
MHA: The Dollmaster

When playing with dolls, one usually expects little girls to do that. But there was someone who loved dolls so much they not only played with them but made custom dolls as well. So when this person is transported to the world of my hero academia with the ability to control dolls, he is going to show those who manipulate events from the shadows who the real Dollmaster is.

Jameson_Collins · Acción
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Transported to a new world

(POV Mark)

When you ask who'd play with dolls, the first answer is little girls. That's true but I also enjoy playing with dolls and even made custom ones. People have often called me weird and even hurtful words like freak but I do not let them get to me cause they may not understand it but I enjoy what I do. I have also been called by Dollmaster by those who actually are interested in my custom dolls. One day, I was getting supplies for creating new dolls when I come across a suspicious man in an ally.

"Come closer Mr Mark" said the man. this freaked me out on how he knew who I was. My first thought was to run but some part of me for some reason was curious on what he wanted.

"Who are you and how do you know my name?" I said. The man laughs in a deep voice.

"Who I am is of no importance and neither is how I know your name. What is important is that I been waiting for you mr mark." the man said. this makes me even more afraid on how he was waiting for me but for what reason?

"What do you mean you've been waiting for me? I said.

"Let me ask you something. Have you always wondered how your life would be like if you were in a world of heros and villains?" the man said.

This confused me. What did he mean " a world of heros and villains"?

"I can send you to such a world but what happens after is up to you Mr Mark." said the man.

this confused me even more on what he said. There was no way he was capable of doing that.

"All you need to do is shake my hand Mr Mark and All your dreams will come true." said the man.

This man was clearly insane but then thought "Might as well, it's not like he can actually do it".

(POV third person)

Mark then takes hold of the man's hand and shakes it. Then everything ends becoming dizzy and spiraling and mark hears the man say something before he blacks out.

"Have a grand time Mr Mark." said the man.