
Chapter 12-A boring birthday

Kaisai checked his phone and saw that it's sir's birthday today is so he turned around. (I'm going to go get a present for sir real quick Hiroka. Do you mind guarding while I'm gone?).said Kaisai

(Sure I don't mind but what will you do if Lucifen-sama comes to visit Yuuto?)said Hiroka

(Just tell him that I went to bathroom or I'm preparing a meal for sir Hiro).said Kaisai

(Alright Kai. I'll tell Lucifen-sama that if he comes down here).said Hiroka

Kaisai said thank you to Hiroka then he went upstairs and walked towards the door that leads outside. After kai got outside he went to his car and went to buy a present.

When Hiroka saw Kai leave he wondered why Lucifen-same didn't come yet maybe he's buying Yuuto a present. Twenty minutes later kaisai came back and left a present inside of Yuutos room then they went back to guarding it.

Inside the room~~~~~

When Yuuto closed the white door he saw the front door close and that there was something on the ground. So Yuuto walked to it and picked it up then he went to his bed and set the box on the bed.

I wonder if Tomura did this for me but, he would've showed up with a lot more presents.thought Yuuto

Yuuto opened the present and saw it was a new notebook and it had some pencils. Yuuto smiled and thanked whoever had given this to him. Yuuto grabbed the notebook and pencils then he had walked to his desk and put them with his other notebooks and writing supplies.

Why am I so worried about Tomura visiting me today. It's not like he died or else Kai and Hiro would've informed me about that.thought Yuuto

I'll go organize the bathroom at least I'll have something to keep my mind busy today.thought Yuuto

Before Yuuto started walking towards the bathroom the front door opened and Tomura came in the room and walked towards Yuuto.

(Is something wrong little brother why did you seem sad for a moment?. Wait were you worried about me I already told you nothing will ever keep me from visiting you little brother). Said Tomura

(Ah r-right how could I have forgotten about that).said Yuuto who was looking down at the ground.

Tomura grabbed Yuuto and pulled him into a hug. Yuuto didn't even flinch when Tomura touches him anymore. He thought about fighting back but he realized what's the point he will just make me tired And then he will use that to his advantage.

Tomura let go of Yuuto and said(Happy nineteenth birthday little brother. What do you want to eat for today?)

(Um how about lobster is that okay?) said Yuuto

(Sounds good little brother I'll go get it for us now). Said Tomura as he teleported out the room.

When Yuuto saw Tomura teleported out he went to his desk and sat with his head down. Then Yuuto started to think about why Tomura had teleported out.

Twenty minutes later~~~~

Yuuto heard the door open and he saw Tomura with the food and then he felt a hand on him. Yuuto didn't feel like fighting it. He picked his head up and saw that the food was in front of him then he started eating it. After Yuuto and Tomura finished eating Tomura brought Yuuto some ice cream for dessert.

(I have a meeting around when dinner time is so I won't be able to have dinner with you but, I can always ask a staff member to be here.)said Tomura

(No i'm fine Tomura. You don't need to do that).said Yuuto

(Alright now let's have some ice cream).said Tomura

After the two of them were done with dessert Tomura said he had to prepare for his meeting but he did say that he'll come back after it's over and he and Yuuto and spend some time together if he's not asleep. Yuuto said that he'll try not to fall asleep. Tomura stood up and gave Yuuto another hug then he walked towards the door and left.

Yuuto watched him leave and did not want Tomura to visit him in the middle of the night. So he decided to organize the bathroom since Tomura came to see him when he was about to start. Then he walked to the bathroom and started to organize it. After that was finally over Yuuto tried to walk to his bed then he fell asleep.


That meeting was a total waste of my precious time. And the business deal was a complete disaster at least I managed to sue their company.thought Tomura as he walked towards Yuutos room

It's a shame that only one life ended in that place.

Tomura came down the stairs and went to Yuutos room. When he entered it he walked towards the bed and saw his little brother sleeping which he thought that Yuuto looked peaceful when sleeping and not like he wants to fight him.

Maybe tomorrow will be a nice day.thought Tomura

So Tomura got into Yuutos bed and grabbed Yuuto gently then he quickly fell asleep.