
Miss Wayne

Hi everyone, my name is Una Wayne. When I was little, I expected to have a lot of family. This wish came true after many twists and turns. I now have an old father, three older brothers, a housekeeper, and a younger brother who will appear at some point and doesn't seem to be easy to get along with. The family is harmonious as father and son, brothers and sisters respect each other, and they are all city vigilante superheroes. I am very touched. ...If I hadn't killed the clown wearing the shell of the boss of the evil force organization This is a translation of the original book. All credit goes to the author. Thank you The novel is completed.

Queen_world_1001 · Película
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123 Chs

Chapter 42

After Bruce went out, there were sounds of fighting outside. Although Tim wanted to help Bruce, he knew that staying here at this moment was the best choice.

There must be someone in the ballroom controlling those things.

Let's not talk about whether he can help if he goes out. It is impossible to just leave Yuna here alone.

He could no longer let Yuna get into danger.

Tim patted Yuna's head comfortingly, but the light in his eyes was calm and rational, which was subtly similar to Batman's.

Sure enough, all the lights in the banquet hall came on again in the next class, and the center of the hall was occupied by a group of people wearing masks.

Tim observed them calmly and quickly matched the names in his mind one by one.

They are all families with deep roots in Gotham.

The little girl grabbed his hand and seemed a little scared.

The man wearing a white mask began to speak passionately. During his speech, many people began to join in unsteadily and put white masks on their faces.

He asked them one by one in order, and when he asked about Tim, his eyes were obviously a little more evil.

"Sorry, I won't join,"

Tim said expressionlessly.

"Oh, you won't join, but you have to think about your sister, right?" The man laughed, his tone filled with pride of victory: "This banquet hall is full of our people inside and outside, even bats Even if Xia comes, there is no chance of winning. If you refuse, your sister may be bloodied on the spot."

He was making a naked threat.

Seeing the other party threatening Yuna's life, the black-haired young man's eyes could no longer be described as cold.

"You can try it," he said.

He would not compromise on behalf of Bruce, nor would he let them hurt Yuna. Bruce had told him that there was a third party involved in the attack, and he only needed to do his best to protect Yuna at this moment.

In the communicator, he received the news that a third party had arrived.

Even if a few of the Court of Owls' claws were left at the party, Tim would still be confident enough to prevent Yuna from being harmed.

What's more, they seem to be using all their claws to hunt down Batman.

The owl's original plan may have been to keep its claws outside to form an unbreakable cage, imprisoning everyone in the banquet hall and letting them slaughter them.

And if they encounter resistance, Talon can instantly come in to help without much movement.

But they seemed to have miscalculated.

The moment the man took out his gun, pulled the trigger, and wanted to attack the girl sitting in the wheelchair, a gunshot was heard, and the bullet directly penetrated his entire right hand.

Blood splattered everywhere.

The bullet that tried to kill the girl naturally landed elsewhere.

The man suddenly screamed in pain.

"Who?! Who can shoot?! Since you are so disobedient, then I -" The

man who originally thought it was some nobleman who was present and unwilling to surrender, suddenly seemed to have his neck pinched, and pulled the gun away. The second half of the words was swallowed in my stomach.

The side door of the banquet hall was opened at some point, and gunmen in black suits filed in. It was immediately obvious that they were well-trained and carefully trained killers.

The sound of leather shoes hitting the ground echoed in the hall and was clearly audible.

The white-haired man, wearing a black windbreaker and an iconic black hat, stepped into the banquet hall.

He was still holding a gun in his left hand, and there was a little smoke coming from the muzzle. It was obvious at a glance that it was him who had just fired the gun.

From such a long distance, it accurately penetrated his palm.


It's Gin!

The black organization and even the entire underground world are extremely famous killers with unparalleled marksmanship and extremely high IQ and force. In just a few years, the black organization has a place in Gotham.

How could he be involved and come here at this time? !

The man tried to recall his claws in fear, but before he knew it, everything outside the banquet became quiet.

The masked nobles at the banquet instantly panicked and tried to resist, but were frightened to stop by the killer who organized a gun.

Gin's green eyes were like inorganic green gems, scanning them as if they were dead people, and he smiled inexplicably.

His eyes fell on Yuna, then moved away for a second, and paused on the black-haired young man beside her.

Another little bird in the Bat family, but not an easy character to deal with.

It's a detective he doesn't like.

Tim immediately became wary. Fortunately, Gin seemed to have no interest in them, and Yuna seemed a little curious when she saw this scene.

She no longer showed fear.

"Is everyone here?"

After looking around, Gin asked the subordinates behind him.

"It's all here."

The subordinate said respectfully.

The black organization here is more hierarchical.

Gin gave a red smile.

"Oh, then...let's do it."

The moment he finished speaking, gunshots rang out, and screams suddenly resounded throughout the banquet hall.

Blood red seemed to dye the whole world red.

Gin stood in the center, slowly loading the gun with bullets, and filling in a shot from time to time. His green eyes were cold and cruel as befitted his status.

"Aren't you going to save people? Brother."

The girl tugged on his sleeve.

Tim had no intention of rescuing anyone.

He said solemnly: "Gin will not kill them."

After weighing the pros and cons, he would not take action.

These people are not innocent, their plan is to kill Bruce Wayne.

Tim doesn't kill people, but that doesn't mean that he has to protect these sinful people.

The young man looked cold and said this to himself calmly, as if except for

the one in front of him, the life and death of others had nothing to do with him.

Yuna couldn't help but smile.

It seemed like she was worrying too much.

If... the people of the Bat Family are so kind-hearted and want to save those people, then they will definitely become enemies in the future, and there will be no room for change.

The people in the black organization, especially Gin, were steady and ruthless in their attacks.

They didn't hit the vital points, but hit the wrists, ankles, spine, wherever it hurt, wherever it would make them miserable or suffer the consequences for the rest of their lives.

It was bloody and violent, but the person who fired the gun was wearing an exquisite and complicated black windbreaker.

Like coming to a date or a dance, rather than loading a gun carelessly.

Beside him were nobles wearing masks who were constantly falling in pain.

This scene was obviously as frightening as hell, but after calming down, I realized that it was actually as beautiful as a poppy, deadly and astonishingly beautiful.

So beautiful.

This kind of picture has a strange... very seductive flavor.

Many young ladies who were originally frightened could not help but stare at Gin unconsciously.

The young man is really good-looking, sharp and handsome, and his body is full of fierceness and murderous aura. Just standing there gives people a sense of awe-inspiring trembling and danger.

And the next moment, feeling these gazes, Gin's eyes turned to them, and one glance made them give up the idea forever.

Before that, they still had some illusions, dreaming of a handsome and powerful mafia leader falling in love with a noble lady, and only being particularly gentle to her. But when they saw his eyes... he didn't

regard them as human beings at all!

His gaze was clearly as if he were looking at an animal or a dead person. It was as cold as a bone, like a poisonous snake's gaze.


It's terrible to be targeted by such a person...!

They quickly lowered their heads, only to feel that their throats were tight and they could not even make a sound. They felt the fear that penetrated their bones. In the face of this terrifying chill, no matter how beautiful the skin is, it is of no use.

Venomous snakes all have beautiful skins.

Even most of them are beautiful and elegant, and the neatly arranged scales on their bodies are like the most gorgeous gems. But when your eyes are attracted to them, they will reveal their sharp and deadly fangs.

After a while, the screams finally stopped, and all those wearing masks fell to the ground, delirious in pain and bleeding like rivers.

——Why hasn't Bruce come back yet?

Tim secretly thought that there was silence over the communicator, so there should be no danger, but he encountered other situations.

So, are Gin and the others friends or foes?

What's the purpose of their coming?

——Establish prestige.

This is the signal to attack.

This sentence suddenly flashed through Tim's mind.

The Court of Owls, blocking Gin's way.

The Bat Family has faced off against the Black Organization only a handful of times. Compared to other mafia gangs or criminal groups with little discipline, they have strict hierarchies and strict discipline. If anyone disobeys orders and rules, they will be executed on the spot. Like an organized and terrifying army.

Moreover, there were far fewer real dirty things on their hands. If they hadn't investigated carefully, Tim wouldn't believe it.

It may sound impossible, but it is true and cannot be refuted. They have a lot of lives on their hands, and their thoughts cannot be said to be kind. Gin is even a famous killer, and he has killed many politicians.

But it's because of this that they rarely get involved in Batman's plan, and even develop it inexplicably very quickly.

For such an organization, its leader is naturally not a simple character.

At this time, the leader set his sights on Yuna Wayne's legs.

He lowered his eyes and said nothing, but did not look away.

Many people noticed this movement, and those noble ladies suddenly felt more secret happiness in their hearts.

So what if you are beautiful? The other party is a killer. No matter how beautiful the beauty is, I am afraid she will die here today!

Sure enough, the man walked over step by step from the center of the hall that had been dyed red. His leather shoes hit the ground and made a rhythmic sound. He looked like a noble gentleman.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense. Tim watched him approach step by step. There was no other expression on his face, but in fact, the weapon was already in his hand.

It was Yuna who pinched his sleeve, and Tim did not take action after receiving Yuna's hint.

Gin seemed to ignore his hostility.

Such a dangerous opponent was right next to him, but he didn't even look at him. His eyebrows covered with white hair were slightly twisted, as if he was a little displeased.

When he is unhappy, his aura becomes even more permeable.

When everyone thought that the daughter of the Wayne family had offended him and would be killed on the spot the next moment -

the man took off his trench coat, "brushed" it and unfolded it, and then put it on her shoulders to cover her. Her bare skin in the cold night.

He knelt down on one knee and wiped the blood accidentally stained on the mechanical leg while everyone looked at him as if he had seen a ghost. Then he felt a little more comfortable and stood up again.

The black-haired girl seemed a little stunned, her beautiful rose-blue eyes showing a little surprise, looking at him like an innocent kitten.

There was dead silence.

The noble ladies who had given up just now had red eyes, and would have jumped up if they had not lacked courage.

——How could Gin from such a powerful black organization be a Yango! ! Una Wayne just appeared in front of people today! !

This can't be done, right? !