
MHA: Programmer

Disclaimer: Hello! This is my first fanfic, so I hope you'll be lenient with me. I'm not the best at writing, so there may be some grammatical errors. Please let me know if you spot any mistakes so I can improve. Due to my busy schedule, I might not be able to update frequently, but I'll do my best to post whenever I have the time. This story will not be a harem fic, as I personally don't enjoy them, although I don't mind them in general. The main love interest in this story is Momo Yaoyorozu. The story will start off quickly because I want to get into the action without spending too much time on the initial setup. Synopsis: MC: Ren Hikari Ren Hikari is an ordinary college student in his early 20s who finds himself transported into the world of My Hero Academia. With the quirk "Code," his ability is unique compared to other popular quirks like stands or sunshine. You'll have to read the fic to discover the full extent of what makes his quirk special. I do not own any characters or elements from My Hero Academia; all rights belong to their respective creators. My only contribution is the original character.

SonDSoro · Cómic
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20 Chs

Chapter 12: A Study Session

A few days had passed since the chaotic museum attack. The memory of the villain's shadowy assault was still fresh, but the urgency of final exams quickly overshadowed it. The atmosphere at the academy was a mix of excitement and anxiety as the pressure to perform well in our studies and hero training intensified. Both Momo and I were feeling the strain, and it was evident in our stressed conversations.

One afternoon, after a particularly grueling day of studying, I decided we needed a change of pace. I wanted to offer Momo a break from our intense study sessions, and I thought a study session at my house might be a good way to combine productivity with a more relaxed environment.

After one of our classes, I approached Momo with the idea. She was packing up her books, her expression reflecting both determination and fatigue.

"Momo-san," I began, trying to sound casual, "how about we study at my house this weekend? It might be nice to have a change of environment, and we can work together more comfortably. Plus, my parents have a pretty nice setup for studying."

Momo looked up from her books, her eyes showing a hint of surprise. "That sounds like a wonderful idea, Ren-kun. I could really use a fresh perspective on some of the material."

"Great!" I replied, feeling a mix of relief and anticipation. "How about this Saturday? We can start in the morning and take breaks as needed. I'll make sure we have everything we need."

The weekend arrived quickly, and I eagerly prepared for Momo's visit. My parents were excited to meet her and had set up a cozy study area with snacks and drinks to keep us fueled. When Momo arrived, she was greeted warmly by my family, and I could see her relaxed demeanor as she was welcomed into our home.

"Hello, Momo-san," my mother said with a warm smile as she opened the door. "It's so nice to meet you. I'm Yuki Hikari, Ren's mother. Please come in. I've prepared some refreshments for you."

"Thank you, Mrs. Hikari," Momo replied politely, her cheeks flushing slightly at the warmth of the welcome. "It's lovely to meet you."

My father, who was busy setting up the study area, looked up and greeted Momo with a friendly nod. "I'm Hiroshi Hikari. It's a pleasure to have you here. Ren's told us a lot about you."

"It's nice to meet you both," Momo said, her voice soft but sincere. "Thank you for having me over."

We moved to the study area, a cozy room with large windows that let in plenty of natural light. The space was set up with a large table, comfortable chairs, and a variety of snacks laid out on a nearby counter.

"Help yourselves to anything you'd like," my mother said, gesturing to the snacks. "We've got sandwiches, fruit, and some cookies. Feel free to take breaks whenever you need."

As we settled into our study session, my parents kept a respectful distance, allowing us to focus on our work. My mother occasionally popped in to check if we needed anything, and my father stopped by to chat briefly, offering encouragement and sharing a few tips on managing stress.

After a few hours of studying, we took a break and sat down to enjoy some of the snacks. My father joined us for a few moments, asking Momo about her interests and how she was finding the academy.

"So, Momo-san," my father began, his tone friendly and engaging, "what do you enjoy most about the academy so far?"

Momo smiled, clearly warmed by the interest. "I really like the balance between academic subjects and hero training. It's challenging, but I'm learning a lot and finding it very rewarding."

"That's great to hear," my mother added, joining the conversation. "It's important to have a balance. Ren's been working very hard too. I'm sure having a study partner like you has been helpful for him."

Momo nodded, her cheeks turning a light pink. "Yes, it's been wonderful. Ren-kun has been very supportive, and it's made studying much more enjoyable."

As the conversation flowed, I noticed my parents exchanging amused glances. My mother leaned in, her voice teasing. "By the way, Ren, I couldn't help but notice that you and Momo-chan seem to be quite close. Calling each other 'Kun' and 'Chan' already, huh?"

I felt my face heat up, and Momo looked up, equally surprised. "Oh, it's not like that," I stammered, trying to explain. "We just—"

My father cut in with a playful grin. "Sure, sure. We're just teasing. It's nice to see you two getting along so well. Momo-chan, you're welcome here anytime."

Momo's cheeks were now a deep shade of pink, and she smiled shyly. "Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Hikari. I appreciate your hospitality."

My mother chuckled softly, giving us a friendly wink. "It's just that Ren usually has this serious study face. It's nice to see him relaxed and having a good time. We're happy to see him with a friend who brings out his lighter side."

After our break, we returned to studying, and I noticed that Momo seemed more relaxed and happy. The supportive atmosphere of my home and the friendly interaction with my parents had clearly helped her feel more at ease.

As the afternoon drew to a close, Momo packed up her things, and my parents came to say their goodbyes.

"Thank you so much for having me over," Momo said, her voice filled with gratitude. "I really appreciate it."

"It was our pleasure, Momo-san," my mother replied, giving her a warm hug. "You're always welcome here."

My father gave her a friendly wave. "Good luck with the rest of your studying. I'm sure you'll do great."

As Momo left, I felt a deep sense of contentment. The day had gone well, and I could see how much the visit had meant to her. Our friendship had grown stronger, and I hoped that our continued support for each other would help us both succeed in the challenges ahead.