
Missing Piece: \\ An LGBTQ One Piece Story

"Are you still in denial?" His words sent a soft minty breath across Zoro's lips and he leaned in more. His lips was right there, his blue eyes looking up at the green haired samurai seductively. Zoro gulped." I'm not gay" he said sharply. Zoro had only ever had his swords and crew mates and that was more than enough for him. He didn't know what love was or how it felt like nor did he expect to feel it in a long run, until unexpected events happen to make him come across with the most beautiful man he has ever laid his eyes on. Zoro is straight......or at least he thinks he is. And then there is Draco Mahawk, the man who was supposed to be his enemy. Will Zoro be the same again? "I-I like you, Sanji. I don't know if this is reciprocal but I just..... I just really needed to-" Sanji kissed him........... The brown haired boy smiled against Sanji 's soft lips and melted more into the kiss. It was his first............. Sanji had spent his life cooking unacceptable food and serving people for all his life, he didn't expect that bundle of joy to come into his restaurant with his crew for a meal. He didn't expect to join them the next day, nor did he expect to fall deeply in love with the captain of the Straw Hats.

Kuro_Joo99 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs

Chapter Three

Luffy awoke to the distant sound of waves clashing against each other. The atmosphere was cold and damp and the ship rocked in a slow gentle rhythm indicating the approaching storm coming towards the north of the east blue in a few days. He didn't like it one bit. Don't get him wrong, there was nothing he loved more than sailing, even if he hardly did any of the sailing on deck, but executing night watch with a  storm over your head wasn't a great experience.

He pushed his red covers away from his legs and placed his feet to the ground, finally leaving the comforting warmth of the bed. He wore a carton brown leather slippers to protect his feet from the cold floor, blue night shorts and his favorite red cloth left unbuttoned.

He'd only eaten rice balls and rice puffs yesterday at the bar, Sanji was yet to make any food judging by how empty their cabinets were and when their order was going to be delivered. He was starving, his poor stomache rumbling along with him.

Almost half asleep, Luffy groggily bounded towards the kitchen with a dull and irritated look on his face. He needed food and he needed it now.

Before he'd reached the kitchen, however, the scent of food hit his nostrils, followed by the gentle clanking and clinking of kitchen utensils. A huge smile spread across his face, there was only one person who could be awake by the early hour making food. Sanji! And he was right. In the kitchen, in the midst of food items was Sanji, skillfully chopping some cabbages as quietly as he could.

Sanji hadn't noticed Luffy's presence yet, which was understandable because he was literally backing the shorter tanned skin male and so engrossed in his cooking to sense Luffy's aura.

Luffy let his eyes trail down the strong body of the blonde cook. He was currently wearing an untucked white shirt and black pants without shoes. Luffy wondered if his feet got cold. His hair was a bit messy, probably from having combing his hand through it repeatedly.

The first time he met him was at that ship restaurant on the sea. He was their waitress for the night, yet he looked like he didn't want to be. He had a bored look on his face, and his voice was irritated and annoyed. Luffy noticed him, of course he would, he was handsome. But he didn't think anything of that yet. Sanji saw Nami and fell in love. Or so the crew thought, but now.....

Luffy's stomach grumbled loudly giving away his presence. Sanji's chopping came to a halt, a small husky chuckle leaving him." I know that sound." He hummed turning to face Luffy.

He studied the shorter male in front of him, his wide eyes stared back at Sanji like a child who got caught stealing from the cookies jar. His black hair was tousled in a cute way, an embarrassed blush adorning his cheeks and a weary smile on his lips. Luffy's morning look. If Luffy was Sanji's, he'd ravish him on the spot and make him feel beautiful, but he wasn't. He had to hold himself back if he didn't want to chase Luffy away with his forwardness. Which meant saying no to his little Sanji junior twitching in excitement.

"Good morning to you, little captain." Sanji smirked, leaning against the cabinet and crossing his arms above his strong chest.

Luffy gulped staring at the hottie in front of him. Sanji's shirt was unbuttoned down to the last and hanging open to show the world the view of his defined stomache muscle. His trousers was missing a belt, so it hung a bit low on his waist, showing half of his sculptured v-line. His ears went red along with his face." Uh, i-im, u-uh g-good m-morning."

Sanji smirked at his adorable stuttering.

"What are you doing awake?" He asked Sanji, his toes unconsciously curling.

Sanji rose an obvious blonde brow." Cooking of course, I couldn't sleep, a bit restless, and I remembered I got some ingredients for breakfast this morning. I decided to make some and store instead of having to watch you all eat those horrible rice balls again, I figured you'd all be hungry. And I stand corrected, your stomach seems to agree with me."

" Ah, well, I am sincerely hungry. "Luffy tittered tapping his slim belly and trying to look at anywhere else but Sanji's sculptured chest.

"What are you doing up, is it because you are hungry?" Sanji asked facing away and going back to cooking

Luffy let out a sigh of relief that his chest was out of sight from his innocent eyes." Partially correct." He declared slipping into one of the dining chairs and watching Sanji work his magic on the food.

"What? Bad dream?" Sanji polled further.

Luffy gave a shrug even if Sanji couldn't quite see it due to his position." You can say that."

"Wanna talk about it?"

Luffy pursed his lips, the image of his nightmare flashing through his head again. He inwardly disagreed, looking down at his hands. He didn't really want to talk about it, the content of his dreams was really sensitive to him. It's one of the days he never wants to remember, one of the days his guilt won't let him live off." Not really."

"Are you sure? Talking about it helps." Sanji urged gently, walking out of the kitchen with a plate in his hand and dropping it on the dinning table in front of Luffy.

Luffy's eyes met the plate of eggs and expertly sliced bread with slices of cabbages at the side. His eyes widened and heart warmed. Sanji made him breakfast, yes Sanji makes everyone breakfast but he didn't expect Sanji to abandon his cooking and make him something to eat. He didn't even notice Sanji doing so.

Luffy looked up to meet Sanji's smiling face. Before Luffy could open his mouth to thank him for his effort, Sanji placed a finger to his lips, shutting him off." Don't worry about it, you get hungry easily and plus it wasn't much of an effort. If you won't tell me about your dream, might as well occupy that cute mouth of yours."

Cute! Sanji called me cute! Luffy thought as he watched Sanji walk back to the kitchen. His face burned from Sanji's little touch, mind almost in cloud nine. He called my mouth cute! Luffy thought as he rose his fingers to press softly in his lips.

Luffy's eyes went to stare at Sanji's back for some seconds, a small bashful smile staining his lips. He wanted to return the favor so as fast as he could he gulped down his food and skipped to the sink to drop the plate in.

"Already?" Sanji rose a brow, then tsked." Oh, right yes, how could I forget."

"It's not that bad," he pouted his lips, feigning dislike. Sanji regarded them him with a look of disbelief." Okay maybe it's a bit wierd, however, I rushed so I could help you a little."

Now Sanji fully turned to assess the shorter male and let his words sink into his brain. Sanji scrutinized the smiling face of Luffy that sometimes hardly gave anything away. Luffy hardly ever joked around, whatever he said with a smile it was always of pure solemnity. Sanji didn't know how to respond to this. Luffy had never offered to help, not like he would be of much help around a kitchen either. Sanji was the only one of the Straw Hat pirates who knew how to cook a decent meal. The only person that could at least handle herself with frying an egg was Nami. And that was about the extent of her culinary skills.

For Luffy however, the blonde Frenchman wasn't even sure he could boil a pot of water much less chop vegetables without slicing his entire finger off in the process. And blood in a kitchen where food was made Sanji feel despised.

He liked cooking alone, when he was with his wits and nothing distracted him from trying to make the exact food pictured in his mind. For someone else to offer they're help is like disfiguring that picture

They might cut the carrots to long, or the potatoes to slim, or the vegetables to small. He wanted a picture perfect food afterwards, not something he would describe out of a nightmare.

"Help me, you say. As in, help me with cooking?." Sanji questioned staring over at him uneasily.

" Of course, what can I do to help." Luffy nodded

"How about nothing, thank you I'm fine on my own." Sanji let out a chuckle and scoff going back to chopping the remaining cabbages.

"Oh come on, Sanji, you never let anyone help you. It's all, guys the food is ready, guys I need the ingredients for this and that, guys we're out of this and that, guys-"

" That's because none of you know your way around a kitchen. I don't think you even have a culinary skills, Luffy. And I think I'd rather take Nami up on that offer instead."

"You wound me.Oh, come one. It can be something little, like peel some potatoes or something."

" I'm making soup." Sanji blanched.

" Then how about cutting up some tomatoes then."

Sanji froze and turned to gape at Luffy in disbelief." Who adds tomatoes to soups."

" Oh"Luffy murmured a slight blush staining his cheeks.

The blonde Frenchman sighed and went back to his work. Luffy cooking? Not happening in my kitchen. Sanji thought. He liked Luffy, but bringing him into the kitchen was something he'd never thought of ever allowing. Not in his kitchen.

"Come on please," Luffy nagged with a cute pout, walking over to his side and tugging at his white shirt.

With a groan of annoyance, Sanji dropped the knife and turned to the boy. Luffy eyes widened a bit before going back to it's normal size when theirs bare chest almost touched." Why the sudden offer, you always liked the product of cooking not the process."

"I just want to help." Luffy moved closer, staring up at him with puffy dog eyes through his long, cute lashes. Sanji stared down at this boy, there was only a little gap between them, and there was nothing stopping Sanji from leaning in and claiming his lips. He really wanted to do it, but he wasn't sure if Luffy was even gay.

Plus, if he was to kiss Luffy now, looking all cute and willing in those shorts, this would be more than just two lips coming together for sometime.

He groaned both in annoyance and sexual frustration, pulling away from the sexy piece of meat." Come here" Sanji commanded gesturing for Luffy to follow. With a triumphant smile, he skipped over to the other side of the kitchen where Sanji was placing onions on a chopping board for him." You can start by chopping the onion, not to big of a size, moderate is fine. That should be easy right?"

"Of course." He smiled and grabbed the knife from Sanji's extended hand and went about his work. Sanji just hoped that he wouldn't cut himself.

Well, Luffy didn't exactly cut himself, but then there was a cry from his end. His eyes were watering and cheeks were turning pink. A smirk curved on Sanji's lips, it happens when chopping onions.

"Ah, Sanji, what is this thing my eyes hurt." He squealed, dropping his knife with a clang and raising his hands up to rub at his eyes.

"Wait no don't do that. For heaven's sake!" Sanji exclaimed rushing over to Luffy and pulling his hand away from his eyes.

"Ah, it hurts what the hell is wrong with that onion!"

"It's the acid and it's normal. There nothing wrong with it, it's just you."

"How am I the problem?" Luffy whined blindly letting Sanji pull him towards the sink.

"Onions have an acid that cleans the dirt from the eye. It hurts of course, just like any wound would when you try to clean it. So your eyes are pretty much dirty." Sanji explained quietly soaking a rag with cold water and using it to clean Luffy's eyes." You'll be fine when I'm done."

Luffy sniffed, nose red." Does this happen to you?"

"I cook, what do you expect."

" But don't you hate it? "

Sanji paused and looked at Luffy for a while with a smile on his face. Sensing that Sanji wasn't moving his hands anymore he opened up his eyes a bit to peer at Sanji who was shaking his head." No, I don't hate It. On the contrary it makes me feel more alive, like I'm cooking the food well."

Luffy blanched, he should have known." Ah, right, forget I asked."

"Are your eyes okay now?" Sanji asked moving closer to wipe at the bottom of his eyes.

" S-still s-stings a b-bit but otherwise i-it's quite fine w-with me." Luffy stuttered silently, holding his breath when he noticed how close they were. In order to look closely into Luffy's irritated eyes to  check it up Sanji had to move quite closer. Their chest were so close to touching and Luffy swore that his face had never been so red before.

With a husky sigh, Sanji discarded the rag still not making an attempt to move away from Luffy." So will you sit down and let me do my work now?"

He nodded quickly to his question. Sanji hadn't even touched him yet and he felt like he was on cloud nine. He didn't know if Sanji was just pretending not to notice or just plain oblivious, either way Sanji didn't make any acknowledgment and to that Luffy was grateful.

"Splendid, now if you would excuse me." Sanji smiled placing his hands on Luffy's slim waist and pulling him away from the onion.

It took everything in Luffy to stop from flinching. He stared at Sanji who was now chopping the onion like it was nothing, the blonde man really was too much for him.

"Is that breakfast I see you making?" Usopp's voice said as he walked into the kitchen half asleep. His eyes were half closed with bags under them, he looked completely worn out. No one could blame him anyway, he'd spent hours fixing up Thousand Sunny.

"Yeah, just some soup you can eat with bread." Sanji announced.

"Thank God." He replied, sitting on the couch on the dining room." I feel like if I eat rice balls again I will choke."

Sanji scoffed." I feel like if I see the normal dish of white rice balls again I will puke. No rice for a month."

" With Zoro here? Keep telling yourself that." Usopp snorted.

"I'll get going to my room and try to catch up on some sleep." Luffy suddenly said quietly leaving quickly.

Sanji stared after his retreating figure, a smile on his face. He loved teasing Luffy, and he planned to never stop.


PS: This story is very altered. There are so many things that I made up to fit my idea of one piece. You may not like it but if you don't please kindly leave and refrain from hate comments. Your words will affect this story. I like positivity so try to be positive if there will ever be any comments here.

For those of you who have gone this far with me, thank you all. Getting an ample amount of readers on Webnovel had been the most challenging thing in writing on this app. My view aren't much but I can tell that as I continue it'll increase gradually. And please, vote and comment. It'll mean a lot. I'll like to be friends with my readers, and have an author reader relationship if it's okay.

Back to the alterations to one piece, number one, I'm not exactly sure how Mock Town is in vivid detail, if it had rare spices or women's shop or brothels, but I made it in a sense into that way. And as for the  bedrooms on thousand sunny, in the anime they are the men's quarters and the female one too, however I divided it to give them a piece to explain their personalities from the look of their personal rooms.

Bye now and don't forget to hit that star button, follow me and comment. Bye now.

Oh, and I also made a huge alteration with the story. It's also going to be a bxbxb with Zoro and two other males, guess in the comments? If there will be any, I'm sure all of you readers already know one. Heheheheheh.