
Missing Piece: \\ An LGBTQ One Piece Story

"Are you still in denial?" His words sent a soft minty breath across Zoro's lips and he leaned in more. His lips was right there, his blue eyes looking up at the green haired samurai seductively. Zoro gulped." I'm not gay" he said sharply. Zoro had only ever had his swords and crew mates and that was more than enough for him. He didn't know what love was or how it felt like nor did he expect to feel it in a long run, until unexpected events happen to make him come across with the most beautiful man he has ever laid his eyes on. Zoro is straight......or at least he thinks he is. And then there is Draco Mahawk, the man who was supposed to be his enemy. Will Zoro be the same again? "I-I like you, Sanji. I don't know if this is reciprocal but I just..... I just really needed to-" Sanji kissed him........... The brown haired boy smiled against Sanji 's soft lips and melted more into the kiss. It was his first............. Sanji had spent his life cooking unacceptable food and serving people for all his life, he didn't expect that bundle of joy to come into his restaurant with his crew for a meal. He didn't expect to join them the next day, nor did he expect to fall deeply in love with the captain of the Straw Hats.

kuro_joo99 · Cómic
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18 Chs

Chapter Eleven

As late as it was into the dark night, the white ghost began to commerce her sneaking in operation into the Thousand Sunny. She'd managed to stealthily tail them through the morning and noon till nightfall. And there the ship was, moving slowly on the water against the evening waves.

The cool breeze blew at her hair as she paddled the rowboat closer to the thousand sunny. The atmosphere was quite chilly and the wind began to pick up. The loud thunder and white lightening that slashed across the sky interpreted the indication of coming rainstorm. That wasn't good, the white ghost happened to dislike rainstorms when at sea. Beside her, was Hime, her pet tiger looking up at the sky.

Getting onto the deck of the ship was as easy as pie. A couple of ropes were hanging down to the waters and tied along with some fishing nets probably to get fishes for food. The white ghost grabbed onto it the moment the rowboat collided quietly with the ships body and pulled her hood and mask on.

At the far end her eyes caught a huge hole made by the cannon that Abura had fired off earlier. A wince left her lips. That has gotta have a lot of Berry spent to fix it.

Beside her, her rare Taimat tiger growled lowly as the wind blew at her snow white fur. She sniffed the wood of the ship and whined licking her nose.

"I know, he's up there. Would you be able to make it up by yourself?" The white ghost asked rubbing her fluffy ears. The tiger grunted sitting back on the boat. Smiling the white ghost turned back to the ship to continue the attempt to climb.

Heaving herself up she climbed up the rope easily and jumped into the deck. It didn't also look so good. A pole that held on to one of the sails were broken, the deck floors had holes on it and some of the grasses we're all mushed in a way. There were signs of cannonball fire everywhere and a spot had black blood staining the floor board.

The white ghost grimanced. That looked familiar. As the white ghost walked closer, she could see a kind of blueish green tint to the dried black blood. She was correct, the green haired fella was really hurt by the monster. She needed to act quickly, if he wasn't dead already.

The white ghost pulled out a test tube from the black satchel bag hung around shoulder and used a cotton wool to rub some off the deck before putting it into the test tube and covering it with the brown cork. Experiments conducted helped to increase her knowledge of the monster, more knowledge than her father had in his days. So samples were important from every living victim struck by the monster.

When she got up, she felt the air behind her shift and a sharp sound of metal cutting through the air passes her ear. With those amazing reflex, she ducked a split second instantly just as the sword slashed above her.

Rising up those blue eyes to stare at the intruder, the green eyes of Roronoa Zoro glared back at her.

His hair was messy like he just got out of bed. He was on a green kimino that was off his torso and hung at his waist. His entire torso was covered in bandages, and at his chest was a patch of black blood that soaked through.

The white ghost eyes narrowed. That must be were he was struck. It was a miracle he was still alive. But he didn't look so good.

He was as pale as white paper, beads of sweat ran down his face, his breaths came out heavy and rasped and his lips and hands trembled.

"I had a feeling you were up to no good the moment I laid my eyes on you." He growled out loudly taking a weak swing towards the white ghost again.

The white ghost dodged smoothly rolling out of the way. He was slow, too slow and it was bad. He was already at the fourth stage of poisoning and if he kept using his strength he wouldn't survive the next ten minutes much less the extraction process.

"The white ghost, and assassin" he yelled throwing his sword at the white ghost. She dodged jumping to the left  and just observing him carefully." What, did the Marines send you? Or are here to kill us and get the loot for yourself. Well I won't let you."

"Stop moving, you're shortening your life span."

Zoro froze the moment the sound of the white ghost registered in his brain. Soft yet strong, feminine yet masculine, light yet deep he could choose one. From under her black hood her blue eyes glinted in the moon light." So she speaks!" He exclaimed unsheathing another sword and swinging it her.

"Enough, you're killing yourself!" The white ghost cried as she moved out of the way of his strike again.

"Goddammit!" He grunted falling to one knee as his vision spinned and bile rose in his throat." Stop moving you snake."

A deep growl of an animal made him jolt. His eyes immediately whipped around to the side the white ghost had jumped in from only to find a white tiger also jumping into the deck with it's long canines baring at Zoro. The door to the deck opened up and the rest of the Straw Hat pirates climbed out to check what was making that much noise above deck at sleeping hour.

"What's the commotion her-" Nami started but froze at the sight of what was transpiring.

"The white ghost?" Luffy gasped!

"Holy shit is that a tiger?" Usopp cried getting behind Sanji.

"What the hell is going on here?" He gritted his teeth glaring at the situation before him. Zoro on his knees with his sword drawn, a white tiger most possibly belonging to the white ghost and the white ghost herself. It only meant one thing.

Sanji pulled out his gun with a sneer on his face. He normally didn't use them but did when not dealing with a close combat fight. " What the hell did you do with Zoro!"

"Nothing!" The white ghost screamed.

"Cool, she talked!" Luffy cheered

" This isn't the time for a cheering Luffy." Sanji grunted aiming the gun straight at the White Ghost head." And you, I think you a lot of explaining to do on why the hell you are on our ship!"

"Did someone tip you off?" Usopp added grimacing and finally pulling out his gun and aiming at the white ghost too." Did the Marines offer you a large sum from the bounty berry if you catch us?"

"I don't even roll with officials! And I didn't do anything to Roronoa Zoro." The white ghost said trying to reason with them." Trust me I didn't come to fight, nor did I come to murder any of you for money I know better than that!"

"Do you really! You are an assassin!" Nami screamed lunging at the assassin. She took a heavy swing to the flank but the assassin took a back flip landing closer to the edge of the ship beside her tiger, completely missing the attack ." What else would a silent killer like you be doing on an infamous ship in the middle of the night and in the middle of nowhere, if not to kill us all!"

"Fuck this I came here to help! Okay? I came here to help!" The white ghost cried.

"Help who!" Nami countered pointing her staff at her.

" I came here, risked my neck to help Zoro!" She said.

Nami froze narrowing her eyes at the white ghost, her heart thumping and brimming with unsure hope. Usopp let down his gun staring at her in confusion, Zoro stared at the assassin in disbelief.

"Don't kid me, bitch" Nami growled." Help Zoro with what exactly"

"Let me guess, it looked normal at first but the next day he looked as pale as a ghost. Temperature rose to a high degree but the temperature around the wound was as cold as ice." The white ghost begun to say standing straight." Weakness, fatigue, migraines, and black veins travelling from the cut to his heart?"

"Oh my God" Luffy gasped.

"Spot on...." Sanji muttered

"What the fuck....." Nami gasped too lowering her weapon and striding over to the assassin." How...how do you know that? Are you some psychic or...or some physician or something!"

"Hardly." The white ghost replied." I'm just a person who knows the Kuyutha well."

"The Kuyutha?" Usopp echoed, staring at her in confusion.

"The monster you fought, it is called an Kuyutha." The white ghost explained." Listen, as much as I would love to sit and explain this clearly to you we don't have much time. Look at your comrade, he doesn't have much time."

"You can fix him?" Luffy asked stepping in too, brown eyes looking up at her hopefully.

"Without a doubt, you just have to trust me."

"Fine words coming from a killer " Sanji sneered not giving in and dropping his weapon.

"Listen,if I wanted to kill you I wouldn't use the front door. Please just let me help!"

"What's in it for you, what's the catch, huh?. I'm sure you can't just help him without wanting something in return." Usopp asked craning his head to try to get a view of that steely blue eyes.

The white ghost sighed, craning her neck too, steely blue eyes almost visible under her hood." You got me, I do want collateral in return. But if I attempt to discuss the cost for my help I'm afraid Roronoa Zoro won't make it. The poison has already reached stage four so I'm afraid your friend will die if I don't begin now."

"It's your call Nami, whatever you say we'll listen to you." Sanji said to her lowering his gun and staring straight at the white ghost warily." But you best make it quick."

"Nami, please." Luffy whispered to her, peering at her through pleading eyes.

"Alright".Nami waisted no time in agreeing. Putting her staff away she rushed over to Zoro side, who was still on the ground pressing his injury area in intense pain,  sweat dripping down his body and face pale with the sickness." But try anything funny and you'll die alongside Zoro ."

"Romantic, but I wouldn't dream of double crossing, after  we've got mutual interest included in this little doozie anyway." The white ghost nodded sharply smiling devilishly underneath the hood." I need him inside, we can't do it out here the air will contaminate the procedure and it would be over, I only have enough medicine for one person right now."

"Usopp, someone a little help here." Nami called placing Zoro's hand around her should.

"Right " usopp scrambled to help Nami also throwing his hand over his shoulder and easing him up gently. Zoro groaned in pain, face contorting in discomfort. Usopp patted his stomach in comfort." Hang on big guy, we are going to fix you."

"I need a sturdy surface to work on him, is there a place here like that?" The white ghost asked following them as they moved over to the door the led down the deck.

"We have a sick bay" Luffy added

"And risk working on a patient in a soft bed that can put someone to sleep and in an overly relaxed state? Hell no!" The white ghost chuckled." I need a hard and uncomfortable surface, if he falls a sleep it is game over. I need him awake for the procedure so we can know when things are going wrong."

"Oh" Luffy blanched, his heart wrenching as he thought how painful that would be for Zoro.

"You have a kitchen don't you, I need to use the counter." The white ghost offered.

Sanji stiffened biting his bottom lips. Nami shot him a pleading look knowing well enough that nothing goes on in Sanji's kitchen except him cooking, or cooking in general. The white ghost noticed his expression, the look on his face giving away his thoughts." You are the cook here right? Vinsmoke Sanji"

Sanji nodded opening the door for the pair carrying their injured comrade to walk through.

"Apologies in advance because it may get messy." She said.

Sanji waved her off" It's Zoro, anything for a teammate."

The white ghost nodded liking the determination in his voice and the care for his comrade. It was nostalgic, made her remember the days when she too was cared for and she cared for her comrades. But it wasn't time for reminiscing about the fallen past. She was here to save a life which to her meant abandoning all other thoughts and surrendering herself to making sure he makes it through the procedure alive.

After all she needed him. He was her collateral for her prize, and his life was worth more to her than his teammates thought.

He was her ticket to their cooperation.

Thanks a lot for giving me the courage to post yet another chapter Kaze, it meant a lot. Thanks for all the power stones I've been given from day one too. Kaze, This one is for you.

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