
Chapter Six

All Might holds a tender grin as he stood in front of your hospital door.

His palms were clammy with nerves, he quickly wiped them on the side of his pants as his mind ran laps through what he would say. So many things wanted to spill from his mouth at once but he knew he couldn't swarm you within the first few seconds of finally getting you back. His heart flutters, rapidly blinking the tears away he gasps the sob back down into his throat. For so long he prayed somehow some way this moment would come into existence, and now here it was.

With another deep breath he grips the door handle pulling it open, not giving himself another second to overthink. For a moment, All Might felt a familiar ping of pain, flashing back to the countless nights he sat alone in your vacant bedroom. Tears freefalling as he sobbed into your pillow praying to whoever was listening for this to all be some sick nightmare.

All Might gazed around the empty room.

"Seven and Three are gone too." Recovery Girl walks in with their nurse and head of the security team assigned with guarding the school.

"What?" All Might's brain flatlines staring into the room, as if you would somehow manifest. "How-why would they-?"

"I went to change their bandages and they were gone." The nurse explained.

"Where could they have gone?" Recovery Girl wondered,

"Why would they leave in the first place?" The nurse shook her head, not understanding.

"Many reasons my dear." Recover Girl waved, "We need to lock down the school, they couldn't have gotten far, those three are fairly injured."

"Are you talking about those three from that hero team?" A CNA walked over. "I watched them head to the staircase, they said it was fine if they got some air."

"We would know if they left the school." The officer scoffed, "We have every exit covered."

"They weren't going down." The aid blinked, "They went to the roof."

"The roof?" All Might frowned, pulling his brows together not feeling this made any sense. But the retired hero didn't give himself time to chew over his thoughts, he spun on his heel running down the hall towards the staircase.

Katsuki, Mina and Midoriya hung out in the hallway waiting for All Might to come get them when it was finally approved for them to see you.

"All Might!" Midoriya scrambled to his feet, a bright smile formed, "How is she-?"

"Huh?" Mina blinked seeing him run past them. "Wha-?"

"(y/n) is missing!" All Might called over his shoulder. Katsuki turned to see the security staff, Recovery Girl and teachers running after All Might.

"How the hell-!?"

"Just come on!" Mina grabbed Katsuki's arm pulling him into a run with the others. The group took the stairs three at a time. The door hung in the distance like a teasing drink of water to a dying man.

All Might and the others blew through the door, knocking the door off its hinges, Katsuki's heart dropped upon seeing the scene before him.

You and your two comrades were in a line, each on your knees. Shooter stood behind you, a gun pointed to the back of your head.

"NO!" Midoriya threw his arm outward, black whip flying towards Shooter's hand being obedient when it counts.

Katsuki ignored Shooter; his eyes locked as he grabbed you tightly causing the two of you to roll from the fight breaking out as the teachers and security team restrained Shooter.

Katsuki landed on his ass; you are in-between his legs in a familiar position as your wide eyes gazed at him.

"Hey Princess." He breathed, smirking his famous expression tightening his grip around you. You stared motionless. He wasn't how you remembered, his face had no baby fat, he held defined features, Katsuki looked from you over to the fighting group.

Your eyes trailed over the defined jaw line, his hair still defied gravity, Katsuki was attractive all those years ago but now his looks could damn near kill. His eyes which haunted your nightmares still cut through anything and everyone. Even though your screen only saw in black and white, you knew his eyes still glowed that beautiful scarlet red, igniting everything it touched.

Your tired bones eased feeling his grasp around you and this fondness boiled you over.

Your body released control over to you, earning his attention. You felt the stone expression hidden from the world as you raised your hand. Katsuki's eyes were so soft, you bit down on your jaw. He was probably so thrilled to be getting his paycheck back. With that reminder circling the drain refusing to go down your fist flew out on its own, clipping the side of his defined jaw.

You caught the shocked expression filling his eyes as he began to turn back, you released a wave of wind, catching him like a kite in a summer storm. Katsuki flew backwards, once the warmth from his body ripped away from your skin you jumped to your feet, igniting flames in the palm of your hands, sending them burning their way towards the U.A. teachers.

"Five don't-!" Three called out as the teachers were pushed away from Shooter by the fire. Midoriya was able to catch Katsuki before he flew off the building. You ignored your teammates' calls, with Shooter behind you the rim of your eyes lit their ghostly yellow allowing yourself and Shooter to be swallowed by the shadows.

"What the hell!?"

"That's new." Mina muttered her heart felt like wet cement, staring at the empty place you were just standing. The U.A. staff and security team all stared at each other for a moment, before turning to Three and Seven.

Guns instantly pointed at the two, they held their gloved hands up.

"Hold on-!" Seven called, two officers marched forward, each gripped a mask ripping them off with effort.

"Shiro and Gray?" Midnight shook her head staring at the two deceased, "I-Wha-You're dead!"

"So is Five-I mean (y/n)." Gray shrugged.

"You got some explaining to do." Aizawa glared, closing the space between him and the two boys.

"Can I have that back-?" Gray questioned trying to grab his mask, but it was held away.



"Let's all head back to the infirmary-" Recovery Girl suggested, "-let's get out of the heat and then talk like civil adults."

"Yeah." Midoriya nodded, looking at a stunned Katsuki then to his teachers.

Katsuki watched frozen in his shoes; his lower jaw throbbed as everyone agreed to head into the cool air-conditioned building.

"Hell no-!" Katsuki snapped out of it, marching forward taking Shiro by the front of his jacket. "-we are not going to go inside and chat. You're going to tell me what the fuck just happened and where (y/n) went!"

"In case you forgot-" Shiro calmly answered, "-we were left here too."

"How would we know where she went?" Gray added on with a roll of his eyes.

"How the hell did she vanish like that!?" Katsuki switched gears, "Where the hell did that freak take her!?"

"What?" Shiro grinned, a laugh spilled from his chest.

"Keep laughing-" Katsuki seethed, "-and I'll wipe that smile off your face myself."

"Alright." Aizawa stepped in, gripping Katsuki's wrist. "We all need to calm down-"

"Shooter didn't take (y/n) anywhere." Shiro ignored Aizawa, never breaking eye contact with Katsuki as he spoke. "You got it all wrong, she was the one who transported them."

"What?" All Might gasped in disbelief.

"A lot has changed over the years." Shiro replied with a shrug of the shoulders Mina drooled over not to long ago.

"(y/n) can control shadows now?" Mina stepped closer his curiosity flaring.

"No." Gray chuckled, "That's not how that works."

"Then how does it work!?" Katsuki tightened his grip.

"You wanna stand here asking questions all day-" Shiro smirked, matching Katsuki's glare. "-or do you want to try and find (y/n)?"

"But you said-" Mina furrowed her brows.

"We don't know where she went-" Gray spoke up, "-but we do have rendezvous points we meet up at when shit hits the fan."

"You do?"

"Yep." Gray shrugged, "But it won't take (y/n) long to get there, we don't have much time before she vanishes with Shooter."

"Let's go." Aizawa and All Might nodded to each other.

"Fine, but try anything-" Katsuki sneered, "-and I'll blow your ass to bits!"

"Mm-" Shiro held a cocky smirk, "-kinky. I can see why she liked you."

Shiro pulled himself free, walked around Katsuki but stopped and turned to the stunned blond, his face could be read clear as the bright sunny day outside.

"Get that look off your face, I said she liked you."

"What do you-?" Mina breathed, catching onto what he was saying.

"Don't worry-" Gray walks past the pink skinned hero, "-she hates us too."