
Miss Corrupt and Mister Righteous

Cuteness overload! Fluttering moments! Mysterious and unpredictable ride. The cute love story of a corrupt Policewoman and a Righteous Prosecutor. A guaranteed rollercoaster that will bring you Joy, happiness and a lot of laughter and leave you rooting for the main leads to get together already.

ZoeyA · Ciudad
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33 Chs

A corrupt official 3

''Good going, Detective Avery. You stole my case from me. I know what you want to do. You are doing this for the money, right? Because you can secure a bag from the Assemblyman or did the Commissioner promise you a promotion? This is wrong, Detective Avery.'' Detective Gid said in front of the other police officers in the sitting area.

''I don't know what you are talking about and I can sue you for defamation of character. Detective Gid, I am also an office who is just doing her job.'' Avery stood on her ground as she replied with a sharp gaze.

''A corrupt officer who puts money first. A corrupt officer who sits at the table of corrupt superiors and suck up to them for a cheque. How did you become this kind of person, Avery? I remember when we were still at the training school, you were…'' Detective Gid was short of words to relay how he felt. The Avery he knew was different than the person he was seeing currently.

''Hey!'' Avery held Gid's collar and the other officers ran over to separate them.

''Listen to me Detective Gid, you don't know shit about me. Don't play the moral card with me. It disgusts me!'' Avery said and pushed the two officers holding her aside and went towards the holding room.

Gid picked his phone and went out of the building angrily.

Holding room…

Avery sat across Denis Wu and placed her recorder on the table. She opened the file containing the evidence and asked.

''Why did you assault the woman?''

''Miss Detective, I bet you didn't come to ask me such a question, right? You came to wipe my slate clean. Just do that and release me to go. I still have something I need to go and do immediately.'' Denis said as he relaxed on the chair.

Avery smirked. 'You still have something to do? I don't think you have the luxury of doing that after what happened last night. The woman has refused to settle so this is likely going to court.''

''So what? Are you here to threaten me?'' Denis placed his hands on the table and stretched his body over asking.

''We can settle this with a sincere apology and have you pay her hospital bills and some compensation fee.'' Avery replied.

''What? An apology? Hey, Miss Detective, I know you are a smart one but don't push my buttons. I will not apologize to that bitch. If she didn't want to be touched, then why is she a waiter at the club?'' Denis Wu smirked and chuckled when he saw the change in Avery's face.

Avery's hand clenched under the desk as she looked at Denis. Even though her face looked calm, she was boiling with anger inside.

''Miss Detective, do you go to the clubs?'' Denis Wu asked and laughed.


''I asked if you go to clubs. If you go… well, we could hang out some time. You are just my type, you know. It's a pity you are not tall. If you were a little taller, all the men in this station would be falling at your feet. But you have just the right height for a woman, I think...'' Denis leaned back and checked Avery out some more.

''Hey, are you rating my body right now?'' Avery asked angrily.

''No, I am simply admiring your body. Appreciating what you have. You are quite a beauty, you know. Detective.'' Denis smirked.

''Wipe that smirk or I will punch you in the face, you scum!'' Avery cussed.

''What? Scum? Hey, did you just insult me?'' Denis gave Avery a cocky look and laughed.

''Listen, if you want to get out of here then do as I say. I will arrange a meeting with the woman. Apologize to her sincerely and pay up what you have to, then this case will die.'' Avery warned.

''Alright, for the sake of my uncle, I will listen to you.'' Denis said mockingly. He seemed totally unperturbed by what he did.

Avery stood up and Denis looked at her while licking his lips. Avery got to the door and turned to look at him. She smirked and said, 'when you see me in the streets, run for your life, you jerk!''

Denis laughed as he looked at the door.


''Suleiman, which hospital is the woman at? The one who was assaulted last night?'' Avery asked after coming out of the holding room.

''She is at the Hans Island Hospital.'' Suleiman replied.

''Are you going to visit her out of guilt or to settle? Let me tell you, Detective Avery, the universe is watching. If you let the man go, you will get your karma.'' Gid said to Avery.

''Right, karma really does exist. I will remember your words. Let's go, Suleiman!'' Avery said to her immediately subordinate as she walked out of the station.


Island Hospital.

Private ward 099

'Prosecutor Oak, will he really be convicted? He is from a powerful family, I am afraid. What if he doesn't get punished? That man was a monster in there. He was like a different person.'' Miss Lizzy said sadly.

''Miss Lizzy, I understand your worries but you can be rest assured that the Prosecution department will do everything in their power to make sure that we give you justice.'' Prosecutor Oak said.

Outside the hospital, Avery arrived in the police car with Suleiman and they walked into the hospital.

''Thank you, Prosecutor Oak.'' Miss Lizzy said.

''You are welcome. The police will be visiting you soon. When they ask any uncomfortable question, you have the right to say no. If there is anything else you want to talk to me about, you can call me on this number.'' Kai stood up and handed his contact card to the woman before taking his bag. He bowed respectfully before going out of the ward.

At the OPD, Avery and Kai walked past each other without turning back. Of course, this was because they didn't know each other but Suleiman knew who Kai was so he stopped when he saw him.

''Prosecutor Oak'' Suleiman bowed.

''You are…?'' Kai was confused because he didn't think he knew him.

''I am inspector Suleiman. The lady who just left is Detective Avery, the one in charge of the case. We are here to question the victim.''

Kai turned and looked at Avery's retreating view and furrowed his brows. ''Okay, I see. Then, I will see you around.''

''Yes, Prosecutor Oak.'' Suleiman said and rushed off.

After getting to the door, Avery turned and didn't see Suleiman. She frowned and muttered, ''where is that boy?''

''Detective Sandas.'' Suleiman ran over.

''I told you to call me big sister when we are outside.'' Avery said and hit Suleiman's shoulder.

''Oo, let's go in big sister.'' Suleiman said and opened the door for Avery.

''That's more like it.'' Avery smiled and went in first before Suleiman.