
Miss Wayne

Hi everyone, my name is Una Wayne. When I was little, I expected to have a lot of family. This wish came true after many twists and turns. I now have an old father, three older brothers, a housekeeper, and a younger brother who will appear at some point and doesn't seem to be easy to get along with. The family is harmonious as father and son, brothers and sisters respect each other, and they are all city vigilante superheroes. I am very touched. ...If I hadn't killed the clown wearing the shell of the boss of the evil force organization This is a translation of the original book. All credit goes to the author. Thank you The novel is completed.

Queen_world_1001 · Película
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123 Chs

Chapter 122

The banquet at Wayne's house was just a whim - Christmas is coming soon, and Baby Brucie wants to hold a dance party before Christmas Eve.

He generously booked a venue that could accommodate nearly a thousand people, and said he would arrange free drinks and food in the central square, play music, and invite everyone to join in the fun.

This news suddenly covered the performance of Gotham's large and small media this Christmas. For a time, Gotham was covered with this news, and which families received Wayne's invitation became not worth mentioning- —Because there are so many people attending the dance this year.

"...Father, are you serious?"

In Wayne Manor, Yuna, who saw that Bruce wanted to style herself, asked a question from the soul.

The elegant and handsome man who already looked like Brucie's baby raised his eyebrows slightly: "Of course I'm serious - speaking of which, I haven't styled a few people myself." He blinked and subconsciously With a smile that could almost dazzle people's eyes: "No, it should be said that Nana is the only one who allowed me to achieve this level."

Yuna slowly covered her face: "...Father. You can do it next time When you use this mask to speak to me again, can you not use the same tone as if you were speaking to a lover? "

Help! Although she is very charming, she almost gets goosebumps!

Also, my father can't be so versatile, can he? ! Where did he learn it all from? ?

Bruce: "..."

Tim: "Pfft...what, Bruce, Kane has arrived."

To be honest, after Bruce put on the mask of Gotham Baby, I didn't know what to do. An old father who has no relevant experience in getting along with his daughter can easily act out involuntarily, causing the whole scene to turn into a scene of overturning.

It wasn't obvious before, but once Bruce and Yuna got really close, it became damn near impossible to ignore.

Bruce remained calm and silent for a moment. He chose to drop the topic and turned his attention to the Kane family. His lips curved with an unknown meaning: "They came so fast."

Bruce: "Did you find anything?"

Tim asked. Surveillance: "Compared with the previous video, the behavior pattern is not much different, but... it always gives me a sense of disobedience."

It seems that the people standing there are not the Kane family, but people wearing human skin. of something.

Tim's professionalism is beyond praise, especially in this area, where he is particularly sensitive and talented.

Yuna and Bruce looked at each other, and the black-haired girl said, "I'll go first."

Yuna and Lucy were familiar with each other, and she also invited each other to this event. It was not out of the ordinary for her to contact the Kane family. Moreover, she originally suspected that they were targeting her, and it might be related to her identity, so she naturally chose to take the lead.

In addition, the enemy's situation is unclear, and she is unwilling to put her relatives in danger.

"This incident has been archived in the Justice League," Bruce patted her head, "Don't be afraid, I will solve it if something goes wrong."

He was obviously a human being, but he always gave people an unparalleled sense of security. As long as he is in charge, nothing seems impossible or unachievable.

There is no more reliable adult than this.

But what Bruce didn't tell Yuna was that he had another layer of worry.

Although the incident this time was unclear, he immediately thought of General Zod. There was no way. At that time, both Superman and the other party left such a deep impression on people that Batman and Superman even had a fight and almost killed Superman directly.

Fortunately, he stopped at the last moment.

Bruce is not worried that Yuna will have similar psychological problems as Superman, such as killing the last tribe in the world, the fall of his hometown civilization, etc.

Yuna was not interested in any of this.

For her, people who have not accompanied her or may be related to her are completely useless. They have never brought her anything in the past few years. She grew up in a human group, even though she is used to seeing people's warmth and coldness. , have also been plotted to death by humans, and they identify with this group from the bottom of their hearts, not some inexplicable aliens.

What Bruce is really worried about is that those people may have a weakness in Yuna that she doesn't know about, and the unknown often symbolizes danger.

But...even he doesn't know all of Yuna's trump cards. She has never been a blind and arrogant person. To be so calm shows that she knows what's going on.

"Then let's see first what they want to do."

Bruce said calmly.

The dance a week before Christmas was scheduled for the last night of the working day, with unlimited food and drinks. Naturally, the citizens of Gotham were happy to take advantage of Wayne.

In addition to the celebrating crowd, there are also people who can see clearly - members of the black organization are standing or sitting in the noisy crowd, with calm and calm expressions, and alert eyes. If someone takes the opportunity to cause trouble, they will be killed immediately. was killed.

Yes, the black organizations are not good people. They are violent villains. Anyone who dares to provoke them must be prepared to meet God.

Gordon, in plain clothes, was observing the crowds coming and going, and had become accustomed to their formations - or in other words, after learning about the origins of Jason Todd and the black organization, he had already thought of what might happen.

After all, everyone can see how much the Wayne family cares about Miss Yuna.

To be honest, looking at the declining crime rate, Gordon turned a blind eye to the black organization. The GCPD director who still believed in Batman and cooperated with him when everyone labeled him a criminal is naturally not a rigid person.

"You continue to be vigilant," he reminded the police officers on the other side of the communicator. "The crime rate is always prone to soaring around Christmas. Taking advantage of this opportunity, we must seize the time to eliminate hidden dangers." During busy times, criminals will think

Fishing in troubled waters, how could the police not want to catch them all - after all, they are not the same now.

Gordon glanced at Ms. Holmes, who had sharp gray eyes not far away, and nodded with satisfaction.

With the help of talented teammates, GCPD has recruited many good talents this year, and it is time to increase its performance.

As he was thinking this way, he felt that the crowd suddenly became restless.

It turned out that the closed door of the hotel was opened.

The girl with black hair and blue eyes held up her skirt and walked down the steps step by step. Gin from the black organization stood aside in the shadows wearing a hat, while Bruce met her at the bottom of the steps and took her hand.

Mr. Wayne gave no one a chance and danced the first dance with Yuna.

The dance officially begins.

Seeing that Bruce was surrounded by girls in the blink of an eye after his dance, Yuna also maliciously refused to disturb him. She quietly calmed down her aura and walked happily to the outside.

As she walked, she listened to the report from Gin, who was a step behind her.

"Christmas, there are always some people who don't want to have a good time." Miss Wayne had a gentle smile on her face, but few people could hear what she was saying. Those beautiful blue eyes What kind of indifference and coldness is hidden deep in the eyes.

Gin sneered softly: "It's not bold enough to do something under the nose of the organization without peeling off a layer of skin."

Yuna knew that Gin's "shedding off a layer of skin" was not a description, but a statement.

"As long as you have an idea," Yuna said, "I still have other people to deal with. You can take it easy on these criminals in Gotham. We still have to give the GCPD some face."

Gin nodded and blinked again. There is no trace of the killer anywhere.

Even the passers-by around Yuna were completely unaware that a tall, silver-haired man had just walked through the crowd.

The organization's top killer has become more composed, calm and unfathomable over the years.

Yuna slowly released her restraint on her breath, walked step by step back to the center of everyone's sight, and saw Lucy Kane at a glance.

Lucy looked no different from the girl in my impression. Her blond hair was very beautiful and dazzling under the light, and her face was filled with a smile. She looked very healthy and happy - if it weren't for the fact that her look was a little less original. of pride and heroism, but a bit more stiff and false.

If I had to describe it, it would probably be something that is not human and has no emotions, but is very good at imitating it. It is a product of imitation.

"Yuna!" Lucy quickly put her eyes on her - it could almost be called alert - and said in surprise: "So you are here!" "

Yes." Yuna responded, Smiling, she walked over and held out her hand: "Hello, Lucy."

The dress came with matching exquisite gloves. Lucy didn't pay attention to it. She didn't notice anything wrong with Yuna's attitude and held her hand naturally. hand, responded to her greeting: "Hello."

Yuna couldn't help but laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" Lucy raised her eyebrows.

Yuna: "I remembered something happy."

Lucy asked with a question mark on her face. She felt something was strange, but she couldn't figure out where it was, so she had to give up.

"Speaking of which, is your throat healed?" Lucy looked at her throat.

"After all, we have the help of the Justice League and the Black Organization," Yuna said nonchalantly. "It's easy to find some medicine to cure the throat. Besides, this problem was also caused by serious psychological problems in the first place." She brushed off this part of

the content. , turned from defensive to offensive: "What about Lucy? Is Lucy's discomfort also due to psychological problems?"

"Lucy" was stunned: "...No, I just have a fever."

She may not have realized it herself. , her eyes stared at him unnaturally: "Are you concerned about me?"

- Or are you testing me?

Yuna said with concern: "Of course, you are my best friend." At some point, her gloves had been taken off, and she suddenly held the other person's hand, and her smile deepened: "——Welcome back, Lucy."

Lucy's whole body seemed to pause for a moment.

No one could see that a small soul body appeared behind her in shock, but she seemed to be gradually waking up, and there was light in her eyes.

——After repeatedly confirming that the thing had taken over Lucy's body and suppressed Lucy's own soul to the point of self-sealing, Yuna decisively and skillfully used the trick she had used on Bugicho. This rude visitor.

"Nana?" Lucy felt that she should be reading at home, but she didn't expect that she would be a good friend when she opened her eyes, which made her a little confused.

However, before she had any further doubts, a layer of cold sweat broke out on her back - as if something was lying behind her, staring covetously at her body.