stage for a single, talented musician.


[In the Mall]

Gloria and Alex were on there shopping spree, where Gloria offered Claire to take Alex to shopping with her.

"Now that you have your dress, should we head back to your house?" Gloria asked Alex.

"Don't you need to buy anything?" Alex questioned.

Gloria chuckled softly, shaking her head. "I came just for you, Alex. I love spending time with you. Are we ready to leave, or do you need something else?"

"Okay, let's head back." Alex and Gloria gathered their shopping bags and prepared to leave.

However, as they passed by a music store, Alex suddenly stopped. "Wait, I need cello strings. Dad forgot to buy them last time. It's a good thing we came today."

Without another word, Alex led Gloria into the music store. The sight that greeted them was quite unexpected - a crowd had gathered around a young man, captivated by his enchanting voice and guitar playing.

In the midst of this, Liam was singing. The lyrics hit Gloria differently, a deeper understanding dawning in her eyes.

♪♪"Well, open up your mind and see like me,

Open up your plans and damn you're free.

Look into your heart and you'll find love, love, love, love."♪♪

"Incredible..." Gloria murmured, taken aback by the profound lyrics. The sentiments resonated with her own values of love, freedom, and understanding.

"Listen to this, Alex," she whispered, pointing towards Liam.

However, Alex was taken in by a different aspect of the performance. As Liam started the chorus, she found herself tapping her foot along to the catchy beat.

♪♪"So I won't hesitate

No more, no more.

It cannot wait,

I'm sure.

There's no need to complicate.

Our time is short.

This is our fate,

I'm yours."♪♪

"This is so cool!" she exclaimed, lost in the rhythmic tune, oblivious to the deeper meanings that Gloria had discerned.