
Chapter 13-Insanity

I feel like I'm going insane. I know I've been in here since I was seventeen because Tomura brings cakes on my birthday so I count how many and he brought me two cakes.

I can't remember how I got in this place. All I remember is something was in my mouth then I woke up in the bed and he was sitting next to me reading a book. I can't even escape this room all I see is four walls around me and it feels like I'm trapped in a cage with no escape.

It's all because of TOMURA he trapped me in this room. Yuuto can only leave this room only for therapy and when he have doctor's appointments. Yuuto even get his food delivered here by one of Tomuras staff but he is on an hunger strike because his food has drugs in it. Tomura already knows how bad Yuutos health is but he still drugs his food.

Yuuto hasn't had the energy to do anything recently. But he still goes to his therapy sessions and that helps him get through this. All Yuuto wants to do is just lay in bed and not move. Even Tomura is starting to get worried about Yuuto so he tries to visit him but, he has a lot of meetings and is very busy.

I would rather live in shadow haunt with Uncle Darkar then be in this place with Tomura.

Yuuto is sitting on his bed and going over his thoughts. I wonder if Tomura will ever let me leave this place but, he tells me that if I want to leave all I have to do is join him.thought Yuuto

I know I got in this place when I was seventeen and it's been two years I'm now nineteen. Part of me wishes that everything could go back to how it used to but, I wanted independence and Tomura still wants me to rely on him for everything. Then we had that argument and everything went downhill from there.


Yuuto laid down on the bed then he heard the door open and he saw a worker come in and delivered the food then the worker left.

I won't be surprised if one day I go insane and snap at Tomura. I can already feel my sanity slipping away from me. This place is like hell I know he is already torturing me by putting me in social isolation snd he's trying to break me mentally.

I will never give into him no matter what Tomura does to me.thought Yuuto

There's been a thought in my mind for a while now. And I've thought why not just end myself. If Tomura wants to keep my prisoner in this room I wonder what he'll think if he sees my dead body in this room. If I do it I'll finally get out from this nightmare but, my family is still alive and I can't imagine how they would react to me being dead.

Yuuto then turned on his side and was about to close his eyes when he heard the door open and he immediately turned around and got up. He saw Tomura go straight towards him. Yuuto thought about what he could use as a weapon on the desk against him but, before he could react Tomura grabbed him and pulled him into a hug. Yuuto didn't even flinch but he started getting angry towards Tomura and he started to try and get away from him then Tomura let him go.

(Yuuto what is your problem you usually don't fight me when we hug). Said Tomura who was staring at Yuuto.

(What is my problem I'll tell you what it is. ITS ME BEING TRAPPED IN THIS ROOM!) screamed Yuuto who looked at Tomura.

Before Tomura could even speak Yuuto then began screaming at Tomura.


Yuuto was still screaming and Tomura started yelling. It was just like their argument when Yuuto was seventeen.

The two of them were still yelling at each other when Tomura used a power on Yuuto and all Yuuto felt the next moment was pain. He began screaming and coughing a lot. Then he started crying and begged for Tomura to stop using his power on him and that it felt like he was torturing him without stopping once.

When Tomura stopped Yuuto fell on the ground and couldn't cough anymore he felt something in his mouth and realized blood was starting to come out of him and thought that the power was cutting him. Then he started to lose consciousness the last Yuuto felt before he blacked out was arms picking him up then he lost consciousness.

Five days later~~~

When Yuuto blinked his vision started getting clear and his throat was hurting a lot. He felt bandages were on all over him. He felt a mask on his face and didn't even move his head to see who was next to him because everything in his body was in pain. He could already tell it was Tomura.

Yuuto just closed his eyes because he didn't want to see Tomura he felt him holding his hand. Yuuto could tell IVs were in his arms. The two of them didn't talk until one of them said something.

(I didn't realize what that power would do to you little brother. I didn't mean to hurt you that bad to the point where blood was coming from out your body and mouth. I brought you to the hospital if that's what you're wondering where we are at right now.)said Tomura who was looking at Yuuto

(Don't try speaking until your throat is better little brother. The doctors were worried about you not waking up but, at least you finally woke up.) said Tomura

Yuuto stared at Tomura then he looked down and felt tears in his eyes. Yuuto knew he was crying when he felt Tomuras hand wiping them away. When Yuuto stopped crying he tried to say that he was sorry but his throat was hurting again.

Tomura said that it was okay and that they could get could get better after this little accident of there's. But Yuuto would never forgive Tomura for what he did to him. Tomura said he couldn't cancel his next meeting as it was very important but that he said that when he comes back he will bring Yuuto things from the trip and will be visiting Yuuto a lot more often after Yuuto gets released from the hospital.

Yuuto watched as Tomura left the room and wondered what his meeting would be about. Then Yuuto fell asleep.