

Heroes are strong... Heroes are the pillars... No. They are the pedestals themselves. They say a lot of things to the camera, they treat the camera as a person - almost. But what about those watching behind them? Veiled just by a television screen. They're the victims of this crossfire, victims of villains against heroes. A story in which the descendants of Nana Shimura were promised protection, but of course... Promises are meant to be broken. ____________________________ After a year of a 'mysterious' hiatus, ForgeCoffee is somewhat back! The cover photo isn't mine, credits to the artist. Please notify me through comments or the review section if you want it down. MHA belongs to Kohei Horikoshi, I simply own the OC. You might see Captain Marvel references since I based MC's powers on her. Anyway, enjoy!

ForgeCoffee · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
49 Chs

Chapter 9 - The Truth

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm answering some questions that some have brought up and have misunderstood from the story.

Yuna's quirk is like OFA but not as STRONG as the original and passable OFA. However, it still has the characteristics of its past users. If you saw the hints in the first chapter, float, danger sense, and even gear shift (Allows to speed up while ignoring physics and air resistance.)

Now, regarding Tony Stark and how it was viewed how I did him dirty, I did the character alright? One, this is MHA, a world saturated with Heroes.

It means the likely reason for a hero to sacrifice themselves is astronomically low when there are other heroes. Hence TRUE heroic ideals are rare. This was shown in the anime when Bakugo was held, hostage.

Two. I believe Iron Man became who he was in the MCU (I don't read comics) because he made the hard choices. In MHA, the need to make hard decisions is drastically low when you have thousands of possible colleagues(Heroes). MCU Tony Stark only had a scant few colleagues. And let's remember, they're also talking about All for One, already making them hesitant.

(In short, this ain't MCU Tony Stark. But thanks for the criticism, though. With these, I can improve upon and reflect.)

They wanted to know what made Nana's family so valuable to AFO, but Nezu and the others will NEVER budge on that topic. Imagine a country like the USA finding a quirk that could devastate cities that can be passed around like hot potatoes are available.

Of course, Yuna's quirk cannot be passed around, but the possibility of being kidnapped and used as a broodmare is VERY likely. Hence, the need for secrecy.

Anyway, Enjoy and REVIEW!




A family in the living room was interrupted by the sudden broadcast. The news anchor talked about numerous cities having parts of it getting decimated. The primary victim of this was Greece. Public outrage happened as the Government had nothing to show for it.

Leo watched without losing interest; this was important, and he felt it. It felt connected to his family. Looking at his mother, he saw terror strike her features.

Wanting to ease her worries, he scooted closer to her. He laid his head on her shoulder, "You don't have to worry, mom," he voiced in trying confidence.

Lucy said nothing, only roaming her fingers on her son's blond mane-like hair. 'This was like the news in Japan... when mom died.' she thought to herself with bated breath.

Remembering that her son was with her, she breathed slowly, trying to calm her nerves. "Y-yes, we don't have to worry. After all, we are so far away from them."

But invading thoughts kept hammering her mind, images of news headlines about her mother's passing, with aftermath images of destruction that her final fight left.

'If the news right now is related to us, then I must speak to Leo. He needs to know. He must know what might lie ahead.' thinking this, her eyes lingered on her son, who was glued to the T.V. screen.


Easing her throat to wash away the nervousness, "Leo," her voice was stern and solemn. The gravity of her voice got her son's attention immediately, "I think it's time to learn the truth."

Whatever truth this was, Leo straightened himself and silenced the T.V.'s volume. "What truth mom? Is it about what happened that day?" he asked, with glowing eyes, expressing his heated emotion with his quirk.

Memories of them running into the cold rainy night, away from something, but he was blissfully unaware while his mom shouldered the fright. Leo remembering his confusion, sent guilt and anger into him. One of the things Leo hated today was being clueless and left out of the loop. He wanted to be secure, to never repeat that night.

Just remembering that day scrunched his brows and fist, "Yes, it is about that." Her words confirmed his earlier question while placing a hand on his shoulder, calming him.

"Now, in your eyes. How significant are quirks? To someone?" her question quirking his brow, 'How are quirks related to this?' he pondered.

Nonetheless, he answered. "I... guess it's something like an I.D.? A thing to call their own? So, it should be important." He didn't know how to answer this. Hell, he never really thought of that. Maybe if he met someone quirkless, he would've thought of it.

Nodding, the mother agreed. "Yes, that's an aspect of it. To call it your own. Essential in today's time. However, a single quirk has led us to this." With a pained face, she said, all the while spreading an arm to highlight the hollowness of their home. The missing of someone.

That sent Leo's mind to thinking, but before he could ask another, Lucy interrupted him, "Let me finish first."

"Mom, or should I say, your grandma had a particular quirk. That single quirk made her strong, strong to the point she was the Number One Hero in Japan," now Leo couldn't hold it, "NUMBER ONE!" he blurted.

Being at the top in any country deserves respect. It shows you are the strongest out of hundreds of thousands to millions. Another thing to note about why Leo shouted is that Leo had never heard stories of his grandparents. His grandparents on his father's side were gone, while on his mother's side, they were a secret, they said.

"Yes, number one. However, mom wasn't always like that. At least, from what All Might said," before she could continue, Leo couldn't help but interrupt again. "All Might!? How is he related to us!?"

Sighing was all Lucy could do. She expected this. Suddenly learning that his grandma was a Number one Hero and now adding All Might to the story, who wouldn't be blown by this?

"Okay, okay, calm down." Pressing her hands to his cheeks, squishing them a little, "This is from the words of All Might. Apparently, Mom could only float before, but she received a quirk, One for All, that boosted her physical strength and current quirk to extreme levels."

'You can receive quirks? And it has an awesome name too. What is this? A fantasy comic like my friends read?' were Leo's prevailing thoughts.

"And this quirk came from other people, passing down a responsibility to the inheritor to defeat an ancient villain. That is what mom accepted, a burden." Tinges of red glazed her eyes, anger and sadness mixed.

"Anyway, sooner or later, mom passed it on too. To All Might, this time. That is why he is strong." looking at her son, seeing if he still follows. And he is, "Then Mom had me; that very same quirk influenced my birth. Hence the quirk I received was similar to it." Pointing at herself and then to her son, "And now, you too."

'Maybe that explains why we aren't bulky like other people with strength-related quirks? I mean, mom is thin yet physically strong. Other people with strength quirks become bulky,' Leo reflected as he pulsed his quirk, glowing in return, but felt the rush of strength.

"As I was saying, that quirk is also a target for the villain I talked about," her voice slowly rising. But Leo, hearing this, was starting to piece everything together.

"When that same villain killed Mom, that was when All Might told me to leave Japan for my safety and to never train or enter Hero work because of my quirk, less I get targeted. But he promised... he PROMISED that in return, he would protect US!" In anger, she clenched the sofa's armrest within her palms into mangled materials.

In the back of her mind, she pictured that if she had the ability to stand with Atreus, then she confidently knew he would've lived to this day. Rather than her running away!

Turning her head towards Leo, "This... is why we are in this state. All because of a quirk and my trust in All Might!" She wanted to blame All Might but changed her words last second. After all, she, too, trusted too greatly.

"So, Leonidas, will you still be a Hero when knowing this is what hunts us? We are safe; maybe you don't have to do this; maybe a quiet life is best?" Her pained tone hurt Leo's heart. The recent news made Lucy doubt everything they had done.

Pained as Leo may be, all he found was more determination and reason to be one. "Mom, if I don't be a Hero... then no one will save us. If we can't trust All Might, then please, trust me. Put trust in me, Leonidas Shimura Angelos."

His voice filled with conviction, something his father, Atreus, had. Lucy couldn't help but hug her son, 'The boy is becoming a man, Atreus.'

'Don't worry, mom, I will free us from this. Let your son brave the danger this time,' were his wondering thoughts before he invited his mom to listen to him playing the piano to uplift their spirits.


A Year and some months later.


Weaving his head, Leo dodges a punch with practiced ease. Feeling the tingling on his head, he ducked waist level, allowing the kick to pass by. Leo, instead of countering, waited for more attacks to come his way.

A tingle to his toes, he folds his calf, avoiding the stomp to his pinky toes. "That was rather dirty," goes his comment. His opponent, an MMA practitioner that his mom found through getting hired by her clients.

Smirking, "Aren'd you goin' against villains, kid'? Then ye gotta expect," his knee came striking Leo's in-betweens, "the dirdt!" goes his cry. His thick Irish accent prevailed as he spoke. 'I've known him for months and still can't understand his accent,' Leo thought.

However, the practitioner struck armored plates in the shape of briefs, earning him a pained grunt for himself. "Hey, hey, not those!" came Leo's quick response. "I know this is a drill of me only dodging and defending myself, but you're making it hard to not sock you in the gut, Sean!"

"Is it? Then merhcy to the souls of whoevah' encountahs yu," Sean replies with a mixture of smiles. Waving his hand, he spreads his quirk, cooking oil.

It's a weird quirk but useful to the savvy person. Take Sean, for example. Whenever he fights, he coats himself with oil, removing the friction from the impacts he receives and mitigating the damage.

With a wave of his hand, Sean splashed oil onto Leo's body, highlighting Leo's toned body trained and looked after by his mom.

Leo was different from other teens. He already stood nearly 6ft (13), having a growth spurt, forcing him to make many changes in his wardrobe. And with his height increase came bone density and muscle strength training.

To answer this, gymnastics was suggested by his mom. She said Leo could take in all the gains without worrying about injuring himself since his quirk aided his body in durability.

However, since his mom had no knowledge and equipment for the sport, he joined the gymnastics club for his after-school activities while in middle school.

Anyway, back to the sparring match with Leo and Sean. Satisfied with Leo's oiling, Sean charged with the intention of a grapple. However, Leo already knew this and so side-stepped quickly.

Unknown to Leo, Sean smirked in his mind, 'Oh, ye haven'd learhn ye lesson,' he thought to himself. And as expected of an oiled body moving, he slipped and lost balance of his posture.

Sean was unaffected because his skin's properties properly clung and did not cause him to slip. In his charging posture, he immediately stood up and attempted a drop kick, perfectly connecting.

The kick's impact rapidly moved Leo's upper, and because of his lower without grip, he quickly smacked the ring's canvas. Standing up from his action, Sean laughed like a madman.

"Ohhh, boy! That nevah ges ol' d, does it?" Were his words as he eyed Leo standing up, but without a hitch to his breath or scrunch for a sign of pain.

Yes, Leo is a unit. His quirk evolved his natural body in ways during his early puberty that he can take hits without much damage with his quick unactivated too!

And so, it was not much of a shocker when he casually shrugged off a dropkick even without a guard. "Ha ha, very funny. Having fun throwing lube at a thirteen-year-old boy?" His sarcastic reply made Sean cough in surprise.

"Ye shite! Ye know veri well that das only cookin' oil!" came his response, face red from the sparring and slight shame to what Leo insinuated.

This only caused the teen in question to laugh. He really likes hearing Sean curse in that Irish accent of his. "Haha~" a melodic giggle disrupted their banter. This, of course, was none other than Siren.

She had already mastered her voice's control, hence her confidence to speak, but years of not speaking made it a preference to usually stay silent. Although, quite the chatter to whom she's comfortable.

"Ohhh~ Leo, I got that on video~! Just imagin' you going viral for that messy look and flop~! Hahaha!" Came her tease. Since the school shooting, Siren had become a sister of sorts to him.

Siren rewatched the video as Leo flopped around before getting dropkicked and splatting on a puddle of oil, quite the scene!

However, her laugh halted when she saw a speeding Leo after her, with wide arms... and a body covered in oil and sweat. "Urk!" she belched at the thought of him touching her, so she ran, but eventually, Siren got covered in the stuff.

"Urhhh~ Aunt Lucy should power punch you just for rubbing your sweat on me!" her supposed threat, mixed with melody, did not sound scary in the least.

Removing herself from the teen giant, she stood at 5ft 4', normal for a teen her age. But what wasn't normal, however, was her features. Embodying her name, Siren, she had a charming elegance to herself. If she sang in the sea, then she was a legitimate siren.

Her body was slim and tender to the touch, with budding breasts. Earning at times, gawking stares from boys, and some could only seethe in jealousy at Leo for treating her as a sister.

Her beauty got some ill-intentioned hornies stalking her but was solved through Leo bashing them in alleyways, with Siren none the wiser. Quickly earning her the untouchable card in their Middle School in Falmouth.

As the two bickered, Sean walked up to them, "So, kid, ye chose yer Hero school yet?" Joining this question was Siren, as well. "Yes~ What school are you going to~?"

"Well," thinking if he should speak his choice, he decided to. "Why the hell not. It's..."








(By the way, it seems a lot of people like the Thomas Andre armor more than the warrior from LoL. So, I brought it back. Both are the same simply the look, so no harm in anything.)

By the way, sorry if I'll be kidnapping a bunch of characters from super powered manhwas, comics, etc, making an Oc would take too much time for people to develop a sense of "like" to it. Y'know? Anyway, Enjoy!