
MHA: Son of a Hero

Hiroshi Yagi was born as the result of the Japanese government's efforts to secure the future peace of society by using the number 1 hero All Might's sperm. Blessed with his own unique power Hiroshi will develop a more nuanced understanding of what it means to be a hero, recognizing that true heroism goes beyond power and rankings. Ultimately, his character arc will revolve around finding his own identity as a hero and surpassing his father in his own unique way. Yo it’s Frosted Dao So… this idea has been in the back of my mind for a really long time, and I just said screw it imma do it so here it is I am not best writer this is my second time writing a fanfic first one was a hot piece of … you know so take it easy on me Cover not mine none of the characters in the story belong to me only my OC Stay frosty

FrostedDao · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Alpha 492

Deep within an underground lab within the Akaishi mountain range, a team of scientists can be seen working on what seems to be an artificial uterus. Above them, on a metal balcony, a pair of men one in military uniform and the other with a pristine white lab coat watched on with rasp attention.

"Are they only closer to achieving it?"

a man with a full beard and stern expression on his face asked the scentist, "We have tried 491 times but that person's DNA seems to have a will of its own all attempts have led to the total destruction of the artificial uterus but our team still has hop-" The man with the beard snapped and as if scolding a child " I didn't ask for hope Maybe this project was a waste after all, we're shutting it down effective immediate-" before the general could finish his sentence the team of scientist rejoiced

" IT FINALLY HAPPENED," one of the scientists said in a tone of exasperation he then looked up at the head scientist "The sperm has successfully made contact with the egg and no signs of decay seem to be showing". The head scientist couldn't believe his ears an experiment on the brink of being shut down somehow succeeded at the most opportune time, was this not an act of god?

*It's About damn time*

the head scientist thought to himself he quickly looked over to the general with a gleam of desperation "It seems I stand corrected I'll review the commission to see our next steps" the general said with an impassive expression on his face he exited the balcony to get a closer look at the artificial uterus " to think the fate of our country is in this I wish you luck, Dr. Tomioka. The head doctor of the experiment now revealed to be this Tomioka proceeded to bow to the figure of the general as he left the laboratory

He shot up quickly "Prepare the uterus for the isolation pod this cannot fail" All the scientists could be seen squirming and running rampant they heeded the direction of head scientist Tomokia and prepared a big pod with wires and extensions coming out of it suddenly it began to fill up with green fluid " inserting the uterus now," one of the scientists said with a hint of nervousness " system operational" all the men in the room stood back as the marveled over there work months of testing and procedures finally paying off.

"It's beautiful "

Doctor Tomioka said with admiration and pride "Alpha 492 is a success "


As general koji walked the white halls of the underground laboratory he felt a feeling he hadn't felt in a long time.


Excitement for the possibility of this project prevailing as the result would shape future generations for years to come, he exited the lab and was met with a Matt black chopper and a group of guards stationed throughout the perimeter as he entered a phone that was installed in the helicopter rung " how was it do I need to make some more calls today" he voice on the other end spoke with a tone of exhaustion " I'm afraid that won't be necessary" general koji said with a monotone voice " you.. Mean it was a success" the voice on the other end said with disbelief " yes I am heading to the commission now to discuss the next steps " the voice was silent seemingly thinking about something " alright I'll handle. Things on my end lete hope this works" the call ended

The General looked at the expansive jungle in the distance

" Hope.. Can we really have such a thing in this world"


Time skip 6 months...

Inside the underground laboratory, a pod of green glowing fluid could be seen. Inside said pod a peach-coloredthe uterus was housing an anomaly of untold proportions

" Someone give me the six-month report on alpha 492" A man with brown hair and thin glasses as well as a mint white lab coat could be seen "Yes Dr. Tomioka I've got it right here for you" One of the scientists charged with constant surveillance of alpha 492 gave a crisp 3-page report on the progeny of that man "The test is outstanding though it's only been 6 months he has developed faster than expected" yes the soon to move the child of the number one hero was male, Dr. Tomioka was satisfied with the results and gave them back to the scientist "Good send it to General Koji I'm sure he will be delighted to know" The scientist made quickly exited the lab eager to get his job done.

"Sir it may be presumptuous f me to ask but who will be in charge of the care for Alpha 492, after birth," a scientist with red skin and slit eyes asked the Doctor.

" That information is out of my reach though if I had to guess it would probably be the Man on the Hill. The slit-eyed doctor looked baffled

"The Man on the Hill"?

Yes he is a mystery even to me they say he is one of the founders of the public safety commission (PSC) he'll probably want to prepare Alpha 492 himself but that is just word of mouth, the slit-eyed doctor nodded. Continuing his work

Just who is this "Man on the Hill" and what kind of strength and authority must one have to teach someone so important find out next on...

MHA: Son of a Hero

Well, that's chapter one in the books, this was very fun to write hopefully you guys enjoy it, and let me know if you find any errors in spelling or grammar, not my best subject try to comment and let me know what u think.

Stay frosty

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