
MHA: The Birth Of A Vampire

A guy is going down the street when he suddenly sees how a man is about to be run over, in a moment of courage the guy throws himself and manages to save the man from being run over, but he ends up dying instead. When he opens his eyes again he finds himself as a soul and the opportunity to reincarnate. What his quirk be? What kind of quirk is that. He accompanies our protagonist in the world of My Hero Academia where he will enjoy his new life and seek to reach the top. (Also trying to conquer one or another girl along the way). P.S: I hate NTR, so in my fanfic, you will never find the MC being fooled. You can read calmly. If you want to support me for pa-treon I will be very grateful, there you will also find some early chapters and it will be of great help to me, thanks for reading: Patre-on /acoms I will also be publishing this work on RoyalRoad, you can find it with the same name. PUBLICATION SCHEDULE: 1 Chapter every other day. today I go up a chapter and tomorrow I don't, the next I do and the next I don't, and so on. ************************** DISCLAIMER: I do not own My Hero Academia and any of its characters. The only thing that belongs to me is the OC characters and some changes in the story.

Acoms · Cómic
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76 Chs

Chapter 11: The Plan (BONUS CHAPTER)

This chapter is in gratitude to Aaron Cruz for being my first patron.

I hope you enjoy reading my story and if you want to read early chapters you will find them on my Patreon/acoms

If you have any idea for a quirk that you want to see in a character, you can write to me here.


"Himiko, as I said before my quirk is called <VAMPIRE> this gives me better senses than a normal human, I have greater regeneration as you can see my arm wound is already being healed and the more blood drink the stronger I will become, obviously I also have a limit and if I exceed it will lose my sanity for a while entering a berserker mode that the only thing that will want is to kill everything.

Another detail is that the higher the quality of the blood the more benefits it will give me, for example, the bag gives me small improvements in strength so although I have been taking it every day since woke up my quirk I have only managed to improve until I am slightly stronger than a normal adult and if we want to escape from here I need to become much stronger and for that I will need to take fresh blood, what I am trying to ask you is that- "

"I will give you all my blood if necessary, I insist please take my blood, I already want you to drink my blood, I want to feel what it is like when someone drinks your blood, do it Akira please" interrupting my speech Himiko unbuttoned neck shirt and showed me her soft white collar with light pink tones thus showing the blood that runs through her body.

Having this view I could feel my throat dry up and felt an insatiable thirst, my heart began to beat madly and all my thoughts were directed to biting her neck, sucking her blood, marking it as mine. When I realized was inches from her neck and smelling her delicious aroma that resembled vanilla I could not resist anymore.

I opened my mouth and stuck my fangs in her thin neck, I could feel the blood gush out and without wasting a single drop of her blood I began to drink it, I felt that my head was spinning, I felt floating in the clouds, a feeling so addictive that I did not I wanted to stop.

It felt like I was having sex, only it was a more spiritual and special orgasm than normal sex.

I felt connected to her, I could feel how her happiness felt, her excitement and she could also feel my emotions, the ecstasy, the euphoria that was causing me to drink her blood from her surpassed anything else I had done. At that moment I could feel it, I could choose if I wanted to include her in my clan, if I wanted her in my family, I just had to mark her and turn her into a vampire. I began to doubt, after all, had not told her about this yet, but she, being connected with me, could feel my thoughts and I felt her response in the form of overflowing joy, an expectation of becoming part of the same family.

Having her answer I did not hesitate and activated the conversion process, I could feel how a thread formed between us, with this I could feel her emotions, I could transmit my thoughts and feel her location, so I would never be alone again, because that way I could not being with her physically, this thread would keep us spiritually connected.

Although I wanted to continue drinking her blood, I decided to stop, since unlike me she did not have a regenerative factor, well not yet, now that she is part of my clan and has become a vampire, she should develop it, as well as increased senses and a body superior to the human, only a version more weakened than mine.

Releasing her creamy neck that from now on she would have 2 small scars where I nail my fangs, which would function as the mark that she is a member of my family.

When I looked at her face I saw that she was incredibly flushed up to her ears and her eyes seemed to have hearts, this made me worry.

"Himiko are you okay? How are you feeling?" I asked her with concern seeing that she had remained static even when I had already separated from her.

"Uh ... Hmmm ... Yes, it's just that now you and I are connected and ... That means that we ..." Himiko stuttered while playing with her fingers not daring to look at me directly and although have always been mean for hints and everything related to love, I could easily understand what she was referring to.

"Ahh ... Eh ... Well hahaha Himiko, Ummm, I think we're too young right now to think about this, how about we save it for the future" I felt my cheeks hot after saying that.

And it's not because I didn't want Himiko as a couple, it's just that we were really very young, that is, we are 4 years old for the love of God, how is it that she can think about these issues at this age, hah.

I saw how she lowered her head even more, but this time depressed, sad and she was about to cry, so not knowing what else to say I said.

"Himiko, it's not because I don't love you, that is, you are very pretty, it's just that our bodies are not developed, we have to wait at least for them to be developed to start thinking about love issues" I spoke quickly without thinking and only after After I finished I understood what I said, I felt myself blush from head to toe with embarrassment, but Himiko just laughed.

"Hehehe, then it's a promise Aki, when we are older we will get married" Himiko said while she was still smiling happily, but hearing what she said I choked with my saliva. Married? Isn't it boyfriends first, hahhh, well she's a pretty girl who will be very sexy in the future, there's no loss for me.

Now that we solved that I could finally see the changes in my body, the first thing I noticed is that my senses had improved their range at least double, if before I could hear and see with millimeter detail at a distance of 10 meters, now I had a range double, that is, about 20 meters, I felt that my body was about to explode due to the force it contained, I already wanted to go to measure my strength, unfortunately, I had to keep it a secret so as not to attract attention, but even so this great increase.

I looked at Himiko and after seeing that she had a confused expression I could guess why it was.

"Don't worry, the improvement takes a little time to affect your body since it was the first time, so by tomorrow you should feel much stronger and with heightened senses"

"Now that we have this method to make ourselves strong we must start making a plan to escape, I know you may not like this, but we will have to endure another 6 months here, in that time we must monitor the entire installation, we need to know all the guards' schedules, all the routes we can use to escape, we need to know their overall strength, if possible to know their quirks and the countermeasures they have for when a child tries to escape.

I believe that by that time we will have enough strength to be able to react and solve the problems that may arise during our escape, after all, we cannot trust that we will be able to leave peacefully, we must be prepared to have to fight tooth and nail if necessary, do you understand me"

"Hmmm I understand, I don't know how to fight and I don't know how to make plans, but if it's for you, no matter what I have to do, I'll do it, all you have to do is ask me if you need us to wait 6 months, or a year, even 10 years while I'm with you I don't care, hehehe" huff although she has such a cute and innocent expression, she can say very yandere things, I don't know if it's because of torture or if it has always been her true nature, well who cares I love her no matter what.

I showed him a smile that she reciprocated with another.

"Although you already realized, I must explain to you everything that my quirk is capable of, my quirk not only allows me to strengthen myself but I can also strengthen others.

This consists of basically giving them a version of my quirk, only lower, so their bodies will change acquiring a similar appearance to mine, somewhat pale skin, long and sharp fangs, their eyes will remain the original color, but when they use my quirk actively these will change to red and has the plus that they will become more attractive, also they will become stronger so their original quirk has nothing to do with a physical improvement, they will get improved senses.

But like me, they also acquire the disadvantages of this, for which they will have to drink blood daily so that their power is not affected and they will be able to continue increasing their power by consuming blood and there are even possibilities that their original quirk will evolve with time if they continue to improve.

Obviously, as I said, it is a lower version so its improvement will not be as great as mine and, finally, when I share my quirk a system is established, whereby being the original owner I obtain absolute authority over the people I convert, I decided to call this system clan.

The clan not only allows me to restrict them and make them obey me, as you may have felt previously but a thread was also formed that connects us, it has the ability to share our thoughts, emotions, and location so we will know where the other is and we can be together even if we are not physically in the same place.

I think that would be it "ending my explanation I saw Himiko with small tears in her eyes, I was alarmed and without knowing what to do I followed my instinct and hugged her.

"What's up Himiko, why are you sad about what happened?"

Shaking her head she told me "no, it's just ... that I feel very happy to have a family now, we will be together forever, always, always ..."

Although I felt happy when heard the first part, I couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat when I heard the last, even more so knowing that vampires are known for their long-life expectancy "heh heh heh, yes. Now that you know that we are family, you must promise me, that you will not hurt anyone without my permission unless that person is hostile and promise me that you will never pick up a knife and stab me, and then commit suicide" Himiko looked at me confused.

"Akira, because I would do that, would never hurt you" seeing her innocent expression I could only sigh and wish that never happened, I like the obsessive love of the yanderes, but obviously I don't want to be stabbed by one.

Once the issue of stabbing myself was clarified, or so I hope, I decided to end our first meeting, after all, it was already lunchtime and it would be suspicious to skip lunch when we had left the dining room without eating.

"Himiko is ending today's meeting, we must go to lunch, remember, we have to act as if the treatment is working, so continue with the performance that you do not like blood anymore, I will also do the same and also I will stop taking my daily dose of blood.

Obviously from now on you also have to drink blood and for that, we will meet here every day to drink each other's blood to make us stronger while we make them believe that their treatment is really working"

"Every day with Akira we will have a date and drink the blood of the other fufufu" Himiko instead of answering me was lost in her fantasies, hahhhh, as long as she controls himself I guess it does not matter. With that our first meeting ended.

Thank you very much for reading my fanfic, I hope you enjoy it and if you like it I hope you support me with a power stone.

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Without more to say, I hope you enjoy reading my story.

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