

Amelie is a young and beautiful businesswoman trying hard to set foot in the industry with her new company, ran with the help of her cousin,Dennis. The events lead to her taking the place of her cousin's fiancè-to-be,Rosè, in an arranged marriage settled by Rosè's family. Her soon husband?None other than the heir of the prestigious Yoxal group, Aiden Yoxal, the temporary ex-boss she had no less than a few months ago. At first, Amelie is thrilled to have her kind ex-boss as a fake husband.It was better than a complete stranger,right?Plus they seemed to get on pretty well together.But his attitude is completely different?He looks at her as if she is his enemy! Soon her husband's indifferent and cold attitude turns Amelie into a cold and indifferent wife. What will happen to these two? Will they finally divorce or will they give this marriage another chance? But it won't be so easy when the world's most stubborn man is against the world's most stubborn woman.

WandererXXII · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
79 Chs

Chapter 30

A man wearing a pair of shorts and a T-shirt was waiting outside the arrival gate lazily scrolled through his phone, unaware of the constant glances he got.

The T-shirt was tight around his chest and arms,outlining the well-trained muscles,while it was loose on his flat stomach.The tattoo on his whole left arm added a sprinkle of rebellious persona,making him even more attractive.

The shorts were a bit loosely tied on his waist and the girls looked down,being greeted by a pair of strong legs.

What made him even more perfect was also his handsome face.It was rare to find a man who had both a face and a body.

One of the girls was bold enough to approach him and ask for his number.

The man lowered his sunglasses a bit and looked at her with a pair of beautiful,ocean eyes full of surprise.Then he smiled and rejected her.

The girl didn't know if should've been sad for being rejected or happy for getting to see his smile.

After rejecting the girl,Aiden was obviously in a better mood.Who said he was unaware of the attention he got?He could feel all those glances and was basking under the attention.Just because he wasn't interested,didn't mean he didn't like being praised.

After a while,he glanced at the gate who was opening and closing constantly,but none of the people who came out was the person he was waiting for.

Aiden patiently waited again.

1 hour passed.

Aiden sighed in annoyance,he had to come here because he had no other choice.If it were for him,he wouldn't even want that girl here to ruin his rare days off,but alas what could he do?

After waiting for more than half an hour.Aiden got the sudden impulse to leave.It had already been more than 2 hours since her flight arrived and she still hadn't come out?

Meanwhile, Amelie had already gotten out since long ago and had witnessed Aiden smiling with a girl until she left dejectedly.

Suddenly her pent-up anger rose again at the witness of his smiling face.

You know what.Amelie put on her cap,wore her optical glasses and headed in the opposite direction from Aiden.

She would let him wait here for a while,he could wait an hour.Let him get a slight taste of his own medicine.

She went around the airport for a while and then sat down in a café there,drinking a smoothie.

After an hour and a half had passed,she went to him.Seeing his impatient and annoyed face made her feel alive.

Amelie smiled brightly at him.Aiden who saw her come from an entirely different direction from the gate,sort of understood what she had done.


Amelie just smiled and waved.She didn't want to hide it anyway.

"Let's go now!" she said as she walked ahead first.

Aiden just stood in place,not following her.

"Why are you standing there?"Amelie asked with annoyance."Let's go!"

Aiden just turned his face to the side trying to suppress his laughter.

"Pfff-You're going in the-pff-wrong direction."

Amelie's face got hot from the embarrassment.

Aiden walked at the right direction laughing at her,while Amelie just followed him silently while dragging her luggage behind.Her face red and gaze lowered.

After walking to the car,Aiden got in the driver's seat and Amelie just stood there in silence.

"Why aren't you getting in?" he said sarcastically "Do you want me to open the door for you?"

Amelie just smiled sarcastically at him and raised her luggage.

"I'm waiting for you to open the trunk."You freaking idiot.

Then Aiden was finally reminded and opened the trunk for her.Amelie wasn't really planning on letting him help her load it,but she still was annoyed that he didn't even bother to offer a bit of help.

Aiden was actually planning to silently load it,but seeing how Amelie raised the luggage like it didn't bother her,while her face completely fierce,he stopped his actions midway.

When Amelie closed the trunk with a loud thud he flinched a bit.

This girl barely reached his chest,but her strength was like that of the Hulk.Her face didn't seem bothered at all as she raised that heavy luggage.

Then Amelie opened the door to the backseat and sat down.

Aiden gave her a look.It was good that they would be heading to his apartment first.If they saw this,his parents would definitely jump at him.

After about 1 hour of a silent drive,they arrived.

Amelie opened the door and went to the back of the car,waiting for Aiden to open the trunk.

After he opened it,she took her luggage and followed him behind as he led the way.

The car ride had made her even more drowsy than the plane so now she was more silent than before.

The suffocating silence was almost unbearable for Aiden and the confined space of the elevator didn't make it any better.

Amelie on the other hand was feeling too tired to care and leaned a bit on the side trying to keep her eyes open.

After reaching the floor,Aiden got out first and went to enter the pass code to his apartment.Before he was he glanced at Amelie for a bit and then tried to hide what he was entering.

Amelie noticed this and only scoffed inside her head since she was too tired to do that with her mouth.

The door opened revealing a huge living room with a floor to ceiling window.The window was very big since the apartment involved two floors and only half of the secon floor was used to accommodate other rooms,the other half was empty,making the living room have a very high ceiling.

Amelie admired the architecture work for a while and thought of telling her mum this as an idea if she was planning for a new house decorating.

Aiden just then left for upstairs.As he was climbing the woody stairs Amelie hesitated for a bit and asked.Her voice was soft and quiet because she was too tired.

"Where should I leave my things?"

Aiden looked at her for a bit.She felt a bit uncomfortable by the gaze since it didn't seem like a positive one.

He then sighed.

"There's a guestroom upstairs.I'll point you to that."

"Okay."Amelie said and started to climb the stairs.

She was being very slow so Aiden impatiently got down and took the luggage from her hand.

"It's okay.I can handle it myself."Amelie said as she tried to get the luggage back,but when her hands brushed against his,both pulled back immediately.

Aiden stood there for a second,avoided her eyes, and then headed upstairs infront of her.

The luggage was really,really heavy.He had guessed that it wouldn't be that light,but because she had picked it up before like it was nothing,he thought it might be handable for her.He had been completely wrong.If he weren't someone who could handle weights then even he would be struggling.

Since he had found out she was his fiancè and these interactions he had had with her,Aiden couldn't tell what her intentions were.Was she using him?Then why didn't she demand something for him,yet?Why did she act like she didn't want to be in this situation when she was the one who had agreed first?Why isn't she asking him for help,but instead is trying to do everything alone?Why was she messing with his head like this?

He pushed open one of the doors revealing a bedroom and left the luggage there.

"This is where you can stay until we depart tomorrow with the others." his voice was cold and without waiting for her response,he left the room.

Amelie watched his leaving figure and went to close the door.

Her feelings were really all over the place and complicated today.Amelie was too tired to think of them.She wanted to lay down and get some sleep,but she didn't know if she could sleep under the same roof as him even if it was just a short power nap.

After staring at the bed for a while,she opened her luggage and got herself a few comfortable clothes.There was a bathroom in the guest room.She took a quick shower and went to lie down after putting an alarm.