
Miss Wayne

Hi everyone, my name is Una Wayne. When I was little, I expected to have a lot of family. This wish came true after many twists and turns. I now have an old father, three older brothers, a housekeeper, and a younger brother who will appear at some point and doesn't seem to be easy to get along with. The family is harmonious as father and son, brothers and sisters respect each other, and they are all city vigilante superheroes. I am very touched. ...If I hadn't killed the clown wearing the shell of the boss of the evil force organization This is a translation of the original book. All credit goes to the author. Thank you The novel is completed.

Queen_world_1001 · Película
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123 Chs

Chapter 106

Bruce stepped into the door.

The door was like any abandoned door in Gotham City. It was dusty, had cobwebs in the corners, and made a creaking sound when pushed open.

He felt like he was playing a game. He had just collected a memory fragment and was about to collect the next one.

But the sting feels very real.

As he walked, he found that he had become smaller. He happened to pass by a piece of glass and saw himself in it when he was four or five years old.

The boy looks cute as ice and snow, with red lips, white teeth, black hair and blue eyes, but his temperament and the condensed light in his eyes make people subconsciously ignore his age, and instead involuntarily treat him as an adult.

This body originally contained an adult soul.

Bruce knew there must be some purpose behind this setting. But now it seems that the scene this time is slightly different from the last setting.

The boy lowered his eyes, hiding the obscurity and redness in them.

He did his best to stay calm.

However, in the process, he felt tearing pain.

Bruce took a few steps forward and heard hurried footsteps: "She ran away again? What are you doing for food?!"


Bruce had a look on his face, and his nerves that had been tense ever since he opened the door responded quickly, allowing him to roll to the shadow behind the cabinet next to him as quickly as possible to avoid directly colliding with those people.

His instincts from years of fighting criminals told him that those people were not good people.

Besides...this is Nana's nightmare.

He put away his breath and listened intently to their conversation.

"...They found it over there. This little bastard can really run, let's see if I don't break her legs this time!" "..."

The boy's steel-blue eyes flashed with an extremely cold edge.

"Come on, let's go back first. It's not all without success this time." A slightly sharp male voice said: "Look, another one with black hair and blue eyes, maybe he's Wayne's son, hahahaha." "Then.

Locking the two together, such a big one takes up too much space."

"Have you contacted Wayne?"

"Hey, what are you contacting him for? I heard that he has some unclear relationship with Batman, you Aren't you afraid of being approached by that thing? I've contacted a reliable buyer, and I'll focus on her identity and appearance, at least at this price... Then we'll let their upper-class treatment be nothing like ours. Money."


Does this matter have anything to do with him?

The body of the boy hiding in the shadows suddenly stiffened.

As he sorted out the information revealed in these few sentences, he felt that the blood flowing from his heart to his limbs became cold.

He suddenly remembered the smoke-filled night when he first saw the girl. She fell into the sea, and her blood-soaked irises were one green and the other steel blue.

She had long bangs, and she wore green contact lenses all day long. She painted herself as if she had just crawled out of hell, and she was almost neurotic and cautious.

She obviously knew who her father was from the beginning, but she never thought of acknowledging her father.

My throat felt fishy and sweet. The air flow brought up by breathing passes through the lungs, as if they are burning.

Bruce saw that his reason and emotion were separated. Although he was rational, he still maintained the necessary calmness and analyzed the intelligence without any emotion, and plans were quickly formed one by one.

These instincts are all he has left now.

The boy stood up and followed quietly. Even in the form of a child, his quality seemed to be at its peak. At least he was sure that at such an old age he would never be able to follow those people all the way to their lair without being discovered at all.

He glanced and saw that the moths got out of the car carrying a chain and pulled out a child who was so thin that he looked like he would die in the next second.

The chains were wrapped around her hands, neck, and ankles, binding her layer by layer like a spider web. Then they pulled her out hard before she could stabilize her body. She was suddenly dragged to the ground and dragged from the car to the On the bumpy ground, she remained motionless during this process.

The man dragging her was startled: "Isn't he dead?"

He turned her over to check.

"I told you not to drag her away, what if your face gets bruised!" Another person cursed and stopped him: "Maybe she's just pretending again, this little brat has a lot of tricks up his sleeve!" "Look at her

legs. How about it?" the man said.

"Hiss...it seems to be growing out soon."

There were incompatible traces of blood red and dark brown on the gray khaki pants. The exposed, thin, pale ankles and calves were covered with scars.

They looked at each other, and the man cursed a monster: "Trouble, let me see if you can recover this time -"

He picked up the steel rod in his hand and threw it down, completely destroying her. The idea of legs!

Before his stick fell, a black shadow that could not be caught by the naked eye rushed over, and the next second the stick fell uncontrollably on him.

It wasn't until he fell to the ground, his eyes red, that he screamed out in pain.

"Does it hurt?"

A creepy boy's voice sounded amidst the screams, as if coming from the abyss.

He looked into a pair of familiar blue eyes, but these eyes were cold and burning with fire. They looked at his embarrassed appearance without any extra emotion, as if they were looking at a corpse.

"She's in pain too."

The iron rod fell again without holding back at all, leaving all the kidnappers present dying in just a few blows.

The boy calmly calculated in his mind how many bones each of them had broken and the consequences they would taste. Each of his blows would not be directly fatal, but each time he would hit it hard where it hurt the most.

"Bang bang."

The boy threw the iron rod aside, and the hand that was holding the iron rod trembled uncontrollably.

However, there was no expression on his face.

If anyone else here is conscious now, they will definitely feel the fear that goes deep into their bones when they see this scene.

He suppressed the emotions that were leaking out and even screaming like crazy, turned around and carefully picked up the child who was as thin as a kitten, hiding all the anger in his body, and actually revealed a bit of softness.

She was badly hurt.

It was midnight and we were in such a remote place. It was impossible to go to the hospital, not to mention that this was not the real world. Then there is only one option, which is to rush in.

There were probably more people inside, but Bruce had no choice.

The person in his arms was as cold as if he had been dead for a long time.

Just as he passed the corner, a black hole suddenly appeared in front of him. Bruce quickly turned his head and the shot was shot somewhere else: "Jason!" Bruce saw the

result he most hoped for and tortured The sharp pain in my heart became a little less intense.

The boy with the same black hair and blue eyes, who looked extremely aggressive because of his eyes and thin figure, had his pupils narrowed and his hand holding the gun was slightly loose. After seeing the person in his arms, he tensed up again and turned around without hesitation. : "Follow me, I know where they hide the medicine."

Bruce said no more and quickly followed, knowing that the people in the house had been solved by the Red Hood who had arrived first and had grabbed the thermal weapon.

Two teenagers with the same black hair and blue eyes escorted the child to the supply room. Bruce gently placed her on the small bed and assisted Red Hood in selecting the appropriate medicine. Then the two worked together to treat the wounds on her body. Since then, Afterwards, it was rare to see a tacit understanding and no quarrel.

When the horrific wounds stuck to the clothing were exposed to the air, Bruce could clearly see the red hood clenching his teeth, and the murderous intent in his eyes almost solidified. He only kept silent for fear of affecting the unconscious girl. .

"Bruce Wayne." Red Hood said, "I really want to fucking kill you."

Bruce accepted his anger in silence. He couldn't help but hate himself.

Red Hood stopped talking nonsense, now he only had eyes for the injured child.

At this point in time, Yuna was smaller than he had seen before. There were no terrible scars on her neck, and there was no trace of life in her delicate and pale face.

The gauze has been changed back and forth several times, and the bandages are wrapped all over the body, and the bright red color is faintly revealed.

"Have you seen Nightwing?"

Bruce asked in a low voice after finally placing little Yuna and coming to the side.

"No." Red Hood said coldly.

Bruce nodded and said no more.

He thought that in the last scene it looked like he was the only one, but in fact Yuna was there. There was him and Jason in this scene, but he couldn't feel Yuna at all.

Can only two people enter at a time?

As well as those people's transaction partners, I am afraid that they will receive the news soon. Based on the analysis of the information, they should be Gotham nobles, who at least know Wayne and hate Wayne.

Blackmail, revenge, satisfying one's own dark and disgusting desires... Bruce even dared not think about the things they could do.


"Bruce," the red hood beside him suddenly sneered and read his name, with anger and sadness hidden in his voice, "You are still the same, you have never changed." "Your heart

is made of iron. "Yes?" He looked into Bruce's eyes and inserted the sharp edge of his words into the other person's heart word by word.

Bruce's breath hitched.

His hands trembled uncontrollably again, and he could hardly suppress the depression in his chest.

"Jason," he fully realized Yuna's feeling of desperately suppressing everything when she was in front of Jason's tombstone, trying to keep her breathing and volume down, "I am a human being." He is a human being, and his heart is also fleshy

. of.

So he cannot be completely rational.

The Dark Knight closed his eyes, rarely showing his exhaustion.


A weak breath pulled the father and son out of the dead silence. Bruce suddenly opened his eyes and stepped forward, seeing that the child seemed to be trying to open his eyes with force.

Red Hood lowered his voice: "It's okay, Nana. I'm here."

He paused, then paused again, and then said: "And your father. He's also here to take you home."

Bruce heard that Yan was slightly stunned, glanced at the other party in surprise, and then quickly calmed down, gently opened the five fingers that she had dug into her palm, and put his own hand in, silently giving her a sense of security and strength.

She shrank back in fear, and then as if she felt something, she tentatively held Bruce's hand back: "pa...papa...?"


His eyebrows softened.

"Yeah. I'm here."