
MHA: Programmer

Disclaimer: Hello! This is my first fanfic, so I hope you'll be lenient with me. I'm not the best at writing, so there may be some grammatical errors. Please let me know if you spot any mistakes so I can improve. Due to my busy schedule, I might not be able to update frequently, but I'll do my best to post whenever I have the time. This story will not be a harem fic, as I personally don't enjoy them, although I don't mind them in general. The main love interest in this story is Momo Yaoyorozu. The story will start off quickly because I want to get into the action without spending too much time on the initial setup. Synopsis: MC: Ren Hikari Ren Hikari is an ordinary college student in his early 20s who finds himself transported into the world of My Hero Academia. With the quirk "Code," his ability is unique compared to other popular quirks like stands or sunshine. You'll have to read the fic to discover the full extent of what makes his quirk special. I do not own any characters or elements from My Hero Academia; all rights belong to their respective creators. My only contribution is the original character.

SonDSoro · Cómic
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20 Chs

Chapter 7: School

Months have passed since I began training under Takumi Yamamoto, and the journey has been equal parts grueling and gratifying. I recently turned six, and now, as I stand on the edge of a new chapter, I find myself stepping into a world that seems both familiar and entirely alien. School. The thought alone fills me with both excitement and a touch of apprehension. Training with Takumi had become my life, but now I'm preparing to juggle it with the structured environment of academia.

Despite my eagerness, my parents had to make the difficult decision for me to attend school. It wasn't just about learning new subjects or meeting other kids—it was about balancing my rigorous quirk training with the demands of a formal education. My father, Ryu, discussed the decision with me seriously, emphasizing the importance of not letting my quirk overshadow my growth in other areas. Fusako, my mother, shared her thoughts with equal weight. "It's going to be a challenge, Ren-kun," she said, "but it's a crucial step. School will give you a chance to experience life outside our training and learn more about yourself and others."

They were right. My parents' support was unwavering, but I knew that integrating school into my life was going to be a significant shift. I spent weeks preparing myself mentally, focusing on how I would manage my time between training and schoolwork.

The morning of my first day is a blur of nerves and excitement. I've always known this day would come, but it still feels surreal. Unlike many kids, I'm not going to a regular public school. Thanks to my father's success in the family business, I have the privilege of attending a prestigious private academy—an institution tailored specifically for children with unique abilities. It's a school built to cultivate the next generation of heroes.

As I step through the grand entrance, I'm struck by the scale and beauty of the place. The academy's towering buildings are a perfect blend of sleek modern architecture and classical design, each corner humming with the subtle energy of innovation. Advanced technology interweaves with tradition here, reflecting the academy's ethos of preparing us not just for today's challenges but for a future full of untapped potential. Every step I take resonates with a sense of purpose, as if the ground beneath my feet is urging me to rise to the occasion.

The students around me reflect this blend of tradition and innovation as well—some flaunt quirks that are visually striking, like neon-glowing hands or hair that seems to shift colors with their mood. Others, like me, keep their abilities closer to the chest, the weight of responsibility not immediately apparent on the surface.

My first class is an orientation, a chance to settle in and learn the ropes. The headmaster—an imposing figure with graying hair and a commanding presence—stands before us. He's a retired hero, famed for his tactical genius, and he speaks with a calm authority that both reassures and challenges us. His message is clear: this school is not just about honing our abilities. It's about learning to balance them with the responsibilities that come with being a hero. His words echo in my mind as I take in the rows of students beside me, each one carrying their own dreams, their own burdens.

Halfway through the orientation, we're taken on a tour of the academy's vast facilities. One area in particular catches my attention—the training grounds. It's an expansive outdoor arena equipped with towering structures and various terrains designed to simulate real-world scenarios. My heart races as I imagine myself there, using Programmatic Control to manipulate my environment. But just as the excitement builds, I overhear a conversation between two older students about an upcoming trial known as "The Crucible." From what I can gather, it's an endurance test designed to push students to their limits. A shiver of apprehension runs down my spine. The headmaster's earlier words now feel heavier.

The first day passes quickly, a whirlwind of new experiences and information. By the time the last bell rings, I'm exhausted yet exhilarated. Balancing school with my training is going to be tough—there's no doubt about that. But as I walk home, surrounded by the fading light of the afternoon, I feel a spark of excitement that pushes aside the exhaustion. The academy is a place of learning, of growth, and I can already sense the opportunities it holds for me.

In the classroom, I try to adapt to the new environment while also figuring out how to balance my social interactions with the demands of my quirk. The teacher, Ms. Takeda, is a tall woman with a no-nonsense demeanor. She has a way of commanding respect and attention, and I find myself both intimidated and intrigued by her.

The first lesson is an introduction to the academy's curriculum and a chance to get to know each other. Ms. Takeda encourages us to introduce ourselves and share a little about our quirks. When it's my turn, I stand up, feeling a mixture of pride and nervousness. "Hi, I'm Ren Hikari. My quirk is Programmatic Control. It allows me to manipulate the fundamental codes of objects and environments around me."

A boy with striking blue hair raises his hand, eyes wide with curiosity. "So, like, you can change how things work by altering their 'code'? That sounds pretty cool!"

I nod, feeling a slight smirk forming on my lips. "Yes, that's right. It's a bit like adjusting the settings on a machine, but for everything around me."

Another girl with silver eyes chimes in. "Doesn't that make you really powerful? Like, you could do almost anything with it."

I can't help but let a hint of arrogance slip into my voice. "It has its potential. But it's also challenging. Manipulating something too complex can be exhausting, and it takes a lot of practice to master."

Ms. Takeda observes my interactions with interest. "Ren, it sounds like you've had some experience with your quirk. Remember, though, that balance is key. The strength of your quirk comes with responsibility."

As the class progresses, I engage with other students, exchanging stories and learning about their quirks. One girl can create and control shadows, while another has the ability to generate and manipulate sound waves. Each quirk has its own unique strengths and challenges, and I find myself fascinated by the diversity of abilities around me.

The day ends with a group discussion about the upcoming Crucible trial. The conversation reveals a range of emotions—from excitement to nervousness. I listen intently, weighing the information against my own experiences. The idea of the trial brings a new level of gravity to the school's atmosphere, and I feel both apprehensive and determined.

As I head home, the weight of the day settles on me. School presents a new set of challenges, but it also opens doors to new opportunities. With Takumi's lessons still fresh in my mind and the support of my family, I feel ready to face whatever comes next. This new chapter is just beginning, and I can't wait to see where it leads.