
Miss Wayne

Hi everyone, my name is Una Wayne. When I was little, I expected to have a lot of family. This wish came true after many twists and turns. I now have an old father, three older brothers, a housekeeper, and a younger brother who will appear at some point and doesn't seem to be easy to get along with. The family is harmonious as father and son, brothers and sisters respect each other, and they are all city vigilante superheroes. I am very touched. ...If I hadn't killed the clown wearing the shell of the boss of the evil force organization This is a translation of the original book. All credit goes to the author. Thank you The novel is completed.

Queen_world_1001 · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
123 Chs

Chapter 68

After a few days of calm, the news finally hit the Internet while Yuna was scooping ice cream and eating it as her real body.

She raised her eyebrows, bit her spoon and clicked on the entry.

[Penguin is suspected of losing his mind and has declared war with multiple organizations such as the Black Organization, Black Mask... and launched a war. The purpose may be to compete for dominance...]

[Penguin's men have broken into multiple power organizations and set off... ]

[The scope of the melee is currently small, but the Penguin has been expanding its power crazily, and the Black Mask has entered the scene]

[How should the black organization respond...]

[Gotham citizens' life-saving guide]

[One hundred survival tips, starting from the beginning It's wrong to die, from beginner to proficient]

It is indeed the worst case scenario.

Yuna thought that this was subtly similar to the Dragon Head War in Yokohama.

When I was working in a black organization, this kind of situation often happened, but it was rare on such a large scale.

As expected, the world of the Mafia is full of such nonsense.

There is a sad sense of proficiency in the back, and it seems that he has already gained experience.

She turned off her phone, lowered her eyes and continued to eat her ice cream quietly. In fact, her brain was spinning rapidly, going through all the current information and intelligence.

Black's side is proceeding in an orderly manner, and Yuna's identity is also very safe these days. Ever since she took a drop of the substance that speeds up the recovery, she hasn't felt particularly tired for nearly a week.

Even if she uses a ghost's body, she will feel tired. After all, she is not a pure ghost, and she often uses too much energy, which is too much for her brain. But now, even if she drives too much, she doesn't freeze up like a cassette, letting Batman notice the clues.

At most, I will be a little more tired and need to eat more sweets.

She originally had no interest in sweets, but life forcefully forced her to do so. And then, habits are really a terrible thing.

Maybe proper controls have to be put in place.

Bruce, Dick and Tim were visibly busy. After all, Dick was also a police officer in Bludhaven. This time, there would be linkage between the two cities - the forces in Bludhaven and Gotham. There are countless connections. Not to mention Bruce,

she rarely even saw his face these days, so she didn't know what she was planning.

And Tim - she had heard Tim walking around in the night more than once to make coffee.

007 is too miserable, too miserable.

...Although she seems to be in such misery herself.

Yuna sighed and stopped her brother who finally appeared and passed by her.

Tim's face was in a state of confusion, and he was not even in the mood to say anything. He turned his head slightly stiffly due to sleepiness: "?"

On his handsome face, the black circles under his eyes were so annoying and filled with soul.

... Yuna almost didn't know what he looked like without the dark circles under his eyes.

"You should go and rest first, brother. I don't think the situation is that serious so far. When I really need you, you fall ill. What will I do?" Tim was no longer sleepy when he mentioned this

. , his eyes that were about to squint opened slightly, revealing beautiful blue irises. When his eyes fell on her,

she didn't feel cold, but instead felt like she was being blown by a cool breeze in summer. .

... Did you deliberately restrain your gaze?

So sweet.

Yuna blinked: "Don't look at me like that. The news has already reported it. It seems that Penguin is really planning to make things worse this time." Of course, he may also be

angry because of her clever plan. , simply break the jar and smash it, and just be tough. After all, the Penguin didn't know her well, and thought that the black organization was still the same black organization that engaged in intelligence, so he could still try to fight if he had a trump card.

Tim rubbed his eyes, "No...I'm not talking about that. Nana, their fights between gangs usually like to involve some wealthy families." He opened his eyes completely and tried to let Yuna Realizing the seriousness of the matter, "This matter is not that simple, so Nana, you must be careful. In fact, Wayne Manor should not take it lightly." After all, Wayne Manor is not without

its experience of being breached .

"...Okay." Yuna replied.

Tim nodded: "I'm leaving first. If you need anything, call Ah Fu. He's very powerful."

Yuna smiled: "Okay, be careful on the road."

Watching Tim drive away, Yuna turned to Mr. Butler Doing sign language: "Are they

really okay? I always feel like I have to do something very dangerous.

" "They will be okay, please believe this, Miss Yuna." Afu smiled and rubbed her head: " I believe that the day when our family can be reunited and live a peaceful and happy life will soon come true, and it will definitely come true."

The young lady has come back, and Master Jason is not dead. The master and the others now have a cooperative relationship with the black organization, and the leader of the black organization has no ill intentions towards them. As long as the plan succeeds, the gangster, a major cancer that troubles the master every day, will almost be solved.

At times like this, Ah Fu always hopes that things will develop for the better. For this reason, he is willing to believe that the black organization is a trustworthy partner.

"Yes, I will."

Yuna nodded, placed her hand in Mr. Butler's palm, and moved unskilledly with her prosthetic limbs.

Even Yuna Wayne, who doesn't usually look at her phone, can receive this news. This shows how widespread this news is. Almost the entire Gotham City knows about it.

After all, this is related to their vital interests and life safety, and no one can sit idly by.

"The vast majority of people not only have no fear of being involved, but have even become extremely excited. The crime rate has skyrocketed in the past few days." Director Gordon said to Batman in front of him: "According to this situation, even if they are not planning to launch a war , it will take a long time for the chaos to subside."

The current situation in Gotham.

Batman said nothing.

"I'm afraid they still think this is a good opportunity." Gordon put down the document in his hand and said in a cold voice: "But they didn't consider that this is also a deadly death." "I will find a way.

" Bat Xia said in a deep voice, and the next moment Gordon turned around and disappeared.

Gordon sighed as he was accustomed to.

Batman went directly to the headquarters of the Black Organization.

When bullets came towards him, he dodged sideways and entered the chief's office

, smashing the glass all over the floor.

In front of the small table, the five-year-old girl first said "gin" in warning, then moved her eyes in his direction and smiled sweetly: "Mr. Batman, do you have any special attachment to my floor-to-ceiling windows?" "?"

She showed her little fangs: "You can also come up by taking the elevator over there,


Batman: "..."

Regardless of whether Batman heard it or not, Q changed the topic: "What did you find? ?"

"The mood of the citizens is very wrong." Batman said: "This is a big variable."

Originally, wars between leading forces could easily affect civilians, let alone in a city like Gotham, but now it seems This momentum is more like involving all the people.

This will definitely be a big blow to Gotham.

"I know this." Q nodded: "Are you talking about the skyrocketing crime rate? Well... let Dazai Osamu come up. I remember that this information seems to have been handed over by him." After she finished speaking to the

communicator Not long after, the black-haired young man walked out of the elevator.

"Ah, I'm so sleepy. Why do you want to disturb people's dreams like this, chief~"

The black-haired boy rubbed his kite-colored eyes and said in a long voice with a sleepy look on his face. The sweet voice sounded extremely touching.

Batman couldn't help but watch him carefully. This was the first time he saw Osamu Dazai in person.

This person's whereabouts are usually elusive, making it very difficult to investigate.

"Give me some respect." Gin said coldly, with murderous intent in his words.

q: "..." You are really dedicated, Gin.

As the only member of the black organization she now trusts, Gin naturally needs to know her arrangements, so he learned the information about Dazai Osamu and Stark from her early.

She didn't expect that Gin's acting skills would become even better, honed in Gotham.

The young man's raven-black hair swayed beautifully as he tilted his head: "The leader allows me to do this~ Don't be jealous."

Gin: "..."

"Stop, Don't argue, don't argue, we are all good friends." Q quickly smoothed things over and said to Osamu Dazai: "Please explain it to Batman." "

Ah... I understand." Osamu Dazai rubbed his cheeks and asked His facial expression was not stiff due to sleeping for too long, and he stood up straight, with a cold emotion in his iris-colored eyes.

"That group of people did get excited. Those who wanted to kill took advantage of this opportunity to commit murder quickly, those who wanted money thought it would be a waste if they didn't rob, so they robbed the bank, and the arsonist directly burned down the homeless gathering place." There was no trace of his voice. Emotion: "A bunch of trash, there is

no need for anyone to pay attention to it. I might as well throw myself into a river."

He crossed himself on his chest, but his expression showed no piety at all: "RIP the dead."

Batman He frowned, thinking that he had a good relationship with his daughter, and his frown deepened.

"So, do you have any response plan, Dazai?" Q asked.

"Is this it?" A gentle and faint smile appeared on the lips of the black organization's coordinator, his eyes were dark red and narrowed into a long and narrow shape.

There is a way.

Q blinked and said sweetly to Batman: "Bat, Dazai is like this. Normally we won't know about his... plan before he starts it, that is, he won't tell us. Of course. It's okay if you guessed it."

"Anyway, don't worry."

q smiled exactly like Osamu Dazai.

"Everything will be under control."