
MHA: Swordmaster

In a world where extraordinary abilities known as 'quirks' is revered, a young prodigy named Yaoyorozu Zoro navigates a life marked by societal expectations. Zoro's unparalleled skill in kendo sets him apart, and his latent quirk begins to awaken, revealing a newfound power that may alter the course of his destiny. *This is not a Roronoa Zoro transmogration story* Update schedule: 1Chapter/day. ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: The characters mentioned in the post, are utilized for illustrative purposes and as examples to enhance the narrative. I have no ownership or rights over these characters. This is not my original work. Translated from a mtl but the plot will change as the story progresses. For reference, Mtl novel: The Best Swordsman in My Hero Academia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For those interested, you can read chapters in advance and support me on my Patreon page patreon.com/GunnerGhost5/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

GhostofTaurus · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
32 Chs

Chapter 1: Reborn

The art of swordsmanship encapsulates the intricate dance of combat, where a single swing of the blade unfurls a myriad of possibilities, necessitating endless practice and, perhaps, a lifetime of dedication.

In a tranquil yet resolute demeanor, Yaoyorozu Zoro, his youthful countenance adorned with a gentle smile, clasped the samurai sword firmly with both hands, ready to strike the puppet once more. Anticipation hung thick in the air.

With a sudden surge and a swift motion, accompanied by a resounding click, the puppet, marked with scars, shattered into fragments, scattering chaotically across the room.

A startled gasp escaped the lips of a woman dressed in Bushido attire, her eyes widening with alarm as the shards danced around her, a fleeting moment of panic reflected in her gaze.

The unspoken skill of the boy belied his actions, his wrist moving with seamless precision as the samurai sword traced a luminous arc, effortlessly dispersing numerous wooden pieces.

Witnessing the spectacle, the girl's astonishment was palpable. "Zoro's mastery of swordsmanship is truly remarkable," she remarked, her voice tinged with awe.

The surprise mirrored in Yaoyorozu Momo's expression was matched by Zoro's internal bewilderment, as if he had momentarily returned to his initial exploration of this realm of enigmatic powers.

The notion of reincarnation and the transition into a world imbued with extraordinary abilities seemed surreal, yet within it, such abilities were termed 'quirks.'

Stepping back from the fray, Zoro shed his sweat-soaked martial attire, commencing his daily grooming ritual.

As he surveyed his reflection in the mirror, Zoro, with features often likened to finely crafted art, detected a hint of contentment in his appearance, acknowledging the allure that his persona projected.

Yet beneath this facade lay a bitter reality — his past marked by physical fragility, earning him the epithet of a 'sakura-like genius,' a kendo prodigy plagued by illness since childhood.

Years of relentless practice had yielded incremental progress, aligning his physique with societal expectations, yet the shadow of his past lingered, tarnishing his self-image.

Turning towards Yaoyorozu Momo, Zoro extended a hand in anticipation. "Shall we continue?"

Yaoyorozu's response was swift, conjuring a new outfit with her unique quirk, a testament to her extraordinary abilities.

As Zoro donned the garments provided, he exuded a quiet elegance, his demeanor captivating in its individuality, accentuated by a ruby ring adorning his finger.

Retrieving his samurai sword, Zoro's gaze lingered on Yaoyorozu Momo, admiring her sweat-drenched visage, a testament to her prowess in combat, her beauty undiminished by exertion.

Though Zoro held admiration for his companion, his stoic exterior betrayed little emotion, concealing the depth of his feelings.

"Are you retiring for the night?" Yaoyorozu's concern was evident in her furrowed brow.

Zoro's response was affirmative, bidding farewell before withdrawing to his lavish abode, a sanctuary of opulence and comfort bestowed upon him by the benevolent guardians of Yaoyorozu Momo, a refuge in a world fraught with uncertainty.

Returning to the villa, Zoro sank into the sofa, shedding the weight of his burdens. His expression was a mix of uncertainty, his index finger absently caressing the ring adorning it, a subtle smile playing on his lips.

He's a kendo prodigy, never one to deny it.

While the typical reflex nerve response for most hovers around 0.12 seconds, theoretically speaking, it often extends to 0.2 or even 0.3 seconds in practice. But Zoro is different. His reflex nerve clocks in at a staggering 0.14 seconds, pushing the limits of human capability. This remarkable feat lends an eerie edge to his prowess in kendo. At the tender age of five, he wielded a blade with such precision that he could outmatch an adult armed with a sharp weapon.

One can only imagine the dread that Zoro's skill in kendo instills.

Yet, what's lamentable is that in the eyes of many, Zoro lacks a quirk. In a world where quirks are revered, the absence of one condemns an individual to a life of mundane existence. At least, that's what Zoro perceives from witnessing ordinary people throughout his life, some even capable of breathing fire with just their mouths. It's this realization that's fueled his relentless pursuit of swordsmanship since childhood. He refuses to resign himself to a fate of mediocrity.

His relentless dedication to swordsmanship hasn't gone unnoticed by Yaoyorozu Momo's parents, especially after his noteworthy victory at the age of nine against renowned warriors from the local Taoist temple, earning him an invitation to the Yaoyorozu household.

Zoro didn't decline, nor did he have any reason to refuse the distant relatives, uncles, and aunts who extended their hospitality. Both his parents had perished when he was young, valiantly sacrificing themselves in a profession dubbed 'Heroes.'

With their departure, he became an orphan, left to fend for himself without a guardian. For six long months, he endured the hardships of orphanage life.

Recalling those days, Zoro's gaze turned icy, a chill settling over him. 'Heroes,' he scoffed inwardly, mere sensationalists, much like his deceased parents. Rushing into a fire to save a child without the strength to withstand the flames themselves—what folly.

His childhood robbed of innocence, burdened with adult responsibilities, Zoro endured the disdainful glances and the cold indifference of some. He clenched his fists in frustration.

Pushing himself up from the sofa with a swift motion, Zoro sprang to his feet. With the keen senses honed through years of kendo practice, he confirmed the absence of any onlookers before approaching the bookcase.

Taking a deep breath, he retrieved books from the second, third, and fifth shelves.

The bookcase emitted a mechanical sound as it swiveled, revealing a dark crevice in an instant.

Gazing at the narrow passage, Zoro's lips curled into a sneer as he slithered inside like a shadow.


After what seemed like an eternity, Zoro found himself in a relatively spacious area, resembling a cellar, albeit one refurbished to his liking.

Spotting the green-haired woman cocooned in blankets, Zoro approached without hesitation.

Tsukasa Itsuki—Yaoyorozu Momo's classmate who mysteriously vanished a few days prior, causing a stir in society. Even the ranked Heroes were dispatched in search of her, but to no avail. Eventually, the authorities classified her as a missing person.

Who would've thought she'd end up here?

Observing the girl who appeared to be in a peaceful slumber, her emerald locks cascading like a waterfall, her porcelain skin radiating even in the dim cellar, Zoro couldn't help but marvel. Super healing abilities were truly formidable; a few days ago, she was covered in scars, yet now, she was as pristine as ever.

As her name implied, this girl possessed super healing—a quirk that, despite its potency, only ranked middle-class in Yaoyorozu Momo's class. Were it not for her striking beauty and warm demeanor, she'd blend seamlessly into the crowd.

Unfortunately, luck wasn't on her side. A misstep led to a fall off a cliff, only to be rescued by Zoro, who happened to be passing by.

Without hesitation, Zoro placed his hand on her chest. The softness beneath his touch stirred something within him, but now wasn't the time for distractions. With a mental command, the ring on his index finger emitted a crimson glow.


Like a burst of flames, a beam of red light pierced the girl's skin.

Simultaneously, inexplicable information flooded Zoro's mind.

[Super healing analysis: 98% complete, under final analysis...]

Tonight marked the culmination of his investigation. Two days ago, as he passed by and saw the comatose girl, Zoro reached out to help her up. Little did he know that a mere touch would trigger this flood of information.

[Analysis initiated!]

In that moment, Zoro realized his quirk was awakening. Without hesitation, he whisked the girl away, knowing he had only one chance, and he wasn't about to squander it.

As his thoughts raced, Zoro felt as though eons had passed before a chime broke the silence.

[Analysis complete, super healing activation imminent].


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