
Misthic Dragon Vimpire system

Yan Was 5 Year old when his father died in a Battle. the Battles was to protect the people from demon in the end qin family personal army got annihilated and After his Father Dead Yan Family members Start to Bully Yan And His Mother, Sister. Yan Born without a Bloodline,in this cultivation world every Person Need a Bloodline to cultivate. One day yan Mother Fall ill and he was Finding A Herb That Can Cure Her Mother, He found them But when he was About go some of his clansman beat him like a dog and make him unable to walk or stand, They Broke yan Leg,hand, They Let Yan Die In that Forest. But Seddenly he heard a voice after that when he woke the system give yan The Power to Walk on cultivation path. He swear on his life he will kill evey single Demon and find out who was the culprit that kill his Father. Check My Other novel. 1.my apocalypse Vampire Wives. 2. Reincarnation as Heaven. 3. Hell dragon and the chaos World I don't own this Pic you can tell me if you're the real Owner

Darkchoco · Fantasía
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43 Chs

Hunting in Deep Mountain

System what is the use of purple black heart...

[system.... Purple black heart is a special body parts that special parth that every special body user can get not your purple black heart but other it like a special skill or technique that only the special body give that person to]

You mean everyone special ability isn't same right the special skill can get from a special body everyone can get other type of skill that depend on the special body...

[System.... you are right host but the power of the skill depends on the the special body rank.....]

[Yan said I See So what Is The Use Of The skill I got From My special body....

system host special body skill....is to contain extra qi and host can use illusion and use black flame well but the to later skill are lock and they updated with special body host don't need to update them....extra]

[Yan Said it a good thing and it will update with body skill to...]

then yan said now i have to be strong that i can bring my sister back.....

today i will go in the deep mountain.....

After some time yan went to the mountains

There some big monsters who Reached dao stage but yan can kill them....

Yan Was Walking a monster appear it a wad lizard more like a dragon yan take out his sword and run toward the lizard the lizard was wise it jump on the other side yan was shock how can he jumpe other side if it where other side it would come head on....

Yan Then Understand that the lizard is very wise....

this time the lizard come and tried to attack yan with his claw but yan block that..... and try to swing his sword to the lizard leg but the lizard change his leg to another direction...

and swing his sword the lizard jump back ward yan then understand that he simple use his sword technique he can't win he have to use his foot step well swing his sword....

Then Yan Used his sword technique with qi.... the lizard was blocking yan sword qi he didn't see that yan was not in his place because yan used his foot step and then slash the lizard head....

The red qi was only a devotion the main thing was yan used his foot and then Slash the lizard...

Yan said the plan was success i have to use all technique to use a devotion then attack the monster i mean i have to combing the technique and then use it to defeat the monster....

Yan Start To Hunt.... after yan figure out how to use his all technique to deal with monster is easy for yan.... but Seddenly a dao mid stage monster Attack yan in the middle of a fight that was a Wolf yan chest got hurt badly.....

Yan run with his foot step as fast he can the wolf followed yan...

yan then use the Dragon fast foot step....

Yan Speed got faster 10 fold yan reached a cave yan went in The cave and lose consciousness....

When yan woke up it was evening.....

Yan Didn't get fully healed but he is fine

Yan had extra some meat from his Hunt

yan take them out and lite a fire and then roasted meat an eat them...

Yan Said I was fully fuck up now if it attck on my neck i would be dead by now....what luck i have because of that i got Survive now... i will see that wlof in the morning...

Yan Fall Sleep... in Night There More monster making noise.... this why didn't got to sleep well yan in morning he again Start to Hunt But He Saw That A Wolf Was Coming wasn't that wolf that attack me now i will kill that fucking wolf...

Yan Jump On exactly the same place where wolf was And Use His Sword but the wolf Step back and the blow fall on the ground then the wolf immediately use his qi and Use A Wind blade Yan used his Read qi blade the his heaven sword the blade attack mach the same and got destroyed.

Yan used His Foot step And And Sword technique The Wlof Was fast To There Blade got Touch Yan And Wolf Step Back now Yan put Away His Sword to use Dragon Claw the Wlof Was peppering His Final Blow To ....

yan ran And Used his Red Qi claw And The Wolf was His Same Place Then He Open His Mouth And Houl it was A Sounds Attack But That Couldn't stop yan dragon claw the wolf got slice in 3 part.... yan didn't fell tired

Because he still has many qi left.... now was walking towards his house after some time he reached his house... yan mother came and said yan where you where the whole night....

Yan Said I Was A Big Sis House.... big Sis Said Stay At Her She were requesting me so i stayed at her place

Yan Mom Said I see ok son But Don't go Far from home Ok....

Yan said Ok.... yan lied because his mom is very sad mei was taken yan mom heart got broke... if he said that he was at mountain a the whole night she would be angry and worried...

After 3 mouth yan will participate in the Tonament yan was going to participate in the Tonament 1 year later but yan will

Yan Have To Strong so he could protect his family

yan Was Thinking About all The staff he fall sleep.... in the morning he heard some voice....yan wake up from his bed and went the family street a clan's man was running yan ask him what happened....

The Clan's Man Said That The old Head Came Back.... when yan heard this new yan couldn't stop himself and run toward the main family house.....

[Author note:now all of you can vote in this novel if you vote this novel i would be happy 😊😊😊😊]
