
MHA: Werewolf in the academy

After Dante Spain died, he met the God of Reincarnation. Dante was told that he would reincarnate into a world at random and gain a power never seen there before. Born in a world where 80% of the population is born with a strange power, known as quirks, Dante must try to survive in his new reality with the threat of Heroes and Villains around every corner.

sonicpanda1_2507 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Start The Pack

It had been a few years since Alpha and Mia had been adopted by Eraser and Ms. Joke and Alpha was now 8 years old. In that time there hadn't been any times where Alpha had broken out of the cage U.A. had made for him and he was making progress in controlling his emotions whenever it got closer to the full moon.

It used to be that he would start getting irritated when it was 3 days away from the full moon, but now with his attempts to control his emotions he was able to not be irritated until it was only 2 days left.

Alpha had been hanging out with Midoriya whenever he was at school, growing to become the quirkless boy's only real friend. He also spent time with Kyoka whenever he went over to the Jiro's house for his guitar lessons with Eraser Head.

He could now read sheet music perfectly and was able to play a multitude of songs. He and Kyoka had even performed at some music festivals together when they held talent shows. Alpha could confidently say that he and Kyoka were some of the best musicians at their age.

Now that he was older Alpha had begun to think that maybe he should begin working out. It wouldn't be anything too intensive, just a regular routine of push-ups, sit-ups and some jogging. He also wanted to get Eraser to start training him in hand-to-hand combat.

Although he could use his transformation and partial transformation to help him out in combat, he didn't want to have to rely on it. Eraser was an example of someone who could get rid of his strength with just a look, so he didn't want to be helpless if he fought someone like him in the future.

After a bit of persuasion Eraser agreed that he would teach Alpha some of the basics until he was older, then he would go further with the training.


"Your favorite Hero has to be All Might, right Alpha?" An energetic green haired boy was walking next to Alpha as they made their way to the boy's house. Alpha was going to hang out with him for a bit since there was plenty of time till the next full moon.

"Nope, All Might is cool and all, but I can't really relate to him." Alpha shrugged his shoulders as he continued walking. They were near Midoriya's house and would arrive there shortly.

"No way, but All Might's the coolest Hero there is! He never loses against anyone and always saves people with a smile!" Midoriya had a smile on his face as he talked about the No. 1 Pro Hero. It was very obvious that Midoriya was a fan boy, a really dedicated one as well.

"Sure, but I think that Shishido is better. His quirk is similar to mine, giving him animal characteristics and enhanced strength." Alpha explained his favorite Hero while Midoriya was giving him a mortified look.

"How could he be better than All Might, he hasn't even been around that long either!" The green haired boy defended his hero, not that he needed to. If anyone said that someone was better than All Might, Midoriya was the first person to say otherwise.

"Jeez, you asked who my favorite Hero was and I told you, don't go biting my head off over it." Alpha chuckled at the reaction of Midoriya. The boy could be a bit of a drag and incredibly dumb sometimes, continuously trying to be friends Bakugo even with all the verbal abuse the exploding boy used against him.

They arrived at Midoriya's house and entered. Inko Midoriya was sitting on the couch watching the news on TV as they walked into the house. When she noticed the two, she jumped up and gave Midoriya a hug and greeted Alpha before going to cook dinner for the two.

Inko knew of Alpha's diet, so she made sure to always have some meat on hand. Midoriya and Alpha both sat at the table and took out their schoolbooks to get started on their homework.

As the night wore on, Alpha decided that he should head back to his home. His family knew that he sometimes went home with the quirkless boy so they wouldn't question him about his whereabouts, but he wanted to be home before it gets too late.

"I'm going now Ms. Midoriya, thank you for the food!" Alpha said goodbye and waved at Midoriya before leaving the house. It was nearly a twenty-minute walk, but he enjoyed the cool breeze that blew at night.

After five minutes of blissful silence, Alpha's enhanced hearing picked up a sound in one of the alleyways nearby. He thought it was nothing, but as he was about to walk away, he heard it again and thought it sounded like a wounded animal.

He dashed for the alleyway and used his hearing to make his way to the animal. As he got closer something else entered his senses, the smell of blood. Alpha went pale and instantly picked up the pace, worried about who or what's blood it was.

After a few more moments of running the injured animal came into view, a pure white dog with blue eyes resting against the wall of the alley. On its side there was a gaping hole that blood was streaming out of, staining the pure white fur a red.

Standing in front of the dog's face was a smaller dog with the same white fur of the larger dog, most likely its child. The small dog was licking and yapping away, trying to get its parent to get up and move.

Alpha was frozen for a moment when he saw the injured animal in front of him. After getting himself together he moved to the injured animal and tried to stop the blood flow by holding his hand on the wound.

At the feel of someone touching its wound the dog took a deep breath in and tried to move away, but its injury didn't let it. It moved its head to look at who was touching it, and seeing a human touching it, it growled and tried to scare it away.

"Calm down, I'm trying to help you." Alpha tried to reassure it, not even knowing if the animal could even understand what he was saying. It seemed that it did as it stopped growling and let Alpha do what he wanted.

Alpha was unsure of what to do, he had never treated a wound before, so he had no idea what to do. He didn't even have a phone to call someone for help so the best he could do was keep applying pressure to keep as much blood in its body as possible.

Then an idea came to his head, his quirk gave him a healing factor and he could give his quirk to others, so what would happen if he gave his quirk to the dog. Maybe the healing factor that the quirk gave could help heal the dog.

"Sorry about this, but this may hurt a small bit." Alpha transformed his head into his werewolf form and opened his mouth to bite the neck of the dog. As soon as his teeth pierced the skin of the animal, he felt a pull in the back of his mind.

The dog cried out in pain as Alpha's teeth pierced its neck. It tried to struggle and get out of his grasp, but the pain stopped it from moving too far. The small dog that was yapping saw what this weird person was doing to its parent and decided to bite him to stop him from hurting its parent.

As the small dog attacked Alpha, Alpha was following the feeling he had in the back of his head and figuring out how to give his quirk to another. It took a moment and finally he felt something leave from his teeth and entering the body of the dog.

Letting go of the animal, he waited to see if there was any noticeable difference. He felt a connection being established between him and the dog in front of him, through this connection he was able to feel some of the pain that the dog was feeling.

The connection seemed to have been felt by the dog as well as it turned its head to look at Alpha once again, this time with what he now knew as curiosity. Alpha flashed the dog a smile and opened his mouth to explain, but the small dog began yapping once again.

"It's okay, I just helped your mother. She'll be better in no time." He tried to calm the pup down but nothing he seemed to do relaxed it, it seemed that it couldn't understand him like its mother could. It's mother eventually turned and growled at the small pup making it quiet down.

The pup looked at its mother and back to Alpha with caution in its eyes. Losing the vigilance it had against him, the small pup moved to its mother and began licking its face once again before lying down against its mother.

Alpha smiled and turned his attention back to the mother dog, eyeing the wound that had started to close over at a visible rate. The blood had stopped flowing and it was only a matter of time before the wound completely healed.

Alpha was wondering what he should do with the pair of dogs now that he had turned one into a werewolf. He would have to bring them back to his home somehow, but the mother wasn't in any shape to be moving at the moment and the pup clearly wouldn't go anywhere without its mother.

Realizing that he would have to go and get help, Alpha looked at the mother dog and the pup, both resting with the mother's head covering the pup's body. Sensing that the human needed to say something, the mother opened its eyes but didn't move its head.

"I need you to stay here, I'll bring help to take you with me. I did something to you that is dangerous so we can't let you walk around on your own, I'm sorry." Alpha explained what he was going to do and why, the mother listening and eventually sending an affirmative through the connection they shared.

Taking one last look at the two, Alpha stood straight and rushed out of the alley and ran back to his home as fast as he could. He didn't know who injured the dog and he wasn't sure if it would be looking for her again, so he needed to be quick.

Alpha arrived at the house after a 10-minute run and knocked on the door in a panic. Eraser opened the door with a worried face as he heard the panicked knocking but seeing that it was Alpha that expression softened. Then seeing the blood on the boy's hand worry once again washed over the Pro's face.

"What happened?" Eraser walked out of the door and onto the patio of the house and questioned the boy.

"I need help, on my way home from Midoriya's I heard the sounds of an injured animal and went to investigate. The animal was injured so I didn't know what to do, I ended up giving it my quirk and that healed it. We can't leave it out there, it's dangerous with a quirk like mine." Alpha explained the situation quickly.

"Okay, let me get my shoes and we can go and pick up the animal. It's a good thing that you told me." Eraser nodded his head and went back inside to grab his boots before walking out and following behind as Alpha led the way back to the alleyway.

The mother and pup were both still there asleep, but when the mother heard the sounds of someone coming close it raised its head and began growling in protection of its baby.

"Easy, it's me, I brought my dad to help." Alpha walked up to the animal and calmed it down. He also inspected the wound that was still closing but had almost disappeared. A few more minutes and she would be healthier than before she got the wound.

"I thought you said there was only one animal." Eraser saw the pup under the mother's head and knew what this would mean, his household was about to get two more residents.

"I never said there was only one." Alpha had an innocent smile on his face for a moment, then went back to being serious "We can't leave them, she isn't going anywhere without her baby, and we aren't going anywhere without her."

"I swear, you bring nothing but trouble into my life." Eraser groaned and tilted his head to the sky but let a small smile form on his face.