
MHA: Who's That Punk?

Midoriya Izuku is a nice person. No, seriously he is! Why does everyone assume he's some hoodlum? If only his quirk was something normal, he wouldn't look like some kind of Yakuza. Follow this story as Midoriya Izuku overcomes everyones misconceptions.

S1r1usG0ld · Cómic
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6 Chs

Badass Inko

Bakugo Katsuki was not having a good day. School was the same as always with all the extras fawning over him. He had made his intentions to attend U.A. known to the class, which only made the ass-kissers try harder. His two lackeys followed him on his way to the arcade, and that's when things got shitty.

Some sludge bastard attacked him while he wasn't paying attention. He tried to blast it, but nothing he did worked. The b-list hero's showed up and couldn't figure out how to get him out either. He was still thinking up a plan, when some yakuza fucker showed up and saved him.


He didn't need to be saved, he was going to be a hero! The guy had slicked back hair and was only wearing sweatpants. Bakugo couldn't see him too clearly since he was growing in green sludge, but he could have sworn that the guy had lots of tattoos. Bakugo ended up passing out before he was pulled out and missed his chance to get a better look at him, so here he is sulking back to his house.

He opened the door and yells out, "I'M BACK!"

Something banged in the ground as his old man ran into the room. "Katsuki! Are you ok?! I was expecting a call from the hospital when I saw the news, what happened?"

Bakugo growled and gritted out, "That shitty villian couldn't do anything to me. I would've gotten myself out if it wasn't for that yakuza fucker interfering! Who the hell does he think he is!?"

The shitty old man sighed in relief, "I'm glad your alright. Your mom should be here soon, she dropped everything when she heard what happened."

That caught Bakugo's attention, "Where was the hag?"

The old man looked at him in confusion before his eyes flashed in understanding, "Oh your usually doing something after school still, your mom goes over to your Auntie Inko's after work every week on Fridays and has tea."

Bakugo froze before a look of rage overtook his face. He yelled out in anger, "She was over at shitty Deku's!?"


Izuku walked into his house to be greeted by two officers talking to his mom. They currently looked beyond scared as they tried to calm her. Izuku smirked as he saw his mom berating the officers for doing their jobs. He bet whoever they were lost a bet to come here.

When his mom got a new job, it was as a junior attorney at one of the biggest law firms in the city. As the years passed, she proved herself as one of the most cutthroat lawyer around and the police have both a healthy appreciation and fear of the short woman. Why else would he have the guts to do what he did today?

"Please Ms. Midoriya, we are just trying to do our jobs." One of the officers said. He had blonde hair and eyes as black as night.

'Possible Quirk? Could passed down from parents quirk and have nothing to do with his quirk. Need more info, before coming to a conclusion. Work on first assumption.' Izuku muttered quietly to himself as he watched the show.

"You son committed a crime and we have an obligation…" the other started before Inko cut in. He was covered in a golden fur and was quite larger than the other officer.

'Looks to be feline in nature. Ears are long and pointy, most likely breed is caracal. Insane jumping ability, maybe included in quirk? Specialize in speed and agility, good quirk for a cop to hunt criminals.' Continued Izuku analyzing the second one.

"Do you think I'm unaware of the law, gentlemen?" Inko questioned in a scathing tone, "I'm well aware of what my son did today…"

The big cat cop pounced on that, "The you understand why we must speak with your son!"

Inko glared at the officer, making him shrink back with his ears folding down, "As I was saying, I understand what my son did today, but the public is also well aware."

The black eyed cop eyes narrow, "What do you mean?"

Inko smirks and pulls out papers, passing them to the two officers, "I took the liberty of printing out some excerpts from social media where people posted the fight in its entirety."

The cops picked up the papers and the further they read the more pale they became, well the black eyed officer paled, the other is covered in fur. The only real tell of distress is his feline eyes enlarging to epic proportions.

"Wow, what a cool quirk!"

"Did you hear what Death Arms said?"

"That kid was dying!!!"

"Am I the only one who appreciates the cameraman's perfect shot of Mt. Lady???"


Inko smiled an overly sweet smile sipping her tea while the officers read to their hearts content, "As you can see, you can't charge my son with anything. He's already won the most important court, the court of public opinion. No jury in the world would convict him, and the Hero Public Safety Commission already knows this. The second you try to bring up charges against Izuku, I'll bring up charges against Death Arms and the other hero's on scene for forcing my son to do your jobs and save that kid. Do you really think that the HPSC would go to trial and make this even more public?"

The two officers were shaking as Inko took their silence as an answer and continued, "No I didn't think so. On top of all that, I have almost every judge in this city owing me favors. As soon as they here who's son your charging, it'll all ready be over. The HPSC are going to want to bury this so people won't lose faith in the hero's. Go ahead, call Tsuragamae. Tell him what I just told you and see what he says."

Inko gave them a shoo motion and the officers bolted outside to make a call to the chief. Inko chuckled to herself as clapping rang out. She turned and saw Izuku standing in the doorway leaning against the door frame, "It never gets old seeing you destroy your opponents."

Inko huffed and said, "You've been hanging around your aunt to much. When you were younger you would berate me for using such underhanded tactics to circumvent the law."

Izuku laughed and said, "No, that's all you Mom. You can only see your mother verbally beat down people so many times before you start appreciating it for the art it is."

Inko waved him off, "Stop you'll make me blush."

Inko stood up and rushed into her son giving him a hug. Izuku caught off guard was taken aback for a second before returning it. A couple of seconds later he realized how tight she was holding him and said, "Uhh, Mom?"

Inko looked up at him with that same overly sweet smile she gave the cops and said, "So, vigilantism huh?"

Izuku's face fell at that, he walked into a trap!

"Mom, you saw what the hero's were doing, I couldn't just do nothing." Izuku said before she tightened even further, making him wheeze. He swears she's using her quirk somehow.

"Oh, to me it looked like you were having a grand time. Flying around without a care in the world, you took your time to enjoy being a hero. Even used some quips I saw you practicing in the mirror. That was a performance not a fight. Don't you ever do that again do you understand how worried I was? You could have been killed, not to mention the work I had to do to keep your scrawny butt out jail!" Inko squeezed tighter and tighter until izuku was turning blue in the face.

"M-om…pl..ease..air..!" Izuku gasped out. Inko released him and Izuku fell to his knees taking huge breaths. When he finally caught his breath he saw his mother had her back to him and her shoulders were shaking. He sighed and gave her another hug from behind.

"I'm sorry Mom, I was reckless. I heard the explosions and I got tunnel vision." Izuku said as he held her.

Inko looked up with tears still falling from her eyes and said, "I know baby, you're just all I have left in this world. I guess I'm just worried. Is this how it's gonna be once you become a hero? Me worrying over everything you do. I don't want to nag but it's hard."

Izuku sighed and said, "It won't be easy but we'll get through it. Let's not worry about that now, I'm not even in U.A. yet. We'll take it one step at a time."

Inko nodded and they stood their hugging for a moment before a knock was heard at the door. Inko sighed and said, "Lets go see what the idiots want."

Izuku chuckled and followed her towards the door. Inko opened the door and was surprised to see the Chief of Police Kenji Tsuragame standing in the doorway. 'Obvious mutation quirk, head of a beagle. Possible enhanced senses? Would be useful for forensics or tracking. Either way good quirk for police work.' Izuku mutters before his mother elbows him.


"You got to get that under control Izuku." Inko said in exasperation. The dog man just stared at the two with a neutral expression.

"Tsuragamae! What a pleasant surprise! Your a bit early though. I thought those two bozos outside just called you?" Inko said in an exaggerated polite tone.

Tsuragamae never breaking from his neutral expression said in a dull voice, "I was already on my way over once I heard who they were coming to see. I knew you'd give me trouble so I figured why waste time. Woof!"

Izuku jumped at the dog like bark, before turning around to go to the kitchen holding in his laugh. He knew that some people sometimes gained traits from their Quirk, but did it have to be so outlandish.

"Oh it's no trouble whatsoever! Why don't you come in and we'll discuss this over tea." Inko retorted laying on the mock politeness.

The beagle shook his head and said, "I don't have time for you to talk me in circles today, Woof! The officers outside informed me of what's been said and I've already decided to drop this case. Woof!"

Inko smirked and said, "I knew you'd see it my way. Well, I won't keep you Tsuragamae. Have a great day."

Then she slammed the door shut. Izuku busted out laughing, "How does no one laugh at him every time he talks!"

A/N: If you want to draw any fanart, please send it to @g0ld3nj1154 on twitter.

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