

Amelie is a young and beautiful businesswoman trying hard to set foot in the industry with her new company, ran with the help of her cousin,Dennis. The events lead to her taking the place of her cousin's fiancè-to-be,Rosè, in an arranged marriage settled by Rosè's family. Her soon husband?None other than the heir of the prestigious Yoxal group, Aiden Yoxal, the temporary ex-boss she had no less than a few months ago. At first, Amelie is thrilled to have her kind ex-boss as a fake husband.It was better than a complete stranger,right?Plus they seemed to get on pretty well together.But his attitude is completely different?He looks at her as if she is his enemy! Soon her husband's indifferent and cold attitude turns Amelie into a cold and indifferent wife. What will happen to these two? Will they finally divorce or will they give this marriage another chance? But it won't be so easy when the world's most stubborn man is against the world's most stubborn woman.

WandererXXII · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
79 Chs

Chapter 63

Aiden woke up in the afternoon by the ring of his phone.He didn't open his eyes and tried to gind the phone with his hand.

While squinting his eyes, he looked at the sender of the message and immediately stood up, trying to read the message well.

It was a message from Amelie.

"I'll be there by 3 o'clock.We have to check the house today."

Aiden furrowed his eyebrows at the word 'house'. Then he remembered.His grandparents had given them a villa as a wedding present.The villa was already finished,they just needed to sign a few documents and they could move directly if they wanted to.He had completely forgot about it.

Aiden looked at the time,it was 2:26.

Aiden looked around at the alcohol bottles he had downed out of sadness last night and his clothes he had scattered everywhere.She wouldn't be entering his room so he could just lock the door and keep her away from here.

Aiden immediately got up.The dark soft bed sheet sliding off his naked body.

He then looked at himself through the mirror.His hair was a mess, and he had dark circles out of sleeping in dawn.Not to mention, he smelled horrible of sweat and alcohol.

He immediately went to take a shower and finish his 'morning' routine.

After climbing downstairs,Aiden immediately sweared at himself.

These days, he had given a few weeks off to his cleaning lady since he had been away.Not only was everything dusty,but it was also a mess full of take out boxes and plastic water bottles.

He had been too lazy to clean up after himself, and one week had resulted in this glory.

Aiden immediately started collecting everything quickly, trying to fix his mess a bit.He couldn't let her see this state.She would definitely start looking down at him as someone pathetic and incapable of cleaning after himself.He couldn't allow himself to be viewed so lowly.

He barely managed to find a few cleaning supplies.

Aiden was mopping the floor quickly when his phone beeped.It was 3:14.

"I'm here."Amelie had sent a text.

Aiden put down the mop and ran to the door.

He fixed his hair on the mirror next to the doorway.It was only mid-action that he realised what he was doing that he slowly said '****' to himself then opened the door.

There was no one there.Aiden was co fused and texted her.

"Where are you?"

"Downstairs."Amelie replied after a minute.

"Why aren't you climbing up?"It was then Aiden thought of the fact that she might not know the code, so he opened the door for her.

After a few minutes,he saw the young woman get off the elevator.

She wore a flowery,knee-length dress and a hat, looking elegant and pure.Her face was expressionless as usual.

"...Should we get going know."Amelie said without looking at him in the eye.The hat hiding her eyes from him a bit.

Aiden was quiet for a bit.

"Come inside.We have to discuss a few things we couldn't last night."

"I think we don't need to discuss anything anymore.You were the one who said saying anything wouldn't change our situation, remember?"

"...This is different."

"How so?"

Aiden sighed.

"Can you please come inside to discuss this properly?The corridor isn't exactly a private space! " He was getting impatient.

Amelie's tone didn't change.

"You refused to discuss this properly first.Why are you getting angry now that I don't want to discuss it?"

"Amelie,just get inside for God's sake!Stop being childish!"

Something snapped inside Amelie.She raised her head and stared at his eyes angrily, not caring about her tone anymore.

"So it's childish when I do it and not when you don't?"

"So you want me to admit that I was being childish to be happy?Fine,I will!I'm sorry for being childish last night!Can you please enter the house now?"

Amelie's lips trembled as she puffed her cheeks out of anger at the audacity of this man.

She then grunted and pushed him to the side,moving him out of her way while entering angrily,her high-heeled sandals clicking on the floor.

"Fine,let's see what you have to say and get this over with!"

But just as to tumble on her prideful and angry moment,her heels slipped on the just mopped floor.Before she could support herself on the wall next to her,Aiden had been quicker,grabbing her by the waist.Amelie looked at the arm around her waist,she immediately straightened up and acted as if nothing had happened,using the big hat to cover her embarrassed expression as she went to the sofa to sit down.

Aiden knew she was embarrassed, and he wanted to make fun of her,but since this was a serious moment,he didn't want to make her too angry.Else she would probably get out of there without turning her head back.He had learned a thing or two about her this past year.

Aiden came with two cups of coffee and spoke first.

"I want our divorce to happen as soon as possible. I don't want to continue with this anymore.I told you to just endure until we had our wedding.Now that it's done,I don't need to keep acting like a loving couple with you anymore."

Amelie just kept her arms crossed and didn't say anything.The hat covering her expression.Aiden continued.

"Of course,just as I said in the beginning I will repay you.I wasn't expecting you to do this for free anyway.So state your price and I can see what I can do about it.This is an agreement between two people after all."

Amelie was still quiet.

"If you want I can give you the mansion we will be seeing today.Even the private jet if you want.If there is anything else that you want,between my capabilities I will try my best to give it to you."

Amelie suddenly started laughing.Aiden was a bit confused at her laugh.Did she think it wasn't enough?That's why she's laughing.

"Before I say anything else,I just have one question, what excuse are you planning to use for our early divorce?"

"We'll just say we're incompatible."

"Oh,and people will believe that easily?That a couple divorced by incompatibility in just a few weeks of marriage after having a 'harmonious' relationship in the eyes of others?"

"We don't have to give any explanations to anyone."

"You might not have to give any explanations,but I do!"Amelie raised her eyes,revealing a pair of brown eyes that seemed to lack all warmth."We're not discussing this anymore.Either we come clean and divorce now, or we keep this up for another year and end it as smoothly as possible."

Aiden was silent.

"I'll give you more time to think your conditions for the divorce.It's partly my fault that I didn't discuss it with you first-"

"It is fully your fault!"Amelie raised her voice, interrupting him."Don't use a seemingly reasonable tone that paints me as the unreasonable one!I'm not someone dumb that can't see through your intentions!"

Amelie stood up, looking down at him, who was sitting on the armchair.In her eyes, there seemed to be an intense flame of resentment,completely opposite of the usually calm lake.

"I told you a year ago to end this all without getting more serious in the eyes of people,but you were the one who refused!You were the one who wanted to continue to the end!"

Aiden stood up,towering over her.

"Yes,I was the one who wanted to continue until marriage!We married, and now it's over!"

"Look!He still continues talking as if nothing is wrong!"Amelie said to herself in disbelief while having a hand on her forehead."You know what!I'm not discussing this anymore!" Then she walked away towards the door."I'm going to the appointment alone!"She wanted to get out of there because she knew she was losing control of her emotions.

Aiden took large strides and grabbed her wrist.

"You're not going anywhere without finishing this conversation!"

Amelie shook his hand off."I already ended this conversation by walking out of it!I made my point last night and I'm not planning on changing my mind!End of discussion."She turned to walk away,but Aiden blocked her way completely not allowing her to leave.



Amelie kept saying 'Move' through gritted teeth as she tried to pass him.Sometimes going under his arms that tried to block the way.Now both of them looked like two children fighting.Aiden was also angry, saying 'No'.Finally, he had it with her sliding under his arms and caged her between his arms.

Amelie tried to push him with both her arms,but the man wouldn't budge.She gave up and refused to look him in the eyes as she said.

"Get out of the way!"




Amelie raised her eyes and stared at his,her face full of stubborness and anger.Aiden wasn't any different.The situation soon became a staring contest.None of them were letting their guard down.

"Are you finally going to sit down and continue this discussion?"

Amelie didn't answer and just stared at his eyes.

"Go sit down again."

Amelie crossed her arms and turned around. Aiden was relieved that she wasn't being stubborn anymore,but just as he took two steps.He couldn't even react,when the girl suddenly turned around,passed him and was running to the door.


Aiden ran behind her and grabbed her by the waist with both his arms,pulling her against himself,refusing to let her move.The woman squirmed on his arms.

"Let me go!Don't touch me!I don't want to see you right now!Let go!"

"Amelie,just sit down and listen for a bit!"

"I'm not listening to someone who doesn't bother to listen to me!"

"Fine,I'll listen to anything you have to say so just-"

"I don't want to say anything to you anymore!"

Aiden became quiet.