
Mmorpg: Unity

The world has final reached a point where technology is so advanced, that it will become indistinguishable from magic. Jion Shaka as travels the world of Unity and becomes the Solar systems most powerful being. Then one day the war broke and everything change our Mmorpg became real!

Sgt_Caeser · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Starting agian

Name: Shaka the Divine spear



Soul: Pure

Faith: none


Affiliation:Mvezo City


Talent:[unlinked] Class:none [unbound]

Masteray:none [sealed]

Health:200 Mana:200 Stamina:200

Strength:25 Constitution:25

Dexterity:25 Intelligence:25

Wisdom:25 Charisma:25

Luck:3 Spirit:10

Skills:[locked] passive

Experience points:100

The changes caused by Morningstar in Shaka, only confused him he had no knowledge of a weapon that could add stats like soul or even spirit.

He did not even know what any of of those stats meant or did. Shaka was gald for the power upgrade, but for now all the other things are beyond him.

Presumably he would ask the Wiseman Sethu and her husband Kaya. They should have answers or at the least directions to some.

He did not want to under estimate the Redsand scorpion especially since he had no idea what kind of damage he would be producing now. He planned to find out but, first thing frist, he had to familiarize himself with his own weapon and a skills.

Morningstar [The First Spear][Unique]

Level 0

Rank: Pure [matches soul level]

Attack 50

Durability 100

Can be upgraded

[untradable][equipped] [unbound] [unlinked] [current compatability 5%][sealed][locked]

Skills :

STAB a basic attack, damage 20 cost:25 stamina.

THRUST basic attack, damage 25 cost:30 stamina 10% chance to cause a heavy 5% chance bleeding.

HILT BASH blunt attack, damage 40 cost: 80 stamina 50% chance to stun.

EXTEND <omitted> attack, damage <omitted> cost:10 Mana 2 spirit.


This weapon was made by Gabriel Dawnstar using Lucifiers' wings in order to provide Asmedous with a means to tend to the garden of Eden...cannot evolve 1\2[unique requirement needed]

[hidden quest] 5/6 status:inactive

He was both gald and disheartened, stress marks appeared on his face, hidden quest, soul and spirit??? He thought to himself. Is this even the same game?

What the hell is actually going on here. How does this affect my plans..As many more ideas started to run around in his head, sweat could be on his whole body, he was truly stuck on what do.

During this state of deep thought three things happened two to him and one that brought him of daze.

First his body emitted a faint red glow and his spirit went to 11. Secondly his spear formed itself into an Impi. An Impi is what Shaka knew as a spear.


Global system announcement congratulations to player Celblog for becoming the first player to find mythic rank pet egg. Awarding [hidden job quest].Soul Aspect[hidden], 5000 experience points, 100 gold

Now apart from the frustration he felt cheated. Why did Celblog get such great rewards. Why is he so lucky.

He refocused on the task at hand. The area where the scorpion could be found was about a kilometer south of the Village. When he arrived he saw the Redsand scorpions stinger.

The scorpion had hid itself in a bush using its stringer as a lure for it to catch any of the three bee type monsters.

The smell from the dung immediately enraged the scorpion as it could no longer hunt in peace.

The scorpion immediately launched a flurry of attacks. He blocked each of the attacks. They felt very light. As he glanced the attack pattern. He felt confident enough to attack.

He started with a basic stab attack, - 70, block, - 70,side step he did this because his first attack had not removed while his second attack did. This Redsand scorpion was a level 5, rank 7, earth elemental monster, it turned very slowly.

Slow enough for Shaka to be able to examine it. With his higher intelligence he could clearly its stats.

Redsand Scorpion

Level 5

Rank 7

Earth elemental[most Great Plains monsters have this affinity]

Hp 300

Mp 100

Sp 250

Attack 34+20

Defence 56+14


REDROSE-STING damage 80, cost 100 mana, 100% chance cause blood poisoning, causes blood 10% health lost per second for 30 seconds.

PINCER damage 50, cost 25 Mana, 12% chance to mame, mame slows target by 75%.

CLAW ATTACK damage 10, cost 5 Mana.

It was quite Clear that his first attack had removed all the scorpions defence. Confident that he defeat it he attacked more brazenly. Two more Stab attacks, the scorpion health to 20.

The stringer moved quickly without any warning, Shaka knew he was to close to block. His attack had just landed. He tried to move back, the stringer closely following. At the same his right direct pointed at joint connecting the stinger to the rest of the scorpion. EXTEND a damage value 140 in dark red popped above the scorpion as its body collapsed. It really works, Yaata! Said Viki... I can work this[EXTEND combo attack, damage *2[pervious damage dealt] cost:10 Mana 2 Spirit. He looted the scorpion with the quest item in his bag he moved slowly towards the village to allows his Stamina to recover.

Back at the village, the gaurds said that the Sun Chaser had called for Shaka to meet her in the Tribal council Kraal at the peak of the central hill. He asked if he had to go immediately and the guard said "just don't take too long, she has been waiting a long time already". Shaka said okay I will go after seeing the Wiseman.

At the Wisemans house only Kaya was there sitting on something that looks like an ottoman.

Kaya looked at him said well done, do you have it. Shaka smiled and Yes I do, as he was about to take out all the stuff he had collected the old man said I want the Redsand Rose, the rest is your reward. What! Reward? He asked Kaya in a more respectful tone maybe you can give a little something, something as he held out his hand like a beggar.

The old man shoke his head and asked what would you like? Shaka thought for a moment he said armour.

The said your in luck I happen to know where you find some, Shaka smiled gald that this small request actually yielded a reward. Kaya went into the house and gave him a breast plate, he thank Kaya and went to the central Kraal there another stopped him and what is your business here. Shaka said how he was called by the Sun Chaser.

The guards let him go through. Inside the Kraal six old people were sitting 3 by 3 on the and the right of the small throne chair. As she knew him the best Sethu waved him over and told where to sit.

As the Sun Chaser all the elders stood up and bowed, at this moment Shakas face was very ugly as he made the connection as to who the Sun Chaser is....

The soul

Unlocking the Soul is first path to unlocking<omitted>. Most players would in future years describe it at the difference between a tier 3 and normal person

The tier system is meant to a limit. Basically like tier 3 superhuman abilities, teir 2 one man army stuff, tier 1 Madara, Thor, Hercules, magneto and Māngōroa

Damage 50+player level×(strength÷10)

Sgt_Caesercreators' thoughts