
Miss Wayne

Hi everyone, my name is Una Wayne. When I was little, I expected to have a lot of family. This wish came true after many twists and turns. I now have an old father, three older brothers, a housekeeper, and a younger brother who will appear at some point and doesn't seem to be easy to get along with. The family is harmonious as father and son, brothers and sisters respect each other, and they are all city vigilante superheroes. I am very touched. ...If I hadn't killed the clown wearing the shell of the boss of the evil force organization This is a translation of the original book. All credit goes to the author. Thank you The novel is completed.

Queen_world_1001 · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
123 Chs

Chapter 33

From the moment she saw Superman, Yuna knew that he was here for her.

——He remembered her heartbeat.

Why? Why would such a person with a body of steel, who was worshiped as a god, remember her heartbeat for nine whole years?

She suddenly didn't know what to say.

Whether it was the suspension bridge effect or something else, her heartbeat was beating faster than the last beat, as if her rationality was suddenly washed away, leaving her unable to breathe.

Nine years ago, she thought to herself in despair, how ironic it was that she couldn't even call for help despite being in a metropolis.

But nine years later, Superman protected her from gunfire, and came to Gotham from the City of Hope to the gloomy Gotham, telling her that someone she had never met had been looking for her.

Someone has been paying attention to that heartbeat for nine years, knowing that she might be dead, but still never gave up, so he came to save her as soon as she gave up her disguise and encountered danger.

Superman suddenly saw the little girl in his arms shedding tears with an expressionless face.

She was just silent, but her tears kept falling down like broken beads. The deathly silence made people feel depressed, but they could feel that new and gorgeous feathers appeared in the dust burned by the flames.

Superman has seen people who cried and laughed for the rest of their lives after being rescued by him; he has also seen people whose faces were red and did not dare to look at him.

The only thing he has never seen is like a baby bird dragging its broken wings to move forward alone and never letting anyone manipulate it, or like a noble and arrogant cat covered in bruises but holding back his words and having his head rubbed and coaxed carefully. Only then will she show her soft and fragile side humiliatingly and quietly, but she also has to put on a hard shell of bravado, which makes people's hearts throb.

Those magnificent eyes were shrouded in the mist, like a blue enchantress stained by frost in the early morning. The blue that was completely different from his was fixed in his eyes, and the darkness in them faded inch by inch.

"If you want to cry, don't suppress yourself so much." You can cry freely. No one will dislike you, least of all him.

"I just smashed through that robot." Superman gently wiped her tears, but the content of his words was not gentle.

He pointed his free hand at his heart: "Nothing will happen in the future. Whenever you are in danger, I will rush over in an instant." "You

can't call for help, that's okay. I can hear you.

"As long as your heart beats in this world for a day, I will always be able to find you. " "

Superman recalled a similar scene nine years ago.

At that time, he was a step too late, thinking that his speed could support him to save the girl's life, but when he returned, only a missing heartbeat was left.

Her body could not be found in the ruins. , there is no information about her in the file, it's like she is an abandoned waif, an unlovable marginal character.

Superman will not dislike them.

However, she died in despair.

From the blond boy , he learned that they were street children who escaped from Gotham, and the girl was a mute girl who could not speak since she was a child.

Could it be that she had been looking forward to Mr. Superman coming to save her, but in the end, she waited and waited, but what she waited for was He died of excessive blood loss.

She was only six years old.

Every time he thought of this, he became inexplicably depressed, as if a mountain was pressing down on the softest part of his heart.

At that time, a kind-hearted young man from a small town who had not yet become Superman, Attributing all of this to herself, it gradually became an obsession and scar that was untouchable in her heart but extremely eye-catching. If

the villain hadn't come to find her, she wouldn't have been implicated and was buried alone under the rubble.

But he didn't believe that the girl was really dead.

No one could find her body.

Even if there was only one chance in a billion, Superman chose to believe that she was still alive. For nine years, he was looking for that heartbeat all the time. Later, it even evolved into a habit, a habit of subconsciously searching for a person who should have died nine years ago on the earth.

Like a demon, when he sees a girl of about the same age, he will be in a daze. I thought:

If he had arrived in time, I'm afraid she would have been this old.

Now I finally saw her with my own eyes, and indeed she was not far from the age I imagined, but her appearance was more beautiful.

She was wrapped in blue.

Especially Na thought of Steve's soft blue eyes with a hint of green on the day he gave her bread.

She thought of the warm light in Charles's cornflower blue eyes when he looked at her with a smile.

She thought of Tony, Sherlock, Natasha, Thor...

remembered Jason saying: "You have to live, Yuna."

She suddenly felt that she was really a fool.

So stupid.

The knuckles of her hands holding the Superman cape turned white, and she couldn't help but want to laugh out loud. .

"ha. "

Tears rolled across her lips and overflowed into her mouth.

What was she thinking? What

had she done in the past few days?

Stupid, beyond stupid.

Being carefully taught by people at the top of the pyramid, she actually fell into She fell into the self-imposed cage and reached a dead end.

If it hadn't happened this time, if Superman hadn't saved her, how long would she have continued like this? Was she prepared to waste more than ten years of her efforts?

She picked herself up again With reason, he sniffed, his eyes were red from crying, and he bent his eyes very lightly at the God who was so close.

Superman: "..."

Superman's heart was shocked, and his mind went blank for a moment. There is only one sentence left - is this the advantage of the Wayne family's appearance?

...No, what are you thinking!

The son of hope in Metropolis was secretly criticizing himself when he felt a death gaze with a strong presence from below. , fell on him.

It once reminded him of the time when Batman looked down at him with a kryptonite weapon, looking indifferently and wanting to kill him.

Superman: "..."

Ah, no, it can't be , he just came to Pu-->

Tongtong to save a little girl who had been missing for nine years, and smashed through a 10-20-meter-tall robot. It shouldn't cause Batman to take out the kryptonite. Deal with him...?


Superman looked at the little girl who was still obediently calming down in his arms, and then looked down at the richest man in Gotham who seemed to have raised his lips casually, but in fact his eyes were filled with murderous intent. , Bruce Wayne.


Bruce Wayne, the dark old bat, seems to be the biological father of the girl in his arms.

It seems that, although but, he accidentally... held him for a little too long.

I have seen it with my own eyes. Superman, whose father put a gun to the head of the man next to his daughter, immediately fell from the air. He quickly calmed down the old bat father's anger and handed the girl in his arms to him.

Sure enough, Wayne's eyes instantly moved away from him, he hugged Yuna carefully, looked at her carefully, and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that there was no scar on her body.

"Thank you."

He raised his eyes and said seriously to Superman, "Thank you."

Superman was slightly stunned.

From the father's eyes, he saw the fear and fear that were not perfectly concealed and could almost defeat him.

I was so frightened that even my heartbeat became slightly confused and my breathing trembled slightly.

Bruce Wayne's arms were very powerful and he slowly tightened them, as if in this way, he could truly feel the little girl's fresh body temperature to offset the fear in his heart that he could not suppress no matter what.

If the Joker hadn't been dead, and if Superman hadn't arrived in time, one of Yuna and Tim would have left him.

Until then, Bruce couldn't imagine what he would do.

Even the moment he saw the clown's smiling face on the robot, he wanted to drag the clown up from hell and cut him into pieces.

The girl tilted her head, touched his cheek with her hand, and touched his eyes with trembling eyelashes, as if to comfort him silently, with a soft smile on her face.

"It's okay, Yuna is okay, father, don't be sad."

Bruce guessed what she meant in an instant, his throat was dry, and he said a hoarse "Yeah" after a while.

...Is my father so incapable of speaking?

Yuna sighed softly in her heart. At this time, is there only one word "Hmm"?

Then she heard the hoarse voice of the black-haired man, but it was as if every word was squeezed out from the depths of his throat through clenched teeth. It was extremely heavy and suppressed a slight tremor.

He was almost...just almost, losing his only daughter.

"I'm sorry, Yuna."

Her palms seemed to be wet, and it seemed like she had imagined it.

"There won't be a next time."

Yuna didn't expect Bruce Wayne to make such a promise.

She lowered her eyes, nodded slightly, then turned her head to look at Superman who had not left yet: "Thank you for saving me."

Every expression was perfectly grasped.

But Superman felt a little inexplicably uncomfortable.

He actually had a lot of questions in his mind that he wanted to ask her, but considering that she had just been frightened, he just did it gently, and then he suddenly met Batman's gloomy gaze.

Superman: "..." I really don't have any reason to ask, please don't look at me like that, okay?

He knew that the bat was extremely grateful to him, but this did not prevent him from treating him as a man who might have kidnapped his daughter.

He left immediately after rescuing the person. In addition to wanting to see more of the person he met for the first time today but who had made him miss her for nine years, and to comfort her, he also wanted to comfort her because when Bruce looked over just now, he silently gave him hint.

[There must be something else in the clown's robot, go check it out. ]

Batman and the Joker have been fighting wits and courage for many years. He knows each other very well. Now the thing has just been smashed through, but it is not safe. He is not convenient at the moment. Superman is the best choice.

Superman frowned: "The inside of the robot is wrapped with a layer of lead, so you can't see anything."

"But," he said calmly, "if you throw it into the sun, you don't have to think about it so much."

It happened that at this moment, the robot moved strangely. came, but in an instant, a brilliant aperture composed of countless golden threads suddenly rose from the ground, just big enough to circle the robot, and the parts that the aperture passed through disappeared.

It flew up from the bottom, and just when Superman thought it was a robot's escape device and was about to take it out, the aperture suddenly shrank and disappeared at its neck, and the machine head fell alone and dripping. on the ground.

All this in less than a second.

The hidden figure on another tall building turned the hanging ring on his hand, and the golden light dissipated like smoke.

The blue-eyed girl wearing a black windbreaker looked at the head coldly, with a cold smile on her lips.

She is cautious and likes to keep her cards close to her chest.

But she is not temperless.

The evil people in the previous world all knew not to provoke the phoenix easily.

This madman will launch a crazy and rational revenge that you can't imagine.