
A Night to Remember

(A few hours before going to U.A.)

'Dammit, these people are so annoying. I need to eat more, but they're still not giving me enough.' Dante was lying on his bed, holding his stomach which was empty due to food restrictions. Because of the full moon and a suggestion that Alpha made when he was talking with Dr. Takahashi, Eraser and Mrs. Joke decided to ration the food that he received.

The idea was actually a good one, at least in Dante's opinion, but he didn't realize that rationing would be this bad. His hunger was so strong that he was barely able to move from his position. Of course, being a werewolf and wanting to maintain his pride, he moved as if there was nothing wrong.

He thought about it as a type of training, one that would push the limits of his pain tolerance to the limits. With this mentality he was able to keep up the façade that nothing was wrong. It even worked somewhat; the pain started to become bearable after the second day of his 'training'.

During this period, Dante had begun doing his own training. There was nothing else he could do at the moment, everyone around him was being unbearably annoying. He did things such as, push-ups, sit-ups and squats, just trying to pass the time with something efficient.

When it was finally the day of the full moon, Eraser Head entered Dante's room, saying that he would have a friend come over and help with the situation. When that friend did come over and introduced himself, Dante had to distance himself from the guest.

Cementoss thought it was because of him, which he was partially right about, but Dante just didn't want to hurt anyone. He understood that none of this was their fault, so there was no reason to attack or take out any frustrations he had on them, so he did his best to distance himself and bottle everything up inside.

When Dante was taken to U.A. he stopped experiencing any kind of emotion changes, as if the experience of going to the school washed away all of the full moon's effects. That of course didn't last, as he eventually met that teacher from gym gamma.

'This guy is annoying; I should just eat him. He smells decent, so surely, he tastes good as well.' Dante's thoughts had changed, from being a kindhearted person who didn't want to hurt people for no reason, to someone who would eat someone else just for existing.

When Dante snapped, he just lost control. There was no rhyme or reason for his rampage, just the urge to eat, kill, eat. Dante stopped existing for this moment, Alpha wasn't able to contain his emotions either, so when he tried to take control, he ended up hurting the teacher even worse.

Eventually, Dante was placed into the cement cage made by Cementoss, blocking off his chance to attack any other people. All alone, he eventually regained his senses and just waited it out. He wanted to know what would happen on the full moon as well, so he focused all his attention on that, blocking out the outside world.

When he heard people talking outside the cell, he ignored them. When people called for him, he ignored them. There was going to be no responses from Dante tonight, only silence and expectancy.

Hours passed and eventually the rise of the full moon begun. The transformation began and Dante was put through unimaginable pain, bones being broken, restructured and healed, over and over, again and again. What felt like an eternity was in fact only a few seconds.

That's when he lost everything.


Fangs as sharp as knives, claws gleaming in the dark, eyes glowing like dancing flames and fur so perfect white it was perfectly visible in the pitch black of the night. This creature, this monster, was standing on top of the destroyed rubble, looking down on the Heroes as if they were nothing but food.

"What the hell is that? I thought he was a four-year-old kid, why is he so huge?" One of the Pro-Heroes backed away as he looked at the form of Dante. As if reacting to the man's worries, the werewolf turned to face him and got into a position to pounce.

"Watch out, we don't know how fast or how strong it is!" Eraser took charge of the situation, trying to calm the Heroes and make sure they remained alive tonight. Even he was concerned about the strength increase that Dante would experience so he needed to take all precautions. "Cementoss, cover the walls and door with a layer of cement. We can't allow Dante to leave this place!"

"Roger!" Cementoss connected his hands to the ground and activated his ability, allowing him to mold the cement his will. Within seconds, the walls of the building and the exit were blocked in cement, not allowing for anyone to escape.

Dante leaped towards his target, a Hero wearing a green suit with plants coiling around his arms and legs. When landing, he grabbed the Hero's shoulders and pushed him to the ground as well, landing on top of him.

"Help me!" The Hero called out, reaching out his hand to a nearby Hero wearing special goggles over his eyes. This other Hero backed away, almost tripping over another Hero. "No..."

Without any more wait, the werewolf opened his jaws wide and crunched down on the Hero's head. In one motion, he pulled back his head and ripped the Hero's head off, showering the area with blood.

"Phyllomancer!" Eraser cried the name of the Hero who had just died. He was aware of what had just happened, but he was still in shock from it. The boy that he had brought home to the orphanage that day was now officially a murderer in the eyes of the law.

Dante turned to the other Heroes in the room, eventually locking eyes with Eraser Head and snarling. He rushed to the other side of the room, eventually reaching the far wall, away from all the Hero's. Without wasting anytime, he reeled his fists back and prepared to punch the wall and break free from the gym.

"No, you don't!" Eraser activated his quirk for the first time in the fight against Dante, trying to seal the quirk for the time being. Unfortunately, there was no effect whatsoever against the werewolf in his current form. "What? Why isn't it working?"

The two had tried to erase Dante's quirk a few days ago, when they were trying to come up with a solution to their problems, and it worked back then. They even tried it on a full transformation and succeeded, yet now, when they need it the most, it didn't work.

Eraser could only think of one thing that changed: the full moon. It was somehow protecting Dante from his quirk, essentially making him useless. There was no chance he would engage in close quarters combats with that monster, so he just had to stay back.

With no one resisting against him, the werewolf attacked the walls of the gym, cracking the cement casing the walls. As if expecting this, the beast reeled back its other fist within a split second and launched another attack against the wall. The wall cracked more, and a third punch was delivered, finally destroying the wall and allowing the beast to roam free in the night.

Dante stepped outside the gym and stopped. He looked up, as if looking for something in the sky. When he found it, he got on all fours and got into a downward dog pose. With one graceful movement he lunged his body forward and shot his head up to the sky, howling his first howl towards the moon in the sky.


That night, everyone in the city heard the sound of a wolf howling, not understanding just what was happening. They ushered their children to bed, wanting to protect them from the dangers that lurked in the night. They closed their windows instinctively, as if it was the most natural thing to do. And everyone, man, woman, and child, forgot the howl by the morning.

Running away from the Gym, a white blur could be seen dashing at incredible speeds towards the forested areas surrounding the U.A. Campus. The sound of intense breathing followed the beast wherever it went in the dead of night.

Dante reached the city within minutes, stopping when he was under the light of a streetlamp. He looked around his surroundings, not finding anyone for him to feast on. He sniffed the air, trying to find the scent of anyone nearby.

He began moving again, moving through the alleys between buildings and avoiding any light. He jumped from wall to wall, avoiding all obstacles in his way, and when he was faced with a fence, he walked right through it. When he slowed down, he was standing a few feet away from a dumpster besides a building that seemed to be a diner.

Lying down next to the dumpster was a man wearing baggy clothes, unkempt hair falling over his face and a bushy beard filled with crumbs. He was blissfully unaware of what was stalking him from around the corner of his dumpster, eating away at leftover burgers and fries.

"I can't believe I got so lucky today. Why would someone throw away a fine burger like this?" The man spoke to himself while he was eating away, unaware that someone could hear him. "I can't even remember the last time I had a meal this good."

The werewolf made his move, getting down on all fours and slowly crawling his way to the homeless man. The only indication that he was moving was the clacking of his sharp nails on the concrete, but with the man so engrossed in his meal, he didn't hear the sound getting closer.

"I should finish this soon; midnight is when the Hero's will patrol this area." The man started stuffing his face with the burger and fries, no longer trying to savor them. When he finished, he stood up and brushed himself down. He took a step forward then everything went dark. There was an intense pain in his neck, then nothing.

When Dante saw the man get up and start to walk, he instantly pounced on the man and bit his head off. The man didn't even know what happened to him before he was travelling down Dante's gullet.

With no more easy prey, the werewolf began to move away from the area, getting further away from U.A. and any Hero's in the area. The moon was high in the sky, illuminating his white fur as he walked the streets. Eventually he reached the other side of the city, when the sky was nearing the horizon and light was appearing from behind his back.

Dante made his way to a nearby alley way before anyone could see him. There was no one inhabiting this alley, so he rested there, laying down as a dog would and closed his eyes. He didn't move until the moon had finally disappeared and the sun was visible in the sky.

He shot up, holding his head in pain as his body began to change. His height began to shrink, his fur retracted inside his body, his claws and fangs returned to their natural shape and his snout returned to a human face. No longer was Dante in his werewolf form, but he was back in his four-year-old body.

"Ugh... That wasn't fun." Dante rested his naked back against the wall of the alley way and placed his head on his knees. "Alpha, do you have any idea what happened last night?"

Dante tried to remember anything that happened, but when he tried to all he could see was a cloudy mess that blocked the memories. He had never experienced anything like this before, so he didn't understand why this was happening.

"Dante, I thought it would be best if you didn't know what happened last night." Alpha knew of everything that happened last night. While he wasn't the one in control, he was the one who had vision during that night.

"Alpha, I need you to tell me." Dante wouldn't take no for an answer, so he pressed Alpha more. After a few more exchanges Alpha finally relented and told Dante what had gone down.

"Dante, you killed two people."

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