
MHA: Werewolf in the academy

After Dante Spain died, he met the God of Reincarnation. Dante was told that he would reincarnate into a world at random and gain a power never seen there before. Born in a world where 80% of the population is born with a strange power, known as quirks, Dante must try to survive in his new reality with the threat of Heroes and Villains around every corner.

sonicpanda1_2507 · Cómic
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18 Chs


Author here,

So, I came back, don't expect a consistent upload schedule, that isn't something I do. If I want to write, I'll do it otherwise I won't. I had some ideas for this, so I decided I'll try writing some more. Also, I changed somethings in the story coz I realized that they were unnecessary or just plain stupid. Because of that I got rid of some chapters, so if you're wondering what happened that's what happened.

Well, anyway, enjoy the chapter.



Dante sat with has back against the wall, huddled into a ball with his head to his chest. The sound of his heavy breathing could be heard from the entrance to the alley, yet no one came to help. He stayed this way for minutes before Alpha chimed in, hoping to cheer Dante up.

"Dante, listen to me. There isn't anything you can do now; nothing is going to be able to bring them back, so you moping around here isn't helping anyone." Alpha got straight to the point, not bothering to sugarcoat his words.

"I killed two people... I killed two people..." Dante started mumbling incoherently, too in shock of the idea of killing someone. He had always known that it was a possibility, but he never believed that he would actually do it.

"Snap out of it! Dante, you are an alpha werewolf, an apex predator that will rule this world. People die every day; you just need to find a way to live with that and overcome this feeling." Alpha continued his rant, trying to wake Dante up from his stupor.

"But I killed two people..." Still in his stupor, barely registering the voice of Alpha in his mind, Dante continued to mumble to himself with no one around to hear it.

"Damn it, Dante! People are going to die whether you like it or not. Get used to it, that's how the world works. Now get off your sorry arse and get us out of here." With nothing getting through Alpha resorted to aggressiveness, something he was good at.

"I can't... Please, just let this be a dream..." Nothing could be done to for Dante, he wasn't mentally stable enough to control this body. At least that was the verdict Alpha decided.

With no more patience in his system, Alpha forcefully took control of the body, forcing Dante into the backseat. Until he was stable enough to survive in the world Alpha would take control and keep the two of them alive.

"Dante, until you are better, I'll take over. I'll find help for you, no matter what it takes. Until then I'll take care of everything, training, survival, everything." Now in control of the body, Alpha stood up and looked around. He needed to find clothes, being naked in a modern society wasn't exactly a good look.

There was a dumpster nearby, so with a new confidence and vigor, Alpha began his search. He jumped inside, landing on the squishy and squelchy trash bags that may hold what he was searching for.

'I can't believe that I'm about to do this.' With disgust in his eyes, Alpha grabbed the closest trash bag and tore it open. From within came chicken bones, plastic wrappers, meat juices and other foul wastes from the house this bag came from. Unfortunately, there wasn't any clothes in this bag, so Alpha had to continue his search.

Bag after bag, Alpha searched the entire dumpster for any articles of clothing until he tore up a bag that didn't release food wastes like the others. From within erupted a shower of clothes, pants, shirts, jackets, the bag was filled with them.

He brought the bag out of the dumpster, trying to save as many clothes as he could from touching the disgusting wastes at the bottom of the bin. With his enhanced reflexes he was able to save most of them, yet some still escaped his grasp.

'I'll have to train this body it seems.' Alpha hopped out of the bin, looking around, searching for anyone nearby. When he didn't spot anyone, he switched to using his other senses, like his sense of smell and his hearing. With confirmation that no one was around Alpha went through the clothes, hoping to find something that may fit him.

Looking through the clothes, they seemed to be for someone older, someone bigger than him, but he could make them work. Transforming his hand into a claw, Alpha tore the bottom half of the shirt he found off, making it his length and wearable.

He then found some jeans to wear, again, too long, but he once again tore the bottom half of the pants off and made them wearable. With his clothes ready, he put them on and grabbed a belt from the pile of clothes to tighten the pants. There weren't any shoes, but he could deal with that later.

'Now what to do? The heroes are probably out looking for me after I killed that guy with plants on his arm, so I can't go back home. If I turn myself in, they'll charge me with murder and lock me away and I don't exactly think Dante would like that.' Pondering his options, Alpha walked out to the main street, subconsciously walking away from U.A. and to the opposite end of the city.

He walked around for nearly the entire day, walking through alleys in order to avoid some patrolling heroes who may or may not have been on the lookout for him. They were easy to spot, just look for the flashiest person on the street and move away from them.

When night was falling he settled down in a deserted alley, lying on a pad of cardboard boxes and huddled underneath another unfolded cardboard box. There were no scents near him as he slept, only the smells that one would expect from an alleyway with dumpsters nearby.

'This isn't how an Alpha Werewolf should be living.' The thought of this humiliation crossed Alpha's mind as he shivered from the cold winds. He shut his eyes and let his exhaustion take him into sleep.


Alpha was standing in an open field, long grass and trees waving in the wind as a cool breeze passed by. The sounds of birds chirping in the distance were pleasant to listen to as he enjoyed the moment, not having a care in the world.

"Dante, hurry up!" A voice called from the distance, breaking Alpha out of his relaxation. He looked over and saw someone that he recognized from his short time of existing, Mia Subaru, Dante's best friend from back in the orphanage.

"I'm coming!" From behind Alpha another voice called out. He turned and saw a young boy with white hair and yellow eyes rushing over to Mia. This boy looked exactly the same as Alpha, clearly one of the beings inhabiting the same body, Dante Lycan.

There were two other people in the field sitting down by Mia with smiles on their faces. Eraser Head and Ms. Joke were sitting on a blanket with baskets of food around them, as if they were in the middle of a picnic.

Dante ran past Alpha, not paying any attention to Alpha as if he didn't exist. He followed Dante from behind, wanting to find out more about what was happening.

"Dad, you should have seen it, me and Mia showed those villains that no one should mess with our family." Dante pumped his fists in the air, acting like a child in front of his family. There was a huge smile on his face as he spoke, as if the previous night was something that hadn't happened.

"Oh really, and did you leave some villains for me and Joke?" Eraser had a smirk on his face as he asked Dante. This caused Dante to nervously chuckle and rub the back of his neck.

"Actually, we took care of them all." Eraser Head's hair started floating in the air as he stood up. He turned to Dante and took his capture weapon in his hand.

"So you didn't leave any fun for us?" Dante gulped and turned, preparing to make a break for it, but the capture scarf from Eraser hooked onto his leg and tripped him up. "My own children, stealing all the fun from their parents. Guess we'll have to teach them what happens when they steal."

Dante was dragged to Eraser Heads feet as the Pro Hero crouched down and reached his arms out to the horror of Dante. Alpha moved forward to stop what was about to happen, thinking something bad was about to go down, but instead Dante burst into laughter.

Eraser Head was... tickling Dante. Something an actual father would do with their kids, nothing that the Eraser Head from Dante's memories would actually do. This Eraser seemed like an entirely different person.

No one seemed to notice the presence of Alpha, even though he was standing only a few feet from the picnic. He stood in silence, not sure what to do or make from this scene, but sure of one thing. He wanted to be there, to be part of the family, to not be brushed aside as a side effect of a quirk.

Without knowing, tears began falling from his eyes, something that he would never admit to anyone, and he began walking towards the group. Even though he spoke big, saying he was the Alpha, he was still young, only being a few days old.

He reached out to grab Ms. Joke, to hug her, to feel warmth, but his arms passed through her feeling nothing but air. He turned to try and grab Eraser Head but nothing once again, then Mia but she too was nothing but an illusion.

He finally reached for Dante, feeling the clothes that he was wearing, the warmth from his skin and Alpha cried once again. Dante turned to look at Alpha, seeing him for the first time since this dream began, and reached his hand out to pat him on the back.

"Why are you crying, aren't you the alpha werewolf?" Dante spoke out with a chuckle which caused Alpha to stop his crying. The young werewolf looked up and saw Dante smiling down at him. He stepped back and wiped his eyes of any tears that were lingering.

"I'm not crying, I had something in my eye." He turned away and took action to walk away but stopped. He clenched his fist and without turning back he spoke once more. "It isn't fair..."

"You want this, don't you. You want a family, something that I already had." Dante's voice was soft as he spoke, something that didn't seem right with his four-year-old body. "After you took over, I've been thinking. Why don't you have this life?"

Alpha turned around in shock not believing what he was hearing.

"You want to give up your life? Why?"

"I had already lived a life before all of this, I had a family before all of this, I just can't remember them. That's where all of my memories come from, how I knew who Eraser Head was. You haven't had any of that, it's been a week since you were born yet you're living on the streets like a villain.

You don't deserve that, you deserve to have a family that loves you, one that will care for you no matter what. If I'm around you'll be forced to stay in my mind, only coming out when I do transformations or the full moons. That's not a healthy life.

So, I've decided to give you this life, this body. You can live with Eraser, Joke and Mia and I'm sure that they will not care about what happens or what you do, they will love you. I'll stay in the back of your mind and live the life of my dreams doing whatever I want in my mind."

The tears were once again falling from Alpha's eyes as he was hearing the words from Dante's mouth. He couldn't believe this was happening, he knew that this was a dream, but he also had a feeling that this was the real Dante speaking.

"I'll leave everything to you, look after Mia. Also, maybe try using sound next month. The machine that tested our quirk was able to keep us in place with its ultra-high frequency noise so maybe we can use that to keep us trapped in place."

With nothing more to say, Dante walked off into the distance and the scene surrounding the two was wiped out. The grass and sky were replaced with black nothingness as they returned to the mindscape. Dante's form flickered in the distance and eventually he was gone from view, turning into dust particles that scattered in the wind like Odin from Thor: Ragnarok.

In that dream, Alpha lost a part of himself. His mind that was filled with memories from a life he didn't live was emptied and only the last week was present in his mind. He knew that Dante wasn't just hanging around the back of his mind anymore.

He was gone for good.