
Mmorpg: Unity

The world has final reached a point where technology is so advanced, that it will become indistinguishable from magic. Jion Shaka as travels the world of Unity and becomes the Solar systems most powerful being. Then one day the war broke and everything change our Mmorpg became real!

Sgt_Caeser · Fantasía
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76 Chs


The elders, were in the midst of an intense debate and were visibly emotional.

Even some of the guards were speaking to each other about how rare it was to see, three Grand Elders and The Sun Chaser so emotional and animated.

Sethu had carefully listened to the others talk about how the Sun Chaser had handed the Spear to Shaka. The word they used to describe him he didn't know but he could see it had offended, The Sun Chaser.

The Sun Chaser pointed out how, she had not received a single initiate from any their tribes in over ten years. They nor had they given the necessary tithes to her. All but the Elder from the northern desert area, moaned at the sharp jab from The Sun Chaser.

She continued and even rebuked the behavior of the so called "heros" of their tribes had not ungone the The Harrowing [initiation for adults] during Summer Equinox festival just a few weeks ago.

You had no right! Shouted the elder from Machachuta. A red faced elderly woman from the Mulenga Hills freehold tried to calm him.

Sethu then stood up, prostrated herself and while on the floor said. 'By the ancestors, what is done cannot be undone'.

She sat up, all the elders were quiet. Sethu said 'at the very least he qualifies to be tested'.

The elder from Monbuttu tribe spoke first, affirming that Sethu would not make such a claim without merit. Quelling the others before they even started.

*a moment later*

By what blood? Where do his bones lie? Who is his heart? said Bakht from the Nobo the desert tribe as he was obviously trying get information about Shaka.

The Sun Chaser waved her hands, the guards knocked their spears on the ground. Signaling to the rest of the elders that they had gotten too out of hand.

As they quieted down Sethu said, I grand elder, of the first people Nguni, Daughter of the River, Mother of the Sun, Sethu, Shangaan, Ndebele, my people are all people, as all are me.

Spirit walker, I call thee, a son lost to time and shadow.....Llanga![Shakas clan name] Heed my call. An acenstral spirit rose beside her. She asked, is the boy of you, the spirit replied as I am of you and faded away.

The others all understood now that Shaka was a descendant of a tribe far removed from the old ways.

Shaka was just a butterfly in the wind waiting for this scene to happen in a language he understood. Or rather in a way that wasn't so long winded.

Shaka was just hoping for a simple quest.

The Sun Chaser had a smile on her face, then we will commence with The Proving. Guards prepare him.

Daughter inform the water and wind, Zinhle said I did it when grandmother Sethu told me she had called for Elder Bakht who was visiting at the nearby village of Kuganxu as they needed at least three Grand Elders. For Ritual to open The Proving Grounds.

A system notification went off Quest Accepted! Shaka moaned internally at ask least my permission first.

The Sun Chaser signaled a guard to bring Shaka to one of rooms in the back so they could prepare him.

As Shaka was shuffled away, Zinhle followed close behind him. As they entered the room he immediately asked Zinhle to explain 'The Proving to him'.

Zinhle began her monolog. Among our people it is common practice before one's 18th birthday, as long as one feels that they are ready, they can request to have an Initiation.

Upon passing one's Initiation, they qualify to undertake The Proving.

The Proving is a series of tests to judge one abilities specifically intelligence, wisdom, spirit and strength. The Proving Grounds are special completely governed by the spirits of The Ancestors.

As such everyone test is different. The difficulty lies in the fact that noone knows what kind of test they will be given.

For example The Sun Chaser, had to fight a Fire Elemantal Lion. The Lions mane is a room about four doors away. While in my test I had to collect a deathroot. It gave such a headache she exclaimed. By the way you can put all your stuff over there.

You need only take your weapon and 5 items as you have already been chosen to undertake The Proving. You can also name someone as your Herald[sponsor]. I will be back in one hour, I want to go the opening ritual the last time I was too late. As she closed the door behind, she said 'if you chose a Herald, the call guard and they will bring the person'.

The only person Shaka could think of was Kaya, seeing as how important his wife was he must be able to help him pass The Proving.

He called the guard in and named Kaya, the guard indicated that he would return shortly and he should wait here food was on its way.

A fair eyed lady brought a lot of food into the room and left with even saying anything.

Soon after Kaya walked in. Shaka was relieved that the old man was here. As Shaka was trying to explain everything to Kaya he said he knew everything already and its such a shame that he hadn't gotten a chance to finish all the other things[quest] that Kaya wanted him to do first.

Kaya sat him down took a bowl filled with a blue dye of sort and started to etching tribal symbols onto his body. Unlike the actual process of etching it didn't hurt nor would it leave permanent scar.

Shaka was worried about the quest he pestered Kaya with question, the old enformed him that all he needed was his spear, his wit and some luck. Thou it would not hurt to bring along the items he collected earlier.

Kaya then went to check on the preparation of The Proving Grounds and would be back shortly.


System notification [it is recommended the player eat and rest before beginning The Proving].

Shaka had been so caught up in the days events, that he momentarily forgotten about how important its to eat and such,but in his mind it was to soon to worry about anyways university only starts in February. If he worked hard enough he could improve his ranking at the university, as things like level matter their now.

Every aspect of life was being slowly affected by Unity. The poorest people would eventually call Oshun, the great equalizer.

He logged off, disabled his six hourly alarm. Went to get some food, did a quick jog around the house and logged back in.

It had to be said that the realism in game was truly stunning the sites, the animals, everything about it is intoxicating, liberating and damn near unbelievable.

One can live forever in there. He checked the game websites map of the world to get a better understanding of where he was. He also messaged a few friends to ask if anything interesting had happened to them. Only the twins replied and said they were on special quest for twins.

It has always been said that sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, Unity is source how humanity will discover the magic in them.

When Mandla logged back into the game, Kaya was waiting for him and he gave him a once over. Then stood behind him place his left hand on his right shoulder and asked Shaka, 'are you ready'? He nodded and they walk out of the room, back to where all the Elders had been meeting earlier.

The Sun Chaser, stood directly in front of him she was quite as the top his head, was only up to her shoulder. She then cast a spell a a necklace appeared on him, Necklace of the initiated gave him a new passive called ancestral bond which increases his passive regens to 5.

This meant that every second he would 5 recover health, Mana, stamina{before it was just up to me<author>}. This allows us to see to progress through the until the final test.

She knew spoke the words [ancient]. The tribal marking on his glowed signifying something, rituals have these things that must be done, Noone know why or even what they do but everyone has to do.

Fifteen minutes later she was done. From here they would move towards The Proving Grounds, people were standing to side creating a human path leading to the Lake. Some tribespeople were crying out to The Sun Chaser, trying to get a blessing other were putting down offerings to maybe catch the eye of one the elders. The kids we enthralled by the procession going to the lake.

In the middle of the lake a shrine [spiral tower] had appeared to have risen from the Lakebed.

Kaya now did his part in the ritual as Herald spoke to the water.

Then he said due to usually circumstances....[the Sun Chaser had skipped a lot test, broke a lot rules, and even used her status as queen to bypass the level requirement of The Proving]... Kaya demanded that the lady of the lake[Zinhle] give him safe passage to shrine. Zinhle nodded as a she summoned one of the Lukwata monsters that live in lake. As long as you remain on its back you will reach the island safely.

Shaka thanked her and especially Kaya and Sethu and step onto the Lukwata to begin his Quest.

<Quest:The Proving>

<a great safe created this special lake area to help cultivate his tribes people>

<Quest limit 5 days>

<rewards based on performance>

This is a long one.

If anyone has any suggestions or comments or idea even criticism is welcomed please help me make this a great story

Sgt_Caesercreators' thoughts