
MHA: Son of a Hero

Hiroshi Yagi was born as the result of the Japanese government's efforts to secure the future peace of society by using the number 1 hero All Might's sperm. Blessed with his own unique power Hiroshi will develop a more nuanced understanding of what it means to be a hero, recognizing that true heroism goes beyond power and rankings. Ultimately, his character arc will revolve around finding his own identity as a hero and surpassing his father in his own unique way. Yo it’s Frosted Dao So… this idea has been in the back of my mind for a really long time, and I just said screw it imma do it so here it is I am not best writer this is my second time writing a fanfic first one was a hot piece of … you know so take it easy on me Cover not mine none of the characters in the story belong to me only my OC Stay frosty

FrostedDao · Cómic
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8 Chs


* Confront it at its very core how do I do that?*

Hiroshi pondered silently. "Alright, that's enough. Now go wash your hands, clean up, and put on the ointment I gave you. Get yourself ready for lunch,

"He glanced at his grandfather and nodded in understanding. As he made his way through the creaky old house, he examined his hands and thought, "Something changed. I've never been able too punch the log for such a long time before. I feel stronger today, maybe Grandpa was right after all."

Following a quick meal with his grandfather, Hiroshi quickly pushed the idea from his mind and went about his day.

He diligently performed his duties, feeding the coy fish in his grandfather's pond and scrubbing the house's weathered wooden floors. He waited until he was satisfied before starting to clear the garden of the persistent weeds.

When Hiroshi went back inside, he sat on the porch and gazed in awe at the magnificent sight of the sun peacefully ending another day. The peace only lasted for a moment before his grandfather summoned him into his study

"You called for me Grandfather" Hiroshi said with a neutral tone in his voice"

His grandfather looked at him with his old eyes full of wisdom.

" Hiroshi I want to teach you something, come."

The young boy followed the given instructions and took a seat opposite the elderly man. "I learned this skill when I was just about your age," shared the old man, "my father imparted it to me, just as his father had done for him - the practice of meditation."

" Meditation?"

"The elderly man nodded in agreement, emphasizing the importance of maintaining composure by concentrating on one's thoughts and channeling one's resolve because the mind has the capacity to overcome obstacles more effectively than anything else. Currently," adopt a relaxed stance that enables you to let go of any inhibitions."

Hiroshi followed the advice and assumed a comfortable position, adopting the lotus stance just like his grandfather.

He closed his eyes and made an effort to clear his mind of any distractions and concerns. However, the more he tried, the more difficult it became. His thoughts seemed to amplify, causing him to struggle.

"Remember to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth," his grandfather reminded him.

Hiroshi experienced a novel feeling of frustration within himself for the very first time.

He had never encountered any difficulty in grasping his grandfather's teachings before, always accepting them easily. In a soft tone, Hiroshi expressed, "I can't do it."

As he uttered these words, his grandfather opened his eyes and stared at the young boy. "Meditation is more than just a skill; it is a way of life, my child. It's perfectly alright if you don't grasp it immediately.

Starting tomorrow, I encourage you to set aside an hour every day to attempt to quiet the mind and body. By doing so, you will experience a sense of control and eventually gain a fresh perspective." With eyes filled with patience, his grandfather cast his gaze upon him.

" alright I'll do as you say, grandfather"

The old man looked at the blond-haired boy with loving eyes * it's already been four years, his quirk should be manifesting any day now, I wonder how you will surprise me this time Hiroshi.

Ryosuke left Hiroshi alone to continue his meditation, a skill that will become vital to him as he goes through his life.

The following day, Hiroshi emerged from his peaceful sleep and prepared to strike the wooden log once again. However, he swiftly realized a significant transformation within his body.

He felt a newfound lightness, as if a burden had been lifted. It seemed as though he had grown stronger overnight, evident in his arms radiating with untapped power. Eager to validate this change, he sprinted out of his cramped room, moving faster than he had ever moved before.

Once he reached the log, punch after punch he felt the stinging pain of his bruised hands but today was different he felt as if he could continue on for hours.

*"Has it finally arrived? Is this my quirk, or something else?" He swiftly completed his thousand punches and hurried to consult his grandfather about his astonishing discovery. Bursting with newfound ambition and excitement, he entered the tiny house and quickly located his grandfather deep in meditation on the cool wooden floor. "Grandfather, I think my quirk has developed," announced the young boy.

The old man's eyes flew open, curiosity evident in their gaze, and he promptly rose to his feet to examine the boy. "And what makes you think that, young one?"

The boy gazed up at his grandfather with his piercing golden eyes, filled with pride. "I feel stronger today, much stronger, and my punches are more powerful. And when I was punching the log my hands didn't hurt as much".

As if that was all the validation he needed old man Ryosuke responded, "Let's get a doctor to come and assess your quirk to see if it has fully developed." The boy nodded in agreement, although his expression remained neutral.

Hidden behind his calm façade, he was secretly thrilled. How could he not be? If his assumption was correct, anyone would be excited.

On the other hand, Ryosuke had a different perspective on the issue. He wondered.

*If the boy's claims are accurate, does it mean his quirk only provides a small enhancement in strength and speed? if that is the case then he might as well be better off quirkless*.

A sad thought passed through the old man's mind as he had truly grown accustomed to the child's company. He looked at the small child and rubbed his hair affectionately.

"For now go and continue with your chores and don't forgot to practice meditating like I taught you, I want to see progress in that skill understood.

the boy snapped back into reality

"Yes sir"

he nodded in acknowledgment and ran off to finish his tasks.

The following day, old man Ryosuke and Hiroshi stood outside the house, patiently waiting for the doctor to arrive. They could hear heavy breathing and panting as a man in his late 40s came into view, walking up the stony path.

His jet-black hair and multiple folds of fat on his neck jiggled in sync as he slowly made his way towards them. Hiroshi looked at his grandfather as if to say

" really, this is the best you could do"

his grandfather ignored his gaze as he waited on the man to catch his breath " I'm sorry to keep you waiting I didn't realize how far up into the mountains you lived" Ryosuke looked at the man with a blank expression

Ryosuke greeted the man "I apologize for causing this inconvenience, but due to my old age, I cannot make the journey into town by foot." The doctor expressed sympathy and nodded in understanding.

He then turned his attention to the young child and greeted him with admiration, saying, "Greetings, young man. My name is Dr. Suzuki, and I will be conducting a thorough examination of your quirk." The elderly man, Ryosuke, led the doctor into an empty room in his four-bedroom house and requested Hiroshi to take a seat while he prepared for the examination.

The Doctor asked Hiroshi when he first started noticing changes in his body after settling down in the small space. Dr. Suzuki looked at Hiroshi, who sincerely replied, "One morning, I woke up feeling noticeably lighter than before.

The next day, this sensation grew stronger and my muscles began to feel tense. I even thought I could lift my bed as a whole if I wanted to." Hiroshi said in a calm voice with an apathetic look on his face.

The doctor acknowledged the information with a nod and wrote it down on a clipboard.

" I see, so this morning did you feel more physically capable than how you felt before going to bed last night?" Hiroshi nodded and replied, "Usually, after waking up, I feel much stronger than the previous day and I am able to put more effort than I am used to. Old man Ryosuke's eyes widened in recognition of what the boy was subtly implying as the doctor recorded everything.

" What numerical values would you use to describe the strength you have gained each morning if you had to put a number on it?"

the boy looked confused and the doctor put it in more simpler terms " if you had to guess how much stronger do you think you got each day."

"I would say…

It doubled everyday".

So I feel I had to clarify this about Hiroshi's strength at the end of this chapter. He has the normal strength of a grown man as of right now. His physical capabilities have been growing for a while but he thought it was more due to his training, not quirk so he's had it for 5 days at this point.

Once again thanks for reading. Don't forget to rate the story means a lot to me. And helps the story grow

Stay frosty

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