
Mister Night

[Warning Mature Content] -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Atalia Carter a foreigner in the country of South Korea studying law at the University of Korea carries the burden of her family's hopes and dreams. For the past 4 years she has been indebted to her studies. Her best friend Harin a cute but sassy girl Korean girl always tries to get her to go out. Her attempts usually fail until one night Atalia said yes. Harin warned her about Shiwoo but her warning fell on deaf ears as Atalia laid eyes on him. She fell for him despite her efforts not to and she ending up sleeping with him after a drunk night out. To her disappointment Shiwoo was upset that he was her first and didn't want the responsibility for he had only set out with the intention just to play with her sweet chocolate body. Or so she thought....... She got pregnant with twins after that one night but never told him due to her petty ways and fair of being rejected. She graduated and lost contact with Harin for the relationship had become strain due to her history with the said play boy Shiwoo. 3 years later Atalia had found her self to be the CEO and self made millionaire of the infamoust Law firm that was popularly known for its ruthless lawyer. She had found herself with the biggest case of her life to represent the son of a billionaire CEOs son court but what she and the world doesn't know is that Kim's incorporated is just a show to distract the world as to what really happens behind the closed doors of the Kim house. Things are never as easy as they seem. The client turns out to be her Shiwoo of the past but also not her Shiwoo of the past. He was the same yet different. He was dangerous and deep in the Illegal trade, gun violence and the Mafia? Was Shiwoo's sudden appearance all a plan or was it just fate? Can they both handle things as adults without opening new wounds? Will she tell him of his kids and will old flames reignite? Will being together put not only Atalia's but her kids' lives in danger? Will all of this be too much for poor Atalia to handle? Will the kids accept their father with open arms and will Atalia finally get the happy ending which she had always dreamed of and deserves? ==================================== Find out in the chapters of Mister Night. The truth and mystery will be unraveled with every turn of the page *NB* Part 1- College senior Part 2- Single mother Part 3- All together All work of fiction. Any real life events and people resemblance are all of pure coincidence. Leave comments and give feedback if you like. You can also follow me on ig. Ig and discord are both on my profile. Thank you for giving my story a chance and happy reading. •||☆1st book of this series☆||•

Ceandra_Jackson · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
200 Chs

Not so good idea

We got out of taxi upon arriving to our apartment after paying. I stepped into the chilly air and my skirt was slightly lifted by the gentle breeze. It's a bummer I didn't get to party like I had hoped to.

That damn Shiwoo and his annoyingly cute gummy smile. I could use not enjoying my night to the fullest as an excuse to get to see him again I thought. At least then Harin won't be suspicious.

"No" I said desperately trying to erase these foolish thoughts.

"Huh? What did I do?" asked Harin genuinely confused.

I chuckled sheepishly, "Oh nothing," "I was just talking to my self" I self smiling.

She eyed me suspiciously but decided not to press any further.

We entered the elevator to our floor and I stepped aside to let her open the door.

"We're home" I yeld into the empty apartment as we walked through the front door.

"Be quite it's almost midnight" shushed Harin, "No wonder why our neighbors hate us"

"Their loss," I replied, "We are extraordinary one of a kind spectacular" I said yawning.

"Aww is baby bear tired?" said Harin in a cute voice as if I am a child patting my head even though she knows I hate it.

"Yes unnie so carry me to bed" I said trust falling out of spite into her arms.

"Oooff" she said as I collided with her chest.

"You weigh as much as an elephant" she said straining to get me back on my feet.

"I know I know. A cute sexy and lovely elephant. The elephant of your dreams" I said winking.

"Whatever" she yawned as she retreated to her room closing the door behind her.

"Leaving so soon. The party has just begun" I yelled.

"Shut up and go to sleep before I kill you" she threatened

I scoffed and went into my room and prepared for bed.

That night I kept twisting and turning thinking of Shiwoo involuntarily. He was the most beautiful man I have ever laid eyes on both here in Korea and back home in Jamaica but he just had to be the enemy. I sighed as I rolled over to the left side of the bed replaying the nights activities. I just Couldn't forget about the way he looked at me. His eyes seemed as if they were undressing me right then and there but that could just be my imagination. He probably does that to every girl. No need to feel special.

But I can't deny the intensity of his gaze and it has indented it's self into my memories. He was attracted to me as I was to him.

No snap out of it. He's bad news. He only does one night stands and wants to get in your pants.

But his soft pink lips as he licked them has me imagining what it would feel like on the soft sensitive spot on my neck and maybe at the center of me chest. Just to have a taste of his luscious full lips-

"No" I said out loud willing the heat and tingly feeling between my legs to disappear.

I have never felt like this before even as a teen with raging hormones. I hate this feeling and yet love it at the same time. It felt exciting but so scary. I never knew why girls love bad guys in those films and books but I think I'm starting to understand. Its so dangerous I want it.

This is still the after effects of the frozen brain talking I'm pretty sure.

But there was something in the way his mouth moved as he rapped. The passion in his eyes and the delivery and his flow was captivating. He was so right yet so wrong.

"Why is it always the bad ones that look this good and get your heart pumping?" I sighed out of frustration turning to my right to check the time on the night stand clock.

12:00 am it read.

I sighed as I forced myself to sleep. All I could see when I closed my eyes were his gummy smile and pinkish lips.

This is driving me crazy.

A crazy thought popped into my head to search for his Instagram account and send him a message. Grabbing my phone I opened the app and closed it immediately. I slid my phone under my pillow to stop myself from making a mistake.

5 minutes later I slid the phone out and reopened the app. I quickly typed his name before the angel appeared on my shoulder. There were a lot of accounts which matched the username but luckily I found the right one. I don't know what I was hoping to see.

It was just pictures of him rapping and some of him with girls. I rolled my eyes feeling a light pang in my chest as I looked at his hand placement on one of the girls. Hating this jealous feeling I scrolled too hard and ended up double tapping a photo.

"Shit" I said unliking the photo and allowing the phone the phone to fall to the mattress. I buried my head into the pillow and let out a silent scream as to not wake Harin. Oh no now he's going to think that I was stalking him and that I might like him.

"Fuck" I said aloud as I turned to lay on my back. Yup I've just sealed my doom.

I checked the time on the clock again and this time it was as half past twelve.

I tried coming up with believable excuses Incase he asked about it but came up with nothing good enough. I give up, I thought falling back onto my bed for I was standing and pacing on the bed while thinking.

I decided to just force myself to sleep for Saturday is going to be a busy day. Although Harin offered to do the chores I know better than to depend on her for she is quite lazy and she just said that to convince me.

Sometimes I forget who is the older sister (Unnie) I just hope he doesn't see it or I'll jump off a cliff I thought as I welcomed sleep's warm embrace.

Do you like the story so far? If so then you should check out Hot Coffee which is the second book in this series.

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