
MHA:The Immortal Yūrei

Our MC, Soren, an orphan, your usual otaku, in an American school as a high schooler always wanted a life without any problems where he had the power to make people shut up and leave him alone. Well, one day on his way home he was hit by the infamous TRUCK-KUN!!!.......and died. Then he met a random ROB who gave him three wishes and the choice of what world to reincarnate into. Follow our MC as he learns of the hidden horrors that My Hero Academia never showed and how he tries to better this broken society.

09GreekFreak · Cómic
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1 Chs

Chance At A New Life(Rewritten)

Soren, a 16-year-old, American, high school student with black hair, red eyes, and an all-black uniform, was on his way "home", A.K.A the orphanage he was raised at. He soon made it to the street where he had to wait for the light to turn green, and once it did he began to cross the street. But, as he was crossing the street there was still someone speeding in his direction at immense speeds even though the light was green. Due to this, once the vehicle hit he began to bleed out slowly, leaving him with this last thought being.....Truck-kun!!!!!!! Then.....he was enveloped by darkness.


Soren's life was not a good one, in fact, it was pretty terrible. Don't get me wrong he had everything he needed...except two things. Family and friends. These things had always eluded him. For his entire life at the orphanage, the caretakers would always steer the couples that wanted to adopt far away from him, and if that wasn't enough, even the other kids and caretakers would steer clear. And he had no idea why. Until his 7th birthday when he heard one of the female caretakers explaining to a couple why they should stay away from him. The caretaker had said that Soren gives off this...ominous feeling like the longer you are around him the more danger that will befall you. The couple obviously called bullshit on that and began to approach him. But,...they soon regretted it. What they didn't know was that, due to the way Soren has been treated he, unconsciously, developed the ability to 'spook' people using maliciously focused intent. So, once the couple got near him, and Soren noticed, immediately to the couple it felt like they had a ginormous pressure put upon them, it was as if the room had dropped a whole 10 degrees. Even though it hadn't. After that, they picked a child and left in a hurry, no couple ever attempted to try and come near him afterward.

Once Soren made it into high school at the age of 14, he once again was alone. And that's when he came upon anime and manga. These things enthralled him and kept his loneliness at bay; allowing him to live a decently normal life.


When Soren woke up he was in a white empty space with a chair, a desk, and a bell. Although cautiously, Soren went up to the chair and sat down, and then proceeded to ring the bell. After ringing the bell, a middle-aged man with a long white beard, silvery hair, and calm blue eyes, and in his hands he held..a...clipboard? He sat down in the chair across from him. Upon sitting the man began to speak.

(???)"Hello, and welcome Soren. You are now dead. And before you ask no I'm not The God; I'm just some random omnipotent being. Or as some of you humans like to put it, ROB."

(Soren)"O...kay? So, what happens now. Is there a heaven or hell." Soren asked with a slight tremble in his voice.

(ROB)"No need to get senselessly frightened, and yes there is a heaven and a hell. However, Heaven is optional and only for those who have done no wrong or have done amazing things; like curing an incurable disease. Hell is compulsory for those who have done really bad things. Then there is reincarnation which is only for those who are viable for Heaven. Going by procedure you get to reincarnate into a world of your choosing with three wishes. No limits besides none of the three O´s and no wishing for more wishes." ROB said this last bit with a slight annoyance.

Upon hearing this Soren went ballistic(In a good way) and started bombarding ROB with questions with his eyes shining like he's a kid who just got his very first Christmas gift. (Which is technically true)

(Soren)"S-s-sorry, I got a little excited." Soren said being slightly embarrassed.

(ROB)"Don't worry about it; it's a reasonable reaction. Now let us begin. Firstly world of choice, appearance, and time period", said ROB as he summoned a pen out of thin air.

After some short pondering, Soren settled with one of his favorite anime's.

(Soren)"I want to go to My Hero Academia, along with that I would like the appearance of Mikoto Suoh from the anime K, and I want to be the same age as the protagonists so I can go to U.A. with them." Spoke Soren while barely hiding his excitement.

(ROB)"K....and done. Also, just to let you know I don´t control what family you get born into.¨


(ROB)¨1st wish?¨

(Soren)"Hmm, I want Mikoto Suoh´s ability as the Red King.

(ROB)"K, 2nd?"

(Soren)"For this one I want the ability to manipulate fire and water, along with their temperatures.

(ROB)"And your 3rd?¨

(Soren)" I want to be an Ajin from the anime Ajin Demi-human."(Ajins are completely immortal you can kill them but they'll just resurrect and when they do black particles/matter repairs their body. They have some minor abilities, such as, their scream which can paralyze people keeping them in place and they can summon IBMS/black ghosts but only about 2-3 per day, depends on the Ajin. And there are different variations of the ghosts. If you want a better explanation, look up images of them.)

(ROB)"Just to let you know I have no control whatsoever how these abilities will manifest. The world you go into will adjust itself accordingly to suit your abilities." He informed Soren.

(Soren)"I understand." He said confidently.

(ROB)"Very well."

(Soren)"Thanks,...for all of this."

(ROB)"...It's not a problem, anyway, I wish you luck on your journey Soren."

(Soren)"I'll do my best, and thank you for everything."

And with that Soren faded from the white room, leaving behind a god with a slight smile.

(ROB)"Well, this is going to be interesting to see, that's for sure. Good luck Sor-....No, I think Yūrei is more appropriate; you have a long road ahead of you."