
MHA: The Green Hunter

A young man, after having an unhappy ending, is reincarnated by a ROB in the world of My Hero Academia, but before he was reincarnated, he was gifted with the powers of one of the most powerful members of the justice league. He received the powers of the Martian Manhunter. In case you want or can help me with the fanfics my patreon for you. I ALSO HAVE SOME ADVANCED CHAPTERS ON PATREON. ------------------------------------------------------------------ https://www.patreon.com/Niflheim007 https://ko-fi.com/amaterasuomikami

Josef000 · Cómic
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5 Chs

Chapter 02

[Main Pov]

It's been a few months since my encounter with ROB, encounter this one, where I had to spin the roulette wheels related to the world I would go into, and the powers that I would have, I don't know how the Martian Manhunter's powers are going to be adapted to this world, but I suppose they became something like an individuality. This makes me excited, he is super strong, and is even considered by many to be the most powerful hero in the justice league, even stronger than Superman, the Martian Manhunter has a monstrous amount of powers really.

His powers are so diverse, ranging from super strength to telepathy, but unfortunately he's a green alien, I kind of like the color green and how the Martian Manhunter looks, but even so, I hope I don't turn green like he. I start to smile when I think about it, and then go back to thinking about the events so far.

After talking to ROB, he sent me straight to the world of my hero academia, he told me that as a compensation for having waited so long for him, I could still keep my memories of my past life, something that is very good and that will really help me a lot.

I was surprised to find that I might end up losing my memories, and relieved to be able to keep them.

When I think about my first day here, I remember that my first memory in this life was a strong white light in my eyes, and then an Asian giant in white clothes looking at me. This sight scared me so much that I almost died again, but this time from a heart attack. After my near second death, that same audacious giant took me in his arms and had the gall to slap my ass, making me cry, that was definitely humiliating, not only humiliating, but also very painful.

I was just born, my skin was very sensitive, and the first thing I get when I'm born is slaps on my ass, it made me very angry at the time. I was really angry with this giant who I assume is a doctor, but even though I know that this is his job, and that this is standard procedure all children go through, I still intend to memorize his name so I can find myself. with him again someday so I can have my revenge.

Now that I remember that day again, I still have to say it again, his slaps really hurt a lot. After beating me, the Asian giant, took me to the direction of a woman who was also a giant in my eyes, I remember that she was lying in a hospital bed, seeing her lying down, I assumed she would be my mother, unlike the doctor, she was not Asian, in fact she had beautiful Afro-descendant features.

She was a beautiful young black woman, with beautiful light brown curly hair, and beautiful light brown skin and had beautiful eyes, apparently she had heterochromia ocular, I could see at that time that one of her eyes was green and the other was brown , she was really very beautiful, I remember her staying with me for a while that day until I was taken away by the nurses.

My father only arrived the next day, he was a young man like my mother, and like her, he seemed to be western, he had white skin and wore a very cool eye patch, the funny thing was that he wore glasses next to the eye patch , kind of weird, but he looked nice in his suit, from what I could see of him that day he looked like a businessman or a hero I wasn't sure at the time.

After he arrived, my mom and the guy who looked like my dad left the hospital with me, and we headed towards what I thought was our house, I was really happy when I found out that it looked like we lived on the top floor of a really nice building in downtown Tokyo, at least in this life it looked like I wouldn't have as many financial difficulties as in my old life.

During the entire period I was in the hospital, I didn't understand anything they were saying, everyone spoke in Japanese, and I really couldn't speak a word of Japanese, but when I got home my father and mother spoke to each other in English, and this was a relief, finally i was able to start to understand more about who they are and how they live.

Now after 7 months with them, and living like a baby, I know a lot about both, my dad is a Brit like me from my past life. He's a former pro hero, gone from being a hero, after he found out about my mother's pregnancy, he was the highest ranked pro hero in the UK.

I've heard some really cool stories about him, and based on that, I can assume he's pretty strong, his quirk looks pretty cool, he once told me his quirk's name is super brain, a bad name, but it seems to be very op.

He has very powerful telepathic and telekinetic powers, maybe in a direct fight even All Might can't defeat him.

And my mother is not far behind, she was also a very powerful pro hero, she was known as the highest ranked pro hero in Brazil, she told me that her quirk consisted of molecular control of objects she holds.

She showed me how her powers worked, I was really impressed, she took a cup and made it expand, shrink and transform into other objects. I liked seeing her using her quirk, and I tried to take the cup that was in her hand, after that she turned the cup into a toy and gave it to me to play with.

From what I saw ROB made my parents' powers something related to mine, something that is good, it works as a nice backstory, another good thing about it is that they are very powerful, so I don't have to worry about be kidnapped by All For One, but I still have to be careful.

Apart from the problems caused by the fact that I'm a baby, I've been really enjoying it here, apart from the fact that it's quite boring, and I just haven't died of boredom until now because, during all these months, both my father and my mother talked to me a lot, I couldn't answer them, but I really enjoyed the experience of them talking to me, at least it was better than lying there doing nothing.

They told me many stories of their time as pro heroes, of their struggles, and also of how the two met in the midst of a joint mission from their home countries. The two also commented on the beauties of their homelands, I didn't give much importance to my father, as I said before, I was British, I know very well how it is there.

But on the other hand, I listened very carefully when my mother talked about her adventures in Brazil, I was curious and wanted to visit to see with my own eyes. They also told me many useful things, which helped me to understand how much time was left for the beginning of the plot. It looks like I'm the same age as Izuku and I was born in Tokyo, Japan.

After my parents left the pro hero life, they decided to travel the world for a while, until my parents decided to stay here in Japan to raise me, the reason for this is because my father was also raised here by his grandmother.

And as the months went by, little by little, my control over my body increased, and thanks to that I was able to start dragging myself around the house, in terms of speaking, I would be able to pronounce words in English. But I think it would be weird, an 8-month-old talking. When it comes to Japanese, the subject is totally different, I know almost nothing about Japanese, it's really a very difficult language, but at least I'm managing to assimilate it a little because of the TV and the few times that visitors come here at home, and my parents have to speak Japanese with these visitors.

Thanks to that I discovered that I can learn very fast, I wouldn't say I'm a genius, in fact, it's probably because I'm a baby, in my old life I heard that babies have a much better mind than adults, and that their brains are 250% more active than adults, and that they also have 5 times more neurons than an adult.

My days here in Japan are pretty quiet and I hope they stay that way for a while. I know my peace and quiet is doomed to end, when the main plot begins, I'm going to be totally busy.

While thinking about all these things, I look at the side of the crib I was in and I start to get sleepy and I go to sleep.

To be continued.