
Chapter Seven

Aizawa walked beside Shiro as they followed Katsuki, Midoriya and Gray hiking up the mountain trail with Mina and All Might trailing behind the group. Aizawa glanced over to the hero known as 'Seven'. He wore a medical mask over half his face, All Might didn't want to give them their masks back, since they didn't know what they could do, and the heroes weren't sure if they could trust these kids just yet.

For all Aizawa knew they could be walking into a trap right now. To get the two out of the hospital they demanded a mask to cover their face, it didn't make sense to the U.A. teachers, but there wasn't time to understand.

"Is it true?" Aizawa broke the tense silence. Shiro turned to look at the sleepy-eyed teacher.

"Is what true?"

"You all were forced to be part of this Seven Bullets group?" Aizawa asked one of the million questions choking the surrounding people who were all on the verge of losing their minds. Midoriya and Katsuki peeked over their shoulders.

"Yeah." Shiro nodded.

"Hm." Aizawa hummed, "Then why did (y/n) help Shooter escape?"

"We were right there!" All Might's voice bounced off the trees, fists tightening as raged filled his bones. "We were there to save you!"

"She did it for us." Gray answered, walking beside Midoriya.

"What do you mean?" Midoriya wanted more, needed more information. He wanted to know everything hiding behind the mask those two wore so flawlessly.

Gray turned gazing ahead as the vibrant colors of the forest almost blinded him as his mind drifted away.


Gray swallowed the lump lodged in his throat cramming the note into his pocket as Shiro opened the roof's metal door. Gray was almost shocked to see only Shooter was on the roof impatiently waiting, his hands crossed over his wide chest looking unpleased.

"I told you to never remove those masks!" He instantly snapped upon seeing his team walking towards him.

"Those cheap ass masks you force us to wear broke." You replied with fire lingering on your tongue.

"So?" Shooter scoffed.

"I couldn't see."


"And I could have died."

"Then you should have died!"

"That would be more convenient for you wouldn't it!?" You stood your ground. Gray stared wide eyed, seeing your spit fire attitude coming out. It wasn't often it leaked to the surface, maybe it was the fresh untreated bullet hole in your shoulder bringing it out.

"You will watch your mouth when you speak to me!" Shooter stormed forward, raising his fist he back handed you, causing you to stumble back onto your ass.

"Hey!" Shiro stepped forward, "This isn't on Five, it's on me. I couldn't handle my own, she had to come save my ass-"

"It's on all of you!" Shooter waved his right hand. "You raveled your face on live television!"

"That must suck for you." You darkly laughed, "How you gonna replace me now?"

"You stupid bitch!" Shooter boomed, bringing his heavy boot up, slamming it down onto your ankle. You locked your jaw as the pain shot through your leg, you weren't giving him the satisfaction of your screams, never again. "Get up!" Shooter pulled you to your knees, turning to the others before kicking them down on their knees.

"What-?" Gray blinked, feeling confused.

"I should have done this years ago, you're not worth your trouble!" Shooter pulls out a gun from the back of his pants.

"You're going to kill us just like that?" You asked staring ahead of you.

"Your cold product." Shooter replies.

"You're standing on the roof of the most popular hero school in the world." You pulled words from your ass. "By now they know we are missing, they are going to be looking for us."

"Shut up, I'll be long gone before then."

"You sure about that?" You questioned, "By now they know we aren't in our rooms, they will lock this school down. How do you think you can get out? When they find out bodies, who do you think they will link our murders too?"

"I said shut up!" Shooter lashed, pushing the barrel of the gun harshly against your head.

"I can get you out of here." You calmly replied.

"Five-!" Shiro harshly whispered.

"That's right!" Shooter laughed, "I can use you to-"

"I'll only help if you agree to let these two go."

"What-!?" Shiro's head snapped around.

"(y/n) no-!" Gray breathed, his stomach turning but you ignored them both.

"You don't give me orders! You do as I say-!"

"You really think you have the time to demand shit from me? I'll get you out of here, but you and every other half crazed fuck can't bother them ever again. You will make sure of that."


"If you go back on your word-" You turned to glance behind you, "-I will tare you apart while putting the fear of God in you."


Gray blinked the memory away, turning to Midoriya as the group reached the rendezvous point. They began to fan out searching for any clue you may have left behind.

"She..." The greenettes eyes fell to the ground, processing what he was just told.

"I don't know why she did it." Gray sucked in a deep breath. "We have been trapped together for what...four years now, we hardly spoke to each other-"

"What!?" Midoriya spun.

"Yeah." Gray laughed, licking his lips. "She never forgave us for leaving, and honestly I can't blame her."


"After she was rescued from Shadow Jack." Gray replied, "We were rescued with her, but we had family alive and we just...left without her...never looking back."

"Why'd you do it?" Katsuki's deep voice caused Midoriya to jump. Katsuki for years always wondered about this question. "After all the hell you went through together, why leave her?" Shiro turned,

"You think it was easy?"

"Yeah." Katsuki nodded scanning over the grass. "I think it was as easy as getting into a cab and never looking back." Katsuki looked out over the cliff, recalling all the time you two hiked to this spot and ate lunch together.

"You know this place." Shiro walked over, reading Katsuki's face.

"Huh?" Katsuki turned, "Yeah so?"

"How do you know this place?" Gray pressed.

"What does it matter?"

"Who picked this point?" Aizawa added into the mix of unanswered questions.

"(y/n)." Gray plainly answered. "Bakugo, you know this spot?"

"Yeah." Katsuki answered, shoving his hands into his pockets. "We used to hike here."

"Who?" Aizawa narrowed in.

"Me and (y/n)." Katsuki sighed, "We used to hike up here together." Gray and Shiro turned to each other, each never knowing the reason you chose this particular spot.

"Did you guys have any other places you hung out!?" Gray stomped into Katsuki's personal space.

"Ugh-Wha-back off!" Katsuki pushed Gray backwards.

"She picked this spot for a reason." Shiro filled the group in, "If its because of you, there might be other places she jumped."


"She can't get far." Shiro replied, bending down brushes his fingers over the red painting the fresh grass.

"What is that?" Mina leaned over.

"Blood." Shiro responded studying the substance painting his fingers.

"Wh-Why is there blood here!?"

"Because (y/n) is overusing her quirks." Gray answered. "The quirk you saw takes a lot out of her, to top it off we haven't recovered from our fight from Necro, and she has a fucking bullet wound that hasn't been treated yet."

"What-We need to find her!"

"This is bad-!" Midoriya began to panic with Mina, causing Shiro to roll his eyes.

"This is a good thing." He overpowered the panicking green eyed hero, "It means she can't get far with her quirk."

"Yeah-" Aizawa stepped closer, "-so about that quirk."