
MHA: Werewolf in the academy

After Dante Spain died, he met the God of Reincarnation. Dante was told that he would reincarnate into a world at random and gain a power never seen there before. Born in a world where 80% of the population is born with a strange power, known as quirks, Dante must try to survive in his new reality with the threat of Heroes and Villains around every corner.

sonicpanda1_2507 · Cómic
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18 Chs

Another Turning

It was only a few days away from the next full moon and Alpha had been staying home from school. Mia still went like nothing was wrong causing Midoriya to ask where he was. When asked Mia just said that he wasn't feeling well and he would be back soon.

The Jiro's had also asked when they would want to come over again, but they delayed any meetings until Alpha's period was over. Kyoka was upset as well, but when they said they would bring treats around next time she immediately perked up.

Alpha was sitting in his room, eyes closed and in a meditative position trying to keep his emotions in check. He figured that trying to remain calm was something that he should try to do, and meditation was something that Eraser had suggested.

Alpha was also rationing the food he consumed, only eating the bare minimum like the first full moon. They weren't sure if the rationing helped at all since, he broke out of the cage and ended up eating a Hero anyway, but it never hurt to try.

When the day of the full moon arrived Alpha and Eraser Head drove to U.A. once again, Alpha in the back seat trying to keep calm and not react to his surroundings. It wasn't until they arrived and Eraser opened the door for Alpha that he opened his eyes.

"Take deep breaths, tune out your surroundings." Alpha listened to Eraser's instructions and walked with his eyes focused on his shoes. As he continued walking his focus was broken when the scent of something not human, but with something that was mostly unique to a human existence.

"Welcome back Aizawa, Alpha." Nezu greeted the duo and gestured for the two to follow him. He led them back to his office, where inside sat a Pro Hero that had been called in to assist with Alpha's unique situation.

"Ah, I was just about to start looking for you Nezu, so is this the boy that you called for me to assist with?" Sitting on a couch in Nezu's office in a white suite with a black cape was an anthropomorphic orca sipping a glass of tea.

"Yes, this is Alpha Aizawa, the adopted son of Eraser Head here." Nezu sat next to Gang Orca and poured himself a cup of tea. Eraser Head led Alpha to the couch opposite and both sat down.

"So, who are you and what is your quirk?" Eraser Head got right down to business. If they didn't hurry then there was a chance that Alpha could lash out. They could have sent him straight to the cage, but Nezu decided that they wouldn't do that until the moon was about to rise.

"My Hero name is Gang Orca, my quirk is <Orcinus> and it allows me to have all the powers of a killer whale." Gang Orca answered the question with some slight nervousness. He was a relatively new hero (at the time he was about 22-23) so he didn't really understand why he was called to U.A. by Nezu.

"And what does that let you do, what attacks do you have?" Eraser was underwhelmed by the response from Gang Orca but didn't say anything on it. He just kept asking what he needed to know.

"I have the strength of an orca and can also send out hypersonic soundwaves that can stun anyone who hears them." When Eraser heard this he nodded his head. It now made sense why this person was called by Nezu to assist in the containment of Alpha.

"Sorry, can I ask why I'm here? Nezu said that you needed help with a child, do you need help training him or something else?" Gang Orca was really confused, when he got the call from Nezu he rushed over immediately, not really asking questions of what it was he'd be doing.

"No, we need your help to contain him." Eraser provided the answer but was met with confused eyes from the Hero. "Don't underestimate him, this child is already stronger than a regular Pro, which is why we needed help."

"Stronger than a Pro? How can that be, he's just a child. He doesn't seem that-" Before he could continue speaking a low growl was heard throughout the room causing everyone to seize up and freeze.

Alpha had been listening in, even though he had been trying his best not to. When he heard this Pro doubting Eraser he started getting defensive. This was the person who took him in, the person who didn't get rid of him even after he had killed people and now someone was saying that he was a liar? He would shut them up.

His face had shifted, and his nails were extending to their full length and sharpness, but before he could launch himself at the annoying Pro, he felt a hand on his shoulder holding him back. He turned to look at Eraser who was sitting there with a smile on his face as he looked at the boy.

"Nezu, perhaps you would like to give Alpha a tour of the school. We've only been to your office and the gyms, perhaps taking in the sights could do good for him." Eraser suggested as Alpha was calming down.

Nezu nodded his head and jumped down from the couch and motioned for Alpha to follow which he did. Eraser turned back to Gang Orca when the two had left and saw the sweat flowing from the mans body.

"The only reason that you are still alive is because he was able to hold his emotions back enough for me to stop him. If he had launched himself at you then nothing we could do would save you." Eraser spoke out as Gang Orca got himself back under control and drank a full bottle of water.

"What is that boy?" He was still shivering just from the sound of that growl and was regretting having agreed to come here.

"He is a Werewolf, the Alpha werewolf."


Walking through the halls with Nezu, Alpha continued to look at his feet and trying to ignore the surrounding environment. He would hear pieces of what Nezu was saying from time to time when his concentration would slip, but he was mostly successful at tuning everything out.

Along the way, students had greeted the principal, who responded with a wave and ushered them back to class. Some had stuck around though, questioning why Alpha was here and walking around the halls of U.A.

"We are providing him assistance with some of his needs, now I would suggest you please hurry back to your class. I wouldn't want to miss any important announcements from your homeroom teacher." Shooing them away again, the students finally left and returned to their classes.

The small mouse, dog, bear, thing eyed Alpha to make sure he wasn't exhibiting any sings of aggression, and to his relief he seemed to be succeeding in remaining calm. The two walked in silence for a while more until Alpha spoke for the first time in the day.

"Why do you smell human?" Alpha's eyes had turned to slits and his canines had started growing. Nezu began shivering as he saw the changes in Alpha's form, even though they were such small changes, but managed to remain calm and composed.

"I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean. Perhaps if you can explain what I smell like and what others smell like I can give you a satisfactory answer." Nezu was confused as well, why would he smell like a human when he was clearly a mouse or dog or bear?

"You smell like roast chicken," This description made a cold sweat break out on Nezu's back. "Eraser Head smells like shredded ham, and my quirkless friend doesn't smell like anything. So why do you smell more human than my quirkless friend?"

Nezu pondered over the answer and came to a conclusion. "I believe you aren't just smelling someone, I believe you are smelling their quirks. Because your friend doesn't have a quirk he doesn't smell strong to you, while I with a quirk do."

Alpha listened to what Nezu said and began to think about things. He didn't know that animals could have quirks, he hadn't seen any besides Nezu, but what he said did make sense. Almost everyone he had met or seen so far had a strong scent, except for Midoriya.

Then he got to thinking about expanding his pack, what if he could give his <Werewolf> to an animal like a dog or a bird? He being the alpha would have control over them so he could stop them from going out of control, but they would also have to be subject to the excruciating noise from that cage.

After a while he shook his head, he might do it in the future, but right now he needed to focus on getting through the night. Adding another problem to that list would just cause Eraser and Nezu to have an even bigger headache.

Alpha and Nezu continued walking around for a while longer until Nezu decided that they should return to his office to check on Eraser and Gang Orca. When they walked in they saw Eraser in silence sipping at his tea and Orca with wide eyes as he looked at Alpha.

Alpha ignored the terrified man and walked back to the couch and sat next to Eraser. He reached for a glass of tea on the table and drank it in one gulp, sighing as he let it soothe him a little. Nezu was even kind enough to pour him a second drink for the future.

The four sat, chatting every now and then until an alarm sounded and Nezu stood up.

"It seems that the time is upon us once again. I set the alarm to tell us when there was only an hour left before the sun sets and I have another alarm for the 30 minute mark." The others stood up and followed Nezu to the Gamma gym where inside the rest of the teaching Pro's stood.

"This had better work, I don't want a repeat of last time." Cementoss was the one who spoke out. He had failed to contain Alpha last time so he wanted to do his best to contain him now. He felt responsible for the death of Phyllomancer (the hero that Alpha killed in his first turning) since his cage couldn't hold the young werewolf.

It wasn't long until the time ticked away and it was finally time for Alpha to be placed in the cage. Alpha walked into the darkness and watched as the door closed, shutting him off from the rest of the Pro's.

"Now we wait." Nezu kept track of the time on his watch, noting when the transformation would begin. The sun finally set and the moon began to rise in the distance.

Inside the cage Alpha reached for his head as the transformation begun, trying to contain his roar of pain as his body began to shift and morph. His hands started to shift and claws began to grow, digging into the werewolf's scalp.

The blood that seeped from his scalp flowed down his hair, staining it red and flowing past his nose. As a drop of drop fell, his eyes shot open and his scream of pain echoed throughout the cage, yet not a sound reached the outside world.

Alpha's legs morphed, gaining the extra joint and becoming more canine like as the bones cracked and healed over and over again. His arms buffed up and his fur began to grow white, covering his body as his clothes were ripped to shreds.

Finally, his snout extended from his face and his canines grew to the length of short knives. The werewolf was back, and it remembered this place.

The werewolf looked around the room, hoping to see a way out this time, but its hope were soon dashed as it realized it was caged in once more. It made a mad dash at one of the walls, but before it could reach, the sound that had caused it so much pain was played once again over the speakers.

"AWOOOOO!" A howl of pain was released from the beast but was drowned out by the sound made by the walls of the cage. The beast tried to retreat to the safety of a corner with less sound, but couldn't find a place that caused it less pain.

Giving up on its quest for relief, the beast once again turned to holding its ears in an attempt to block out the noise and curling up into a ball to hide its head as much as possible.

Outside the cage, Cementoss had covered the cage in cement, many layers of cement, in a hope that this would increase the chances of the beast staying trapped in the cage. The other Pro Heroes had also been prepared to charge at the creature at the first sign of the cage failing, but it appeared that it wouldn't be necessary.

No escape happened on Alpha's second turning and the cage functioned as it was supposed to. When the sun rose in the morning and the cage was released, the young boy in the cage was fast asleep, naked and lying in a pool of his sweat.