
Chapter One

"Ugh-!" Mina stretched her arms in the air, shopping bags hanging off her arm hitting her in the shoulder. "-that was so much fun!"

"Yeah!" Ochaco cheerfully agreed walked beside Tsu, Momo and Mina.

"It got late so quickly." Momo muttered looking to the dark stary sky.

"Where did all the time go!?" Mina whined to herself, "It's our last week before school starts!"

"Speaking of school, why did you buy so much clothing?" Tsu wondered, "We have uniforms we have to wear."

"For the weekends!" Mina defended, "We don't know if we are going to be in the same class, if not we are going to have to hang out on the weekends and what do you suppose I wear then? Hm!?"

"Ok!" Tsu and the others laughed. "You got us there!"

"Yeah!" Mina giggled wrapping her arm around Ochaco.

"I can't believe we are in college already." Momo breathed, "It feels like just yesterday we were in high school."

"Not for me." Mina waved, "I am so glad those days are behind us, finishing those four years felt more like twelve!"

"I am so happy we all got accepted into U.A. college together." Tsu commented.

"Yeah!" Mina hopped, "At least we will all be going to the same school!"

"Yeah-!" Ochaco nodded, "-even if we aren't in the same classes, we can probably meet up for lunch or something!"

"Yes!" The U.A. ladies agreed.

Mina bounced in front of the group, spinning on her heel ready to sing out her demands of wanting dinner together before they part ways when suddenly a man flew into view from the alleyway. Mina froze watching the caliginous dressed man's eyes flash to her.

"Move!" He belted, whipping his arm outward, blades like thorns from a rose grew from off skin racing towards Mina's soft face. Her training kicked in, triggering fight or flight as she shot her acid towards the weapon, it sizzled against her corrosive liquid. The villain gasped out, stuttering backwards gasping out in agony.

"Mina-!" Ochaco reached out, wanting to pull on Mina so she could turn and run, they needed to search for a pro-hero. They could not fight with their quirks without a hero nearby.

"You're going to pay for that!" The villain gurgled from within his throat, flinging both arms outward forming steel blades. Mina took her stand, bracing herself as she formed her acid veil protecting herself from the blades rushing her.

"Mina!" Momo shouted, tension in her muscles as he tried to figure out a way out of this situation. Mina's wide eyes watched as the third blade came running towards her chest.

"Where did that come from!?" Mina breathed, instinctively squeezing her eyes shut bracing for impact.

A piercing yet musical sound opened her eyes, in time to watch a figure drop down in front of her. Lightning mimicking the sound of sweet birds singing filled her ears as Mina watched the hero before her deflecting the blade using their lightning quirk.

"Wha-?" Mina sucked in a breath through her lips.

"The Pro-Hero-" The villain mocked in his sour tone. "-the fifth bullet-"

The U.A. girls gawked taking in the hero more commonly known as 'Five' who stood apart of the popular hero group 'Seven Bullets'. The hero stood near Mina's height, wearing their group's battledress.

Thick black cargo pants a matching jacket with a hood pulled over their head, the more noticeable signature of the group were the sleek metal masks they wore.

"-where is your little band of misfits?" The villain continued to mock as he slammed his fist forward, blades leaked from between his fingers acting like a heat seeking missile hungrily searching out its target.

Five skillfully blocked the charging blades flying around in a mindless pattern reminding the U.A. heroes of an annoying fly.

"Look out-!" Ochaco reached out wishing to help as the blade seeming to have a mind of its own ducked around Five circling towards Mina. Lightning the shade of pine green shot outward blocking the blades from Mina but sent them flying in the opposite direction.

"No!" Mina cried, watching the blade knock Five's head sideways, the force strong enough to knock the hood off her head. Before anyone could react, similarly dressed people dropped down onto the street.

Mina and the other U.A. girls watched in amazement as the four other Bullets brought the villain down with graceful ease.

Tsu stared in awe at Five, studying the familiar braid lacing through her hair. Tsu's mind couldn't help but flash back to you. Tsu's face twisted, remembering teaching you her mother's braid.

In recent years it has become a popular hairstyle, but every time she sees it inside someone's hair, she still thinks of you. Tsu weakly grinned, recalling all the times you sought her out because you forgot how to style your hair.

"You girls are out pretty late." Mina blushed as a tall well built man walked over, the voice modulator that all the bullets wore masked his true voice. "It's not saved to be walking these parts this time of night alone." Mina's eyes hungrily trailed over his wide shoulders, the large number in white rested on his leg, arm and on the side of his mask told her he was called 'Seven'.

"We-We weren't alone." Momo stubbornly defended her friends. The Third Bullet walked over hands in his pocket studying the kids. The screen he looked through on his mask scanned each kid, he spotted Tsu staring at Five.

"Get home." Three cuts in, walking over quickly pulling Five's hood over her head. "Before we have to call in that a bunch of unlicensed heroes are using quirks without supervision."

"We were being attacked!" Momo scoffed.

"I don't make the rules." Three shrugged, pushing Five towards the Second and Fourth bullets who remained beside the restrained villain. "We just follow them, save us all the paperwork and just go."

"So rude!" Momo steamed glaring at the masked man as Tsu and Ochaco dragged her by the arms. Mina glanced over her shoulder wishing to thank Five for saving her life, but her voice was trapped inside his twisted vocal cords upon seeing the slash mark across her mask running through her painted-on number.


The next few days were uneventful for the U.A. students who were preparing for the upcoming semester.

"You what!?" Kaminari gasped; his mouth hung open waiting for a bored bug.

"We ran into the Seven Bullets!" Ochaco gushed, taking a seat in the large booth beside Midoriya in the café where they all agreed to meet.

"Why we just hearing about this!?" Shoji agreed with Kaminari.

"We have been pretty busy." Mina muttered, playing the straw of her drink.

"Too busy to tell us you guys were almost killed but saved by like the most badass hero group ever!?" Toru smacked the table, "Not fair!"

"They are not that great." Momo huffed.

"Your just mad Three told you what to do." Tsu pointed out.

"The matter of fact is they saved our butts!" Ochaco added, "They should have turned us into the authorities for using our quirks without a hero present."

"Technically they were present." Momo countered.

"You know what I mean!" Ochaco rolled her eyes.

"What were they like!?" Midoriya leaned closer, "Did you see any of their quirks in action!?"

"Yeah." Mina nodded, "We saw Five."

"Five!?" Toru shook her head, "I like five but I love Four more-!" She babbled rummaging through her bag.

"You don't even know who they are." Momo commented.

"I don't need to know her to know four is awesome!"

"Who is awesome?" Kirishima asked walking up with Katsuki by his side.

"Hey guys!" Midoriya waved,

"Sorry we are late!" Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck, "We took too long at the gym."

"That's ok!" Tsu waved them into the booth.

"So-" Kirishima glanced around, "-who is awesome?"

"The Seven Bullets!" Toru found what she had been looking for pulling out a rolled-up magazine.

"Why are you talking about them?" Katsuki questioned leaning back against the booth.

"Oh, because they only saved Mina, Momo, Ochaco and Tsu's butts the other night!" Toru spilled the tea.

"What!?" Kirishima hopped on the conversation train. "You--what happened!?"

"We just ran into a villain-" Mina shrugged.

"What's with her?" Kirishima nodded towards Mina.

"She is all mopey because she almost got one of them killed."

"You-!" Kirishima turned to her, "-what did we miss!?"

"Hey-" Midoriya placed his hand over Minas. "-just like us, they know the risks they take every time they step out onto the streets to patrol."

"I know." Mina sighed, "I just...I don't know! I wish I could have just said thank you or something!"

"I am sure they know you're grateful for saving your life's." Sato shrugged, "I think you're reading too much into this."

"Or we aren't reading into this enough!" Toru smacked the magazine flat against the table. The open pages contain contents of the article about the Seven Bullets. "Not much is known about them." Toru copied Midoriya and muttered mindlessly, "No one knows their faces, or even their real names!"

"They like privacy." Katsuki crossed his arms, "I can understand that."

"Yeah but-" Toru huffed, "-they have been a popular hero group for years, they are even in the top ten heroes sharing the position of ninth place yet, no one knows anything!" Toru looked down to the picture of the group, her finger trailed over Seven's masked face. She blushed, loving the mysterious hero. Toru hungrily scanned over his neck where a thin black choker all the Bullets wore.

"Maybe that's the point." Katsuki pointed out.

"What do you mean?" Toru blinked,

"I mean Bakugo has a point." Kirishima laughed, "The mystery surrounding them seems to be bugging you, it's making us talk about them. Maybe that is the entire point of their secret?"

"Ah-" Toru shook her head, "-I-I don't think so."


"Because that is too easy!" Toru giggled.

"I wonder why they were in town." Midoriya masked a yawn.

"Oh yeah-" Mina recalled, "-they don't live in this city, their agency is like hundreds of miles away right?"


"Why were they in town?"

"Mm-" Midoriya thought for a moment, "-there wasn't any function for heroes in town recently."

"Who knows." Tsu sighed plopping back against the booth.


Tsu jumped surprised by the flat toned voice behind her.

"Todoroki-!" Tsu breathed holding her chest, "-you scared me!"

"Sorry." Shoto gazed down, "I didn't mean to be late."

"Hey Todoroki." Midoriya waved.

"What are we talking about?" Shoto questioned, taking a seat beside Kirishima.

"The Seven Bullets." Katsuki sighed, bored of the conversation.

"Oh." Shoto nodded, "Yeah it was pretty sad."

"What was?" Mina frowned.

"It was on the news this morning." Shoto answered, "One of their members were killed last night-"


"Yes." Shoto nodded, "I remember watching the tv next to my sister while eating-"

"Which one died!?" Mina jumped up, hands on the table as she hovered over her seat, a pit forming in her stomach.

"Um-" Shoto gazed upwards as he thought, "-the fourth one I think?"

"You think!?" Mina and Toru joined forces.

"Yes." Shoto nodded.

"Ugh!" Mina dropped into her seat.

"I'm looking it up." Kaminari waved Mina's frustration off. "Here-" Kaminari held out his phone. "-it says they were back in their home city when the villain Necro popped up, he took one of them down and was able to get away."

"So, it was Four?"

"Yeah." Kaminari nodded, "She was crushed to death by Necro."

"That's horrible."

"No!" Toru cried, placing her head on the table. "She always reminded me off...never mind." Toru huffed quickly wiping the fallen tear.

"Yeah." Mina nodded; her chest still felt tight as a dark feeling filled the cavity around her heart. "The villain got away?"

"Yeah, did some damage on the other members too."

"Damn..." Kirishima muttered glancing to each of his friends. "...so, who is ready for class!?" His bright tone and attempt to change the topic earned tight annoyed glares.