
Miss Wayne

Hi everyone, my name is Una Wayne. When I was little, I expected to have a lot of family. This wish came true after many twists and turns. I now have an old father, three older brothers, a housekeeper, and a younger brother who will appear at some point and doesn't seem to be easy to get along with. The family is harmonious as father and son, brothers and sisters respect each other, and they are all city vigilante superheroes. I am very touched. ...If I hadn't killed the clown wearing the shell of the boss of the evil force organization This is a translation of the original book. All credit goes to the author. Thank you The novel is completed.

Queen_world_1001 · Película
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123 Chs

Chapter 21

Because it was the main world, Yuna didn't need to locate herself. She only felt a long-lost, trance-like feeling like waking up from a dream.

The surroundings gradually became noisy.

Yuna did not panic. After reasonable reasoning, she found out that she had a "protection period". During this period, she would be like being stuck in a space crack, and no one could see or feel her.

This is how the ability preserves and protects her body in the main world.

Yuna opened her eyes and began to look at her surroundings.

This was originally the place where she fell into a coma with a broken leg when she was six years old. Now it has been rebuilt into a department store. There is no trace of the blood that originally formed a stream on the ground, and it is even better decorated. It seems that the city has developed rapidly in the past nine years.

People were coming and going, talking and laughing, and most of the people's expressions showed that they were very relaxed.

After Yuna collected the valid information around her, she began to check her own situation.

There seems to be some difference in the speed of time between the two worlds. If you look closely, she should be a little smaller than herself in the Avengers. However, the heights are almost the same, and the original small clothes are now a piece of cloth, unable to cover anything.

Because there was no one to deal with her body, and the injuries were healed by herself, Yuna looked very embarrassed at the moment, with blood all over her body, and her hair and face were all mushy from being too dirty - after all, it had been nine years. It's over. If it weren't for the fact that there seemed to be no unspeakable smell appearing in the gaps in the world, and her body would only grow as necessary over time, even she wouldn't be able to bear it.

Looking at her broken left leg, Yuna did not install the machine first, but with a thought, a fifteen-year-old girl appeared next to her.

This one was not wearing a full set of equipment. After being controlled by her consciousness, it suddenly came to life. He looked down at "himself" and then gently picked her up from the ground.

I am indeed very dirty. It looks miserable. Yuna thought calmly.

You definitely can't take this look out to meet people.

Feeling that the gap in the world was about to disappear, she changed her heartbeat - she had met some people who could identify their identities through their heartbeats, so this was completely a subconscious disguise - and she held on to her heart because most of her consciousness had been separated. Looking a little listless, I jumped from the outside to the women's restroom upstairs and opened the stall.

There's no other good place to go for now, so I'll clean myself up in the women's restroom and change my clothes.

After changing her clothes and briefly washing her body, Yuna, who had practiced double vision many times, was very calm.

The clothes are ready-made, and they are all the same. There are many in the "warehouse" that are very suitable for her now, and there are many more that she wore when she was on a mission to disguise herself, so she can use them directly.

Windbreakers and the like are still a bit eye-catching, so forget it.

I did all this before the gap in the world disappeared, and everything around me seemed to become tangible and tangible. Yuna did a good job of counter-reconnaissance, thought for a moment, and then picked up a wheelchair from the store downstairs.

In the process of cleaning herself, she had already screened the countless plans in her mind, and finally made a decision on which one to choose.

She does a lot of branch lines and responds to emergencies. If it doesn't work, she can adjust and change plans in time, which is very flexible.

A wheelchair has also been arranged, but...it doesn't seem right to be in the toilet with a wheelchair?

Yuna drew a circle and surrounded herself in a deserted alley, applauding the convenience of magic.

Sure enough, learning magic is an extremely correct decision.

She just tried using it and felt no discomfort. Although she has experimented in other worlds, this world is different after all, and who knows if there will be any changes.

Everything seems to be going well so far.

Yuna took a deep breath, feeling her mood and brain calm down, turning herself into a rational machine again.

With magic, she can teleport herself back to Gotham at any time, but that place is a mixed bag, with intertwined forces and numerous informants, and one or two sharp-eyed people may be killed.

Since you want to do something big, it is obviously not a good strategy to expose yourself at the beginning and force yourself to pass the final level.

She needs more disguises and foreshadowing that are realistic enough.

——The kind of truth that can fool everyone.

This is the homeland you have been away from for nine years, but you yourself have not changed. Don't break your rhythm, Yuna.

She thought quietly for a while, and then teleported herself to the west coast of Europe, across the Atlantic Ocean from Gotham.


Three and a half months later.


On the huge cruise ship docked on the shore, a black-haired girl in a wheelchair was calmly looking into the city.

She has beautiful and natural long black curly hair, and a pair of green eyes like those of a cat. They are slightly squinted, and she seems to be a little tired and lazy. But if you look carefully, you will find that there is coldness hidden under her eyes. Reason and sharpness.

Her body looks soft, but in fact there is a knife hidden in the cotton. It is obvious that the temperament can only be honed by licking blood from the tip of the knife, which also makes her look slightly different from ordinary people.

However, no one has yet figured out what the difference is.

"Godfather," the man who walked out of the cabin and stood behind her on her left bowed slightly, "the luggage is ready." "


After she responded, she gently raised her lips and said calmly. : "You can go back. Just send it here."

The girl known as the "Godfather" controlled the wheelchair to turn around, her voice was soft and gentle, but the man standing in front of her lowered his head a little.

"Don't try to reach into Gotham, and what you should pay attention to, I already said it before leaving. If someone violates or leaks something..." "You know

what to do."

"Yes." The man looked respectful. And seriously, his eyes were full of loyalty and conviction to the girl: "Please rest assured, Godfather."

The Godfather smiled a little more sincerely, took off the brooch he was wearing, pinned it on his clothes himself, and then followed everyone else. ship.

The man also turned around and left as if he didn't recognize her, as if there was no more interaction with her.


The wheelchair rolled onto the land that had been absent for a long time.

The new Italian godfather came here calmly, not worried at all about his identity being exposed.

First of all, the mafia in Italy does not usually interact with the dark forces in Gotham. Her appointment only happened recently. Only a few senior officials within the company knew about it. Others only heard about the Godfather's replacement.

As for the remaining senior management, she was sure to be loyal to them and her.

After all, the unfaithful ones have already been dealt with by her.

She can use the power of Italy to contact Gotham, but Italy is Italy, Gotham is Gotham, and there is the "world's best detective" in this city. She will not allow herself to be exposed at all. Give clues of identity to the other party.

However, even if he can't hand over here, as the new godfather in Italy, his current situation is countless times better than when he went to Gotham alone.

Yuna slowly controlled the wheelchair and moved forward. The wheelchair was equipped with a gun and her own legs were tied. After all, with Jason's preparation, this kind of thing should not arouse the bat's suspicion.


Nine years have passed. How are you?

Is he still taller than her? He has some bad habits of swearing, but he always restrains himself in front of her like he's afraid of teaching a bad boy. He doesn't smoke, drink, or even curse. Sometimes she thinks he's too cute. Like a Gothamite.

——Although this is VIP treatment for my sister.

According to the information collected from Italy, he should have been adopted by Wayne. She still knows Bruce Wayne. Although he is a playboy, he is truly kind-hearted. It should be much easier for Jason if he is adopted by him, and he will not be treated like other children in Gotham who may be treated when they are adopted.

He seems to have brothers, and he should get along well with them.

Maybe Jason had grown up to be a young master, thinking about why his sister didn't come home yet, cursing and processing company official documents.

Well, as for swearing... maybe someone in an old aristocratic family would be more restrained.

He might tell Wayne that he has a daughter, his sister who he has been living with every day for three years. He might ask Bruce Wayne to help find her. But nine years have passed and they should have given up.

When she was in Italy, she once tried to use a computer to hack into Gotham, and found that there happened to be a top hacker who seemed to be patrolling there. His skills were no worse than hers, and there was a certain chance of being discovered, so she turned around silently. The circle retreated.

Jason's information is well protected, and not much can be found through superficial browsing. Most of it is pranks or casual speculation, and has no practical use.

However, it seems... pretty good to witness Jason's growth over the past nine years through myself.

Yuna indulged herself with a smile in her eyes, turned her wheelchair, and prepared to see the dark chess piece she had laid out. Then she heard the comments of the passers-by beside her.

"Then how did Second Young Master Wayne die? It's been several months, but no one has told the truth?" "Didn't they all say that he was attacked by criminals? The court has already sentenced him." "You still haven't told me the


I really believe that he has a brother, a wealthy family in Gotham...tsk tsk tsk."

"Is it murder?"

"Hush, idiot! Why are you so loud? Just do your job, don't talk about it easily, be careful Batman is coming to see you at night..."

The gangsters in the discussion cursed and turned back, but suddenly froze.

The girl who was regarded as a fat sheep by them and countless others when they just got off the boat was looking at them calmly, her green eyes covered by long curly eyelashes, and her originally smiling face was now so quiet that it was almost lifeless.

For a moment, they seemed to see the raging hell.