
Miss Wayne

Hi everyone, my name is Una Wayne. When I was little, I expected to have a lot of family. This wish came true after many twists and turns. I now have an old father, three older brothers, a housekeeper, and a younger brother who will appear at some point and doesn't seem to be easy to get along with. The family is harmonious as father and son, brothers and sisters respect each other, and they are all city vigilante superheroes. I am very touched. ...If I hadn't killed the clown wearing the shell of the boss of the evil force organization This is a translation of the original book. All credit goes to the author. Thank you The novel is completed.

Queen_world_1001 · Película
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123 Chs

Chapter 109

The red hood is very irritable, and the red hood wants to carry a gun.

Brother Tong was furious.jpg

Yuna thought about it and felt that she could not prevent this from happening, so she silently lit a candle for those people - she meant those people in reality.

When the mastermind was killed by her at home, she had not yet avenged the others. It's time to take advantage of this opportunity to clear up the situation.

Seeing that the human hunt was about to begin, the three of them discussed the plan for this round of clearance.

They prepare to reverse the identities of hunter and prey. The nobles will be the prey, and the children will be the hunters. But even in the illusion, Bruce would not let them kill people, so the bottom line of the rules for this round was "no death."

——But the last one must be ended by Yuna herself.

He should be the key to deriving the entire illusion and the main person who gave Yuna nightmares - the heir to the Cavill family - of course, the former heir.

The Cavill family, which was already in decline during this period, has been severely suppressed, and the current leader's abilities are not good enough. It will soon be foreseen that it will be cannibalized by other forces in Gotham.

Bruce's original intention was not to let Yuna's hands be stained with blood, because no matter what the reason was, it was taking the life of another human being. But after the last dungeon, he had already seen that Yuna's skills were not something that ordinary people could develop.

She and Red Hood had blood on their hands, but they still drew a line for themselves.

With the Red Hood in front of him, Bruce was already mentally prepared that Yuna had killed someone before, and his heart didn't fluctuate much. Moreover, until now, Yuna had never actually killed a person in front of him - the Ghost King was not a human being.

Bruce thinks that little Yuna should still value his opinion...?

So what will she do now?

Yuna called the Gotham Police Department.

"Hello? Is it Director Gordon? That's right, a man told me that there will be an explosion here in half an hour, and asked me to tell the police uncle." Little Yuna used magic to make a sound, and said in an innocent child's voice

: "Yes, he told me this number directly. Huh? So this is Uncle Gordon's private number?" You

can already predict what Gordon will think of Bruce and Jason: "..."

It's an honest man's fault. Yuna, whose conscience didn't hurt at all, hung up the phone directly, leaving the suspense to Director Gordon, and said innocently: "There are too many people here. We still have to save the children, so we can only bring in foreign aid." If it was

Quan Sheng The Batman and the Red Hood can be easily solved by any one, but unfortunately they are not now.

The three children with black hair and blue eyes looked at each other and fell silent.

"But," Yuna looked at Bruce, "Dad, did you look like this when you were a child? Pfft, you're quite cute. Hahahaha."

Jason: "Tsk, you're too weak. It looks like you can knock him down with one finger. "

Because the living environment he grew up in was not superior and even very difficult, Jason's body still looks full of strength even if it shrinks. He is a Gotham wanderer who deserves to be careful. After all, you can't underestimate anyone who survives alone in a place like this. child. But Bruce was different. At this time, he was well-dressed, with fair skin, clean eyes, and a little baby fat. Once he stood there, the young master's style was established, and even Batman's soul could not save him. .

I can't blame those people for taking it lightly. Who would have thought that such a person would have the power of Batman inside?

At this time, the young master looked calm and said helplessly: "Stop joking and listen carefully." The

young bat with white and tender cheeks and a little baby fat said calmly: "From the GCPD, it is expected that Gordon will take him with him in half an hour. The police officer arrives at the villa. Logically, he will seek help from Batman."

...Batman himself feels a little subtle.

He looked at little Yuna and continued: "If he sees you, what will happen to the world?"

Yuna smiled: "It will continue according to basic logic, but nightmares are always nightmares, and lies are always false. It cannot become real. Even if "Batman" finds "Yona Wayne" in advance, it will not have any impact. "

Bruce nodded: "I know. "

What an emotionless exchange, Yuna thought.

However, Charles was giving her real-time feedback: [Your father seems to have some method of isolating mental abilities. The signal here is intermittent as if the signal is not good... Nana, Can you hear it?]

Yuna replied: [Yes.]

[He is not as indifferent as it seems on the surface. It seems that he is very concerned about your mood.] Charles smiled and said: [Such a character is very disadvantageous. Yes, after all, not everyone can read minds.]

[But the scary thing is that the Wayne family all have this awkward character.]

Even Dick has his willful and awkward moments. They are very similar in nature - after all, they are all The child that Bruce brought home and raised.

[Well, Tony should understand it deeply.]

Charles joked: [When we were young, I didn't see him and his father being at odds with each other. However, their feelings were different from what they expressed. The meaning is completely different.]

[...Indeed, if he could see his uncles and aunts again, I'm afraid Tony would explode soon.]

They stopped the topic with a tacit understanding, and Charles became quiet again, maintaining the stability of his spiritual connection.

[Let me tell you first, if there is any dark history recorded by Tony, I will not be responsible.] The steady professor thought of something and added with a smile. Yuna: [...] Yuna: [You tell him


I have a video of his cross-dressing in my hand. If he dares to publicize it, I dare to play it on the big screen in the center of SHIELD in a loop.]

Charles: [...]

As expected of you.jpg

There is still a five-minute countdown for Manhunter.

"Not yet. Find her? Cavill frowned and said, "What do you do for food?" A child of just a few years old, where could she go? "

This is the core and top prey of his human hunting this time!

Normally, he would raise such a young and thin-looking child for a while before releasing it into the hunting ground. But this time is different. What he captured was Bruce Wayne's daughter!

He was definitely not mistaken about that eyebrow!

However, in addition to her identity, her ability currently seems to be worthy of this weight. Being able to escape from so many people, he still Underestimated this guy.

"Keep looking for me - wait," Cavill narrowed his eyes slightly and saw the figure of a black-haired girl flashing past in the hunting ground. He instantly felt that he understood everything, "She didn't leave at all. ——You bunch of idiots! If you had all gone to prepare for it or searched for her all over the villa, she would have run away! "

After getting angry, Cavill became much calmer. Thinking of the wonderful scene for a while, he smiled and said: "That's not bad. Only prey with a sense of challenge can be called prey. "

He picked up the ax and saber prepared by the steward and walked into the hunting ground step by step.