
MHA: Son of a Hero

Hiroshi Yagi was born as the result of the Japanese government's efforts to secure the future peace of society by using the number 1 hero All Might's sperm. Blessed with his own unique power Hiroshi will develop a more nuanced understanding of what it means to be a hero, recognizing that true heroism goes beyond power and rankings. Ultimately, his character arc will revolve around finding his own identity as a hero and surpassing his father in his own unique way. Yo it’s Frosted Dao So… this idea has been in the back of my mind for a really long time, and I just said screw it imma do it so here it is I am not best writer this is my second time writing a fanfic first one was a hot piece of … you know so take it easy on me Cover not mine none of the characters in the story belong to me only my OC Stay frosty

FrostedDao · Cómic
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8 Chs

Man on the Hill

3 month time skip...

Near the warm humid mountains of Mt. Shiomi on top of a great plot of the earth was a small traditional Japanese house next to said house one could see an old man in a black and white kimono that had ever intricate patterns meditating on a stone in the middle of what seemed to be a man-made waterfall. Wisdom and power echoed off of him in the distant surroundings feeling the presence of another her slowly opened his black void-like eyes and stared at his former protege

"Master your student comes to great you"

The man in question was dressed in a government-issued suit he had purple hair that shined an obsidian light and the most dazzling purple eyes you would ever see. The man cared not for his suit and let it be drenched in mud in filth as this action in itself showed dedication to his teacher. Finally, the old man looked at his old student

"It's been a long time Daichi what brings the head of affairs in the (PSC) to my humble hill"

The man named Daichi lifted his head up and gazed at the old and powerful form of his master " I am sorry, I haven't been able to visit but my position leaves me stamped with work" Daichi said with a quiver in his voice

"You still didn't answer my question I won't repeat it again"

Daichi looked like he swallowed a lemon nervousness ever so present in his voice "I have come to ask a favor as you know project Olympus is on the verge of completion and we need you and your quirk to train Alpha 492, you know I wouldn't come to you if it was not important" Daichi looked at his old master and awaited his response.

"Daichi you disappointed me so you had such great potential and with a quirk like yours, imagine the ability to cause the very heavens to shake yet here you are a dog bowing down where did you go wrong boy?" the purple-haired figure of Daichi stood from in the face of these insults like he had heard it his entire life. His fist clenched and tightened to its max seemingly wanting to bring it to limits but he knew better than to show emotion in front of this man.

"Alpha 492 was it, his child" Suddenly a devilish smile could be seen on his face "That sounds very amusing make the preparations and bring him to me I am curious to see what type of quirk he develops I'll turn him into something worthy of his line unlike you.

Daichi looked down his face morphing into an expression of anger and resentment.

"Yes, Father if there's nothing else I'll be on my way" As he got up fist still clenched he started to descend the pristine rocky path but suddenly "Wait how is my grandchild I'm sure he misses me grandfather no?" Daichi stopped in his tracks his face turning an even darker shade of red " Hina is fine". Daichi responded in a hoarse voice.

"He's about that age isn't he has his quirk become stronger ?" the old man asked with a tone of curiosity.

No, he has not, short and to the point Daichi not wanting to spend time on this accursed hill any longer the old man looked up at the sky with an unknown gaze "It seems he is destined to be a disappointment like her father what a waste." Dachi continued on his walk down the hill trying his best not to show his emotions in any way or shape or form he continued down until he reached a matt black chopper and entered and saw a well-built man in military attire staring at him with a quizzical gaze

" I see old man Fujiwara is still taxing as ever. General Koji looked at Daichi with amusement in his eyes wondering what could that old monster say to make the man who never shows his emotions turn different shades of red " he's agreed to the proposition as planned once the birth of Alpha 492 is completed have him transferred here Daichi ignored the teasing of the old general and prepared himself for takeoff


Ryōsuke Fujiwara

Famously named the "Man on the Hill" Though he lives on a literal hill near the mountains of Mount Shiomi this was not how he gained such an imposing title they say the number of men and women he killed through the public safety commissions hit list is so high the bodies added up create a big hill with his kills never even knowing how they died his quirk blitz allows him to create momentum the more he moves his body that forces being able to slaughter most men just from the impact alone and through his expansive knowledge of the human body he a threat of multiple proportions.

But the real question you should be asking is why would the PSC choose him to raise a child that could potentially surpass All Might the answer lies in a unique ability he possesses as he can brainwash those he chooses as long as a significant amount of time as passed almost like a slow acting poison implanted in the brain. This made him invaluable to the commission as the idea of a future hero of peace is grand and noble, but one that you can control his worth would be astronomical

Ryōsuke Sat in the calm and peaceful waterfall as his figure flashed away and returned as fast as he left with a hot cup of tea in his hands

"I wonder how you will turn out indeed Alpha 492... No that's not it how about Hiroshi that's it, Hiroshi I hope you don't disappoint me.


Deep within the underground laboratory, the sound of beeping could be heard it echoed throughout the entire complex-all the scientists in the building looked up and ran i a panic many completely forgetting what they were working on as the sign could only mean one thing the birth of a...


Yo it's ya boy anyway sorry if these chapters are short I am just trying to get all of the character building out of the way so we can get to the main story. as always feel free to comment about the chapter I always love reading them

Stay frosty

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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