
MHA: Son of a Hero

Hiroshi Yagi was born as the result of the Japanese government's efforts to secure the future peace of society by using the number 1 hero All Might's sperm. Blessed with his own unique power Hiroshi will develop a more nuanced understanding of what it means to be a hero, recognizing that true heroism goes beyond power and rankings. Ultimately, his character arc will revolve around finding his own identity as a hero and surpassing his father in his own unique way. Yo it’s Frosted Dao So… this idea has been in the back of my mind for a really long time, and I just said screw it imma do it so here it is I am not best writer this is my second time writing a fanfic first one was a hot piece of … you know so take it easy on me Cover not mine none of the characters in the story belong to me only my OC Stay frosty

FrostedDao · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Birth of a Monster

Inside an underground lab near the beautiful mountains of Japan, groups of scientists and military officials could be seen running as if their own lives were on the line.

One of the scientists, filled with immense excitement, exclaimed that an extraordinary event was taking place. This momentous occasion was destined to be recorded in history. All the scientists present confirmed their agreement by nodding enthusiastically. Eventually, they all gathered near a shiny black door made of metal.

With great anticipation, they anxiously opened it to find 10 scientists gathered around an open container containing green liquid.

"Initiate protocol beta and ensure that all surgical instruments are sterilized. We must complete this task as the future of Japan rests in our hands,"

Declared an enthusiastic man wearing a pristine white lab coat and slim glasses, his excitement evident in his voice.

"Yes sir" they said in unison. They drained the pod of all its liquid, revealing an expanded uterus containing a full-grown baby within.

With meticulous care, they began the delicate process of maneuvering the baby's head through the artificial uterus. After years of planning, several months of trials, and countless setbacks, everything now came together in this critical moment as they gently brought the precious life out of its only familiar dwelling Gradually, he gradually emerged and entered the embrace of the immensely proud doctor, who was admiring the masterpiece he had created. All he required was a swift smack on his rear end, which resulted in a sharp cry resonating throughout the laboratory.


In the room, every scientist started applauding, and Dr. Tomioka smiled with a hint of insanity. He instructed someone to get ready a syringe so that they could extract the baby's DNA and store it in multiple test tubes for immediate study.

Additionally, he asked for someone to inform the domineering general that Alpha 492 was prepared for deployment. Due to the newfound workload, all the scientists in the room hurriedly moved about with renewed enthusiasm.

Meanwhile, the small infant in the doctor's arms began to feel a pinch as a needle was inserted into his thigh, yet no signs of discomfort seemed present on the child's face.

" Don't worry little one I'll make sure to get as many samples from you, as I can get before you depart. Maybe we'll try to make you a new brother or sister"

The Doctor laughed with a tone of glee as he thought of the possibilities that this child carried in his DNA, after all why stop at one when you can have ten?


In a small military base near the outskirts of Japan, a team of men could be seen escorting a tall figure from a military-issued helicopter. An impassive expression could be seen on the man's face.

"Let's get this over with"

General Koji walked on with his troops behind him ready to bare witness the so-called "miracle child" himself.

as the general walked into the building, he quickly made his way to the innermost lab where, once he entered, all eyes were locked on his imposing form.

" General Koji it's lovely to see you again. Where are my manners" Dr. Tomioka snapped his fingers "someone get the Gene- "

before he could finish his sentence the General spoke in, a authoritative voice "I didn't come here for pleasantries where is Alpha 492" The doctor looked shocked but quickly complied " ah... I see please follow me then" The two figures made there way across the lab to a private chamber

" he's been quiet since his birth only crying for food ; the general peered at the little boy soundly sleeping with a look of disdain on his face "

*he doesn't look so special* he thought, but he quickly moved on as he had a job to do.

He collected the sleeping baby in his arms and moved through the lab, thoroughly ignoring the doctor. He exited the facility and gave Alpha 492 to one of his soldiers and used the phone connected to the chopper to make a call

" he's in my possession moving to position now"

he hung up and he once again found himself staring out the window to the expansive jungle below.


on a peacful hill surrounded my mountains

old man Fujiwara was enjoying his tea in the peaceful silence the mountains brought him. He quickly looked up into the sky as he heard the sound of a helicopter in the distance. he put his cup down as he waited for the chopper to land upon landing the old and imposing General revealed himself with a tiny infant in his arms as he made his way up the stony path he looked at the child with pity

He contemplated quietly to himself, acknowledging that this is indeed the inevitable destiny of the child.

As he proceeded further, he soon came across the elderly man who stood casually with his hands clasped behind his back, appearing unconcerned.

The general respectfully bowed his head, all the while cradling the baby, "It is a privilege to meet you. I have heard numerous tales of your remarkable achievements, yet never had the opportunity to personally encounter your renowned figure."

Fujiwara paid no attention to the General and instead fixated on the peacefully slumbering baby in his embrace, seemingly attempting to glimpse into the future of this little being. Observing Fujiwara's intense focus, the General hastily attempted to pass the baby on, appearing eager to be relieved of this responsibility.


The General approached to present the child, alpha 492, to the elderly man.

The old man graciously accepted the child and all of a sudden, the child regained consciousness in his fragile yet firm embrace, with captivating eyes of pristine golden color fixed upon him.

Without showing any emotion, Alpha 492 made an attempt to grab the old man's long, snow-white beard. To his surprise, however, the elderly man responded with a hearty laugh and a sincere smile, devoid of any malice or greed. Such an emotional response was actually quite uncommon.

"On behalf of the Japanese government, I'll be leaving once more. He quickly thanked him for his contributions and then bowed.

the old man and walked into the small house, appearing to be lost in thought. Completely Ignoring the generals existence.


4 years after.

on a great and vast hill below the mountains of Shiomi

The scene of a young child with bright yellow hair and gorgeous, yellow eyes, no older than four years old, could be seen striking a wooden log was set against a rough stone surrounded by high mountains. Drops of blood could he seen on the log itself.

Punch after punch the boy created a powerful rhythm that continued to resound through the mountains hen suddenly the beating stopped. The boy quickly dashed into the small wooden house after wiping the sweat from his face, quickly moving along the immaculately kept walls.

He suddenly stopped in front of a sliding door while giving off the impression that he was on an important mission and said, "Grandfather, I have finished my daily quota of 1000 punches," his hands, which were covered in cuts and bruises, clearly showing the results. Pride filling his voice. As he announced his presence

"Enter, Hiroshi," said the person in the room. Without delay, the boy named Hiroshi entered promptly Inside, he found an elderly man who appeared weak but sturdy, hunched over a desk engrossed in what seemed to be Japanese Calligraphy.

"Come closer, my boy, and let me examine you," the old man beckoned. Hiroshi complied, his expression showing this wasn't anything new.

"Show me your hands, young one." In response, the boy raised his hands, which were adorned with bruises and blood, turning shades of purple and red. With a stern gaze, the old man remarked, "Excellent, I can sense that your hands are gaining strength.

It won't be long now, my boy." Curiosity filled Hiroshi's eyes as he questioned his grandfather,

"Why do you make me punch that wooden post every day?, Grandfather," the boy questioned. The elderly man appeared to be lost in his own thoughts as he gazed into the boy's captivating golden eyes. He stated, "Perseverance is strength.

Every individual on our vast journey through life has experienced various difficulties. It is how we react to these challenges that determines our true character. There are those who surrender in the face of adversity and others who press forward despite it. I want you to not only push forward but to confront the problem at its very core." The boy regarded his Grandpa with a sense of awe in his eyes, still not comprehending fully. Nevertheless, he nodded in acknowledgement and then glanced at his worn-out hands.

"* confront it at its very core. How do I do that?*

man y'all have no idea how boring it is to write about a bunch of background characters or extras as my boy Bakugo would say anyway thanks for reading and get ready for more baby I ain't quitting anytime soon

Stay frosty

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