
Misthic Dragon Vimpire system

Yan Was 5 Year old when his father died in a Battle. the Battles was to protect the people from demon in the end qin family personal army got annihilated and After his Father Dead Yan Family members Start to Bully Yan And His Mother, Sister. Yan Born without a Bloodline,in this cultivation world every Person Need a Bloodline to cultivate. One day yan Mother Fall ill and he was Finding A Herb That Can Cure Her Mother, He found them But when he was About go some of his clansman beat him like a dog and make him unable to walk or stand, They Broke yan Leg,hand, They Let Yan Die In that Forest. But Seddenly he heard a voice after that when he woke the system give yan The Power to Walk on cultivation path. He swear on his life he will kill evey single Demon and find out who was the culprit that kill his Father. Check My Other novel. 1.my apocalypse Vampire Wives. 2. Reincarnation as Heaven. 3. Hell dragon and the chaos World I don't own this Pic you can tell me if you're the real Owner

Darkchoco · Fantasy
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43 Chs

2 year of side story of Yan and yan gone in depression

the two years did Caltivation the system didn't give him any mission.... yan didn't join in sect selection for 2 year because he wasn't a dao stage caltivator....

The People Join In the Sect selection Tonament are dao Caltivation 16 year Childs can join the selection for experience only.... if someone want to place top 10 they at Least need be a dao Realm Caltivator...and have to be under 20.... above that no one can join....

who can't get in dao stage under they can't

get promoted easily like the city heads there were some caltivator who was ginuies who reach dao stage at 19 year old they leave the city but they didn't came beck....

they have reason when you join a sect an become a good caltivator then the capital big family invite them to join their family so after that they offer a good amount of money Caltivation resources and many other thing so who will come back at a city where he can't even get money....

this why most of the people doesn't come

the weak only remain here in a small City

[back to the story]

In the back 2 year Yan only Did Caltivat nothing else he got in the small and start to

do weird things like Start to kiss the ground and loot up many others thing....

Yan Catch some fish an eat them thetly were delicious....then yan said to system tnx you system now i can finally able to make a realm small world it is very good....

System if host can update it one more time

Then You Can Even make suitable for animals to live in here.....

Yan said When i good the next mission i will update the small world

yan Said Then I Will temper my body with with peace now because there is fish i am not alone.

system now host need to temper his body in every thunder for 2 hour and the thunder lvl will increase the more temper Caltivation art lvl up the more Thunder lvl will lvl up

yan start to temper his body 2 hour for day

and other do other thing like caltivat for 8 hour a day soul caltivat for 2 and other like soul art for 3 hour a day....

Do Some Hunting....

Play In The small world catch fish....

like That He Start Lvl To earth realm Peak

He Will Step dao mid stage in 1 year then he will join the Tonament but before he could join..... his sis got taken by cold immortal place

Yan Didn't Blame cold immortal place because they were helping mei but they took mei with force this why yan was angry

Yan couldn't do anything he couldn't set his focus on Caltivation.....

Yan was Like Dead fish....

[System said Host have make his will stong

if host lost in his mind and can't Caltivat then how can can hosts bring his sister...]

Yan said System did You know What the woman was Talking about mei...

[System the woman was talking about special body mei host sister had a special body of martial rank and it was cold heart phoenix body it a god stage special body this body if parson got with low martial this body can become more powerful....]

Didn't you say that if someone didn't have a body then they will make a body...

[System yes but if someone have a special Body then it can be upgrade with material

your sis got a very special body that only born million in one but host has a greater body then them and if someone try to see your body it will show a normal body like natural vien special body....]

can you tell me what is current high rank body in every realm poceeses

[System in every realm the heights body that has is a Tranfrom Stage.... after two stage everyone can be step in immortal..]

Yan said Means I Am The only One Who Has A God stage special body i think....

are any one in past had god stage special body

[System The Ancient God's could get a god stage body it is like a child play body because they could even get a 5th law page body's....]

i see so in front of the ancient good i have only a child special body i think then why didn't everyone had a ancient body....

[System They buil there special body body Themselves it they didn't sure that to anyone and even write in book or similar like book...]

I See Then What Happened If They Lost The Technique knowledge

[System they can't forget what they created because they had a art that can help them to remember everything like a like book where everyone save their technique.....and if even they forget the technique they could easily make a new one....]

What How Can That Possible..... I see so the technique work like a book huh what cool technique.... system why didn't you give me this technique....

[System already give that technique fast memorizing if host update that technique to 12rank Host can save anything memory related thing...]

Yan Said even System skill can update.... i see then i will update them...

Yan Got out of the depression from talking to system his mind refresh and now he is ready to give a fantastic adventure to you reader's....

Full status

Name: Qin Yan]

[Body Caltivation: Earth realm peak Stage]

[soul Caltivation: spiritual earth Realm peak stage]

[Hp: 62500]

[Strength: 87008]


[Qi: 123000]

[Special Body: vampire dragon purple black heart body..]

[ Body Talent: godly ]

[Body Caltivation Technique;Ancient Dragon Vampire secret Thunder Yang Ying heavenly body Caltivation ]

Mattering Stage: 8

[soul Caltivation Technique: Ancient dragon vampire universe Devouring Soul art ]

Mattering Stage:7

[system Technique]

[Fast memorizing ]

[Auto Healing]


[creation point: 00]

[Small world]

[lvl 2]

[Nameless Sword]

[lvl 0]

[Self Technique]

[Qin family Qi Breathing]

[Qin family Heaven sword Technique]

Mastering: lvl 10

[Shadow Wolf Foot Work Technique you]

mastering: lvl 10

Spiritual dragon soul devouring Art mastering stage :lvl 5

[Golden palm Art]

Mastering: 4

[Bloodline: cold moon vampire dragon]

[Bloodline Technique]

[Techniqe Rank: God stage because host martial art stage low the Technique lvl drop god to Heaven Stage]

[Dragon vampir transformation.. ] Mattering Stage:1

[Dragon Fast Foot step]

mastering Stage:3

[ Vampire sense]

Mastering stage :4

[ Dragon claw ]

Mastering Stage:5

[system note: To use Heaven Ranks technique Host have to be a Training Realm fist stage and can use freely when who reach Empire realm stage]

System what is the use of purple black heart...
