
The Day of Release

Earth, Year 22XX.

Beep! Beep! Beep!


Inside a small apartment, a young man began to toss and turn as the alarm beside his bed went off.

Frowning from the noise it was making, he eventually let out a sigh of relief after he was able to snooze the alarm, allowing him to return to his rightful slumber not even a minute later.

…Beep! Beep! Beep!

Yet, as if the world was conspiring against the young man, the alarm began to resound throughout the room once more, causing irritation to appear on his face.

In the end, the young man got out of bed after snoozing the alarm a few more times, being reminded that he was the one who made the alarm go off that many times in the first place.

"Wait… why did I set it so early again?" Muttering these words to himself, the young scratched the back of his head for a bit as he gave his mind the time it needed to fully rouse itself from slumber.