
Military System god realm revolution

The Maxim machine gun shoots through magical beasts. Intercontinental ballistic missiles fired at Martial Artists. Fighter planes rise above the gods realm. If you can't fight it, throw an atomic bomb for world peace.

sukinovski · Fantasía
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401 Chs


On The Great Continent, Yan Huang entered a state of the intense heat of war. In thousands of years, this was the time of battle with all foes. In every region of the Great Continent, Yan Huang was at war.

While the Empire was dealing with the threat of demons invading across the border. On the side of the Martial Artists, the Seven Major Sects were waging a great battle all over the place, the Martial Artists battle even more fierce and bloodshred than on the Empire's side.

The number of deaths has reached almost four million people. The fierce attack of the Five Elements Sect with artillery supporting long-range attacks. It caused severe damage to the Holy Sect, causing many disciples to die.