
Miss Corrupt and Mister Righteous

Cuteness overload! Fluttering moments! Mysterious and unpredictable ride. The cute love story of a corrupt Policewoman and a Righteous Prosecutor. A guaranteed rollercoaster that will bring you Joy, happiness and a lot of laughter and leave you rooting for the main leads to get together already.

ZoeyA · Urban
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33 Chs

A corrupt official 2

A distance away, Fiona stopped running and looked at Avery as she entered the police station. She smirked and turned to go, bumping into a man.

''Be careful!'' The man said and held Fiona's hand, helping her steady.

''Thank you!'' Fiona said and looked at the man with a smile.

''It's alright. You should look at where you are going next time.'' The man replied politely.

''Thank you! But… no matter how well you look, you still won't be able to avoid what's to come…'' Fiona said and smiled.

''Excuse me?'' The man asked.

''Prosecutor Oak…'' Someone suddenly called from the stairs and the man turned.

''Prosecutor Oak? Kai Noah Oak?'' Fiona muttered and the man asked.

''Do we know each other?''

''No, for now… see you again, Prosecutor Oak.'' Fiona said and ran down the stairs.

Kai looked at her strangely and turned to the man that called him.

''Prosecutor Kai, there has been another raiding at the house of the Prime Minister. It happened last night. I heard that she took a lot of money belonging to the Prime Minister. The money was set for the building of the National Museum'' Sun Jun said. He was the investigator at Prosecutor Oak's office.

''Last night?'' Kai asked as he followed the man inside.

''This time, she didn't hide herself. She stood boldly in front of the camera and said if the police and Prosecutors can find her, then she will give up an important information.'' Mr. Jun said.

''Really?'' Kai went into his office followed by the investigator.

''Here is the video she posted after leaving the house of the Prime Minister's with a bag of money. Also, she left a message for you…''

Kai played the video, watching it carefully.

''I did it again and no one can catch me. Prosecutor Kai, catch me if you can. I really can't wait for the day you and I will finally meet. I have a message that you will be interested in. PS: Find me!'' Fiona said and chuckled.

''This face, the voice…'' Kai thought deeply and chuckled.

''Prosecutor Kai, what's wrong? Do you know her?'' Mr. Jun, the investigator asked.

''I can't believe she even came to me and I didn't recognize her….'' Kai chuckled. He recognized Fiona immediately.

''Who is she? Is she someone you know?''

''Don't worry. Since she wants me to find her, I will do that. Let's see what kind of information she has for me'' Kai said and smirked.


Police station.

''Detective Sandas, come here'' the Chief of the Police department Chief Johnson came out of his office and called Avery.

''Yes, Chief!'' Avery stood up from her desk and went in.

''Commissioner, this is Detective Sandas, I just told you about her.'' The Chief, Mr. Johnson introduced Avery to the commissioner.

''Sir!'' Avery saluted the Commissioner and turned to look at the Chief.

''Sit down Detective Sandas. I have a favor to ask of you.'' The Commissioner said to Avery.

''Say it right away, sir.'' Avery sat down and looked at the Commissioner with a curious gaze.

''Something happened at the club last night and the nephew of the Assemblyman for Hans Island District got booked for questioning. He was sent to the local jurisdiction but I already asked them to bring him here. I want you to wipe his slate clean.'' the Commissioner spoke.

''Avery, you see…'' Chief Johnson sat down adding, ''you do know that you and Detective Gid are in line for the next promotion, right? If you are able to do this, you will have the Assemblyman by your side. Getting your promotion will happen naturally.''

''Don't worry, Chief. I will make sure I do a good job!'' Avery responded enthusiastically.

''Okay, but the Prosecutor in charge is Prosecutor Oak. He is a little of a nutcase, so you might have to thread carefully around him.'' The Commissioner warned.

''Sir, don't worry. I will handle this well.'' Avery said and stood up. She bowed respectfully before going out.

''Johnson, is this woman trustworthy?'' the Commissioner asked after Avery left.

''She is quite capable. The only thing that matters to her is money and power. She won't make things complicated for us, don't worry.'' Chief Johnson replied.

''I hope so, too. Prosecutor Oak is known for his sharp tongue. If he finds out that the police are doing things behind the scenes to destroy the evidence, he will not let us off. He is using his family's background to get things done.'' The Commissioner didn't want any news getting out to the public.

''Commissioner, don't worry about it.'' Chief Johnson assured him.

Avery walked out of the Chief's office, she saw two policemen bringing a man inside. The man was cussing out. Avery looked at him as they sent him into the holding room.

''That man is Denis Wu, the nephew of the Assemblyman Leonardo Wu. He got arrested last night for beating up a woman who refused to allow him to touch her. He already has a history of getting hostile with women who don't allow him to have his way with them. This time, the local jurisdiction got the evidence of what he did at the club. It's a done deal.'' Detective Gid said when he walked to Avery.

Avery looked at the man and turned to Detective Gid saying, ''Chief said I could take the case.''

''What?'' Gid's face changed.

''You can go and ask him if you think I'm lying.'' Avery said as she picked her phone on the table and walked out to make a call.

Gid rushed into the Chief's office with an angry face. ''Chief…'' He stopped when he saw the Commissioner.

''Detective Gid, what is it? Why did you barge into my office like that?'' Chief Johnson asked.

''I'm sorry. I didn't know you had a visitor.'' Gid apologized and bowed.

''It's alright, what do you want?'' Chief Johnson asked as he looked at the Commissioner's face.

''Chief, Detective Avery just informed me that you asked her to take up the case of Denis Wu? That was my case and I already got all the evidence that is needed for this case to move on. I even informed the Prosecutor that I will transfer him over once the questioning is completed.''

''Detective Gid, you have a lot of work at hand. Detective Avery just came back from her leave, it is good to help each other out. I indeed gave the case to her.''


''Don't argue with me on this one. Hand everything over to Detective Avery, let her handle the case.'' Chief Johnson said in a warning tone.

''Yes, Chief!'' Gid looked at the two men and walked out. He went back to his desk and saw Avery coming in.

''Yes, alright. Thank you!'' Avery said over the phone and noticed Gid looking at her. ''Detective Gid, you look like you want to tear me apart.''

''Good going, Detective Avery. You stole my case from me. I know what you want to do. You are doing this for the money, right? Because you can secure a bag from the Assemblyman or did the commissioner promise you a promotion? This is wrong, Detective Avery.'' Detective Gid said in front of the other police officers in the sitting area.