
MHA: Quirkless Hero

In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.

AgentMonke · Cómic
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162 Chs

The Mask takes over!

Although, Ochako didn't seem to listen… Bullet didn't know that, he thought she was amazed by his skills.

Momo sighed to herself and followed Bullet out.

They stood in a building as Momo stayed quiet, wondering why she had to deal with a 2v1. Clearly she didn't think much of Bullet.

All-Might spoke through the speakers, "Bullet. No strong, okay?" Bullet looked at the camera and gave a thumbs up, smiling "No strong! Very weak!" All-Might let out a breath and muttered "I hope so… Let's hope the Mask cooperates…"

The class all looked at the screen closely, wanting to see why All-Might and Aizawa were so worried.

Bullet looked at Momo, smiling happily "Plan?" Momo let out a breath, saying "I don't need a plan, we lose." Bullet was stunned, "Lose? Why?" Momo rolled her eyes and ignored him.

Bullet pouted before shrugging "Okay. You stay." Momo blinked as Bullet took out the white mask and put it over his head, saying to Momo "No fear. No hurt." before putting the mask on.

Katsuki froze and glared at the screen, "It's him!? He's the bastard! Damn it!" the class was stunned by Katsuki's intense reaction. All-Might coughed and didn't explain.

Momo froze as Bullet ignored her, cracking his neck before charging down the hallway.

Tsuyu hopped over and saw Bullet, spitting out her tongue. The Mask growled "Fake Hero! Weak!" as he grabbed her tongue, pulling her towards him as he spun, kicking her in the side!

Tsuyu's eyes widened and she spat out bile, slamming into the wall.

The Mask let go of her tongue and cackled before looking up at the stairs. He flicked his arm and the binding cloth came out. He pulled and vaulted into the air, flying through the staircase to the top floor before kicking down the door.

Fumikage looked at him and a dark shadow came out of his body. The mask walked towards him, dragging the binding cloth behind him, the dark shadow shot out and attacked Bullet, who dodged the swipe, twisting his body strangely.

He chuckled, "Villain! Villain!" as he flicked out the cloth shooting towards Fumikage, who jumped back but Bullet jumped at him, throwing his binding cloth around a pillar, ignoring the nuke as he pulled, dodging the dark shadow.

He landed on the pillar and jumped off, shooting towards Fumikage, twisting around the darkshadow again, swinging his leg out at his head!

Fumikage was stunned and crossed his arms, but Bullet's leg sent him flying into the wall! Bullet threw out the binding cloth and pulled himself, shooting towards Fumikage again, kicking out saying "Villain die!"

Fumikage had a bit of blood leaking from his beak but still dodged, rolling to the side. Bullet landed on the ground and jumped back, landing on the ground, touching it with his hands and feet.

Fumikage finally understood what Aizawa was saying…

Bullet wasn't human! He was a beast!

Bullet growled and shot off the ground, Fumikage shot out dark shadow but Bullet lunged to the ground, rolling before pushing off with his hands in an instant, firing out his legs into Fumikage's stomach, sending him flying into the wall.

The mask flipped to his legs and rushed out to Fumikage, throwing a punch at his head!

Fumikage coughed up blood and glared at Bullet, roaring as the dark shadow exploded from his body, covering himself in a crisis! Bullet's punch was caught by the dark shadow and he looked at it, grinning under the mask with a crazed expression.

He threw his other fist and collided with the dark shadow, punching him into the wall, overpowering Fumikage in an instant!

Bullet laughed and continued punching faster and faster, using more and more strength as the wall behind Fumikage exploded, sending him to the ground as the dark shadow receded into his body.

Bullet jumped at Fumikage, swinging down his fists like hammers!

Suddenly, there was a metal plate blocking him as Momo looked at him warily! Bullet turned his head to her, grinning as he shot out his binding cloth, saying "Fake hero!" Momo jumped back quickly and started running as Bullet abandoned Fumikage, shooting his binding cloth to the pipes on the ceiling, pulling himself through the hallways.

He flipped through the air and appeared above Momo, punching at her head!


His fist was caught by All-Might!

The mask growled "Damn!" as All-Might took his mask off. Bullet reappeared and looked about ready to cry, shivering in fear. All-Might sighed and put him down, handing him the mask as Bullet held it tightly, rubbing it compulsively while shaking.

All-Might gave Momo a thumbs up, saying "Quick thinking, Ms Yaoyorozu! Sometimes, your partner may lose control!" Momo was terrified and stepped back from Bullet, making him shake in fear, tears spilling from his eyes.

All-Might patted Bullet's head and smiled "How about you take Fumikage and Tsuyu to the nurse, okay?" Bullet wiped his eyes and nodded, "Okay." before picking them both up and leaving.

The class was dead silent as All-Might returned, saying "Who's next!"

Bullet walked to the nurse, holding Fumikage and Tsuyu, his eyes welling up with tears. When he finally arrived, Recovery Girl looked at the two in Bullet's arms, saying "Oh, well, put them over here, boy." Bullet put them on separate beds and Recovery Girl inspected their wounds, asking "What happened."

Bullet sat in the office, not knowing what to say. He held the mask and shivered, crying "Mask. Hurt. Scared." Recovery Girl looked at him, she knew the insider information, but she didn't think the Mask personality was so vicious.

She healed Fumikage and Tsuyu, letting them sleep before coming to Bullet and sitting on a chair in front of him. He looked down at the mask in shame as she patted his hands, smiling "You have to learn how to control yourself." before pausing, adding "Candy." as she dropped a bunch of candy in his hands.

Bullet ate the candy with sadness as Recovery Girl smiled, "You. Control." Bullet looked at her, crying "Can't!" Recovery Girl patted his hands, smiling "Can!" before waving a finger, "Have to!" Bullet gripped the mask tightly as she went on, "Hard, yes!"

She poked his chest, smiling "Hero. Control." Bullet looked at her and she added, "Villain, can't!" Bullet nodded and she patted his head gently, "Knuckleduster, control." Bullet looked up in shock and Recovery Girl smiled, "Friends."

Bullet held her hands, smiling with excitement "My Hero! Friend!" Recovery Girl laughed, nodding "Old Friend." before pointing out, "He, control. You, learn." Bullet nodded, asking "How?!"

Recovery Girl tapped his head, "Mask. Bullet. Same!" Bullet was shocked, shaking his head, this was impossible! They were different. Recovery Girl sighed, "You see. Later. Same. Both Bullet." before getting off the chair and walking away.

Bullet sat there in a daze, Mask and Him were the same? How? Bullet didn't understand. He was very scared of the Mask because the Mask hurt his classmates… Not only that but the Mask always did the dirty jobs!

Bullet couldn't imagine it, how could he be the same as the mask? It was impossible.

With that thought, Bullet left the infirmary, going to the training area.