
MHA: Overwhelming strength

His name is Neji Imasuji. Son of villian Goto Imasuj, more commonly known as Muscular. he was saved by All Might from his past and given the confidence to continue moving forward. he aims to become a hero and put a stop to villians. (he would be like all might, powerful but not unbeatable) (i just thought that musculars quirk is super op, he's like All might 2.0 . without the power of plot deku would be 6 feet under during the raid ark)

Strawhat_samurai · Cómic
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3 Chs

chapter 3

Allright so i am skipping 1st part of the race, the maze, tunnel, underwater area and all that because it would take a shit load to write and you all don't really wanna wait a few weeks for canon to start right? so lets just skip to the good part. use your imagination to imagine Neji speed blitzing the part 1 using his Gigachad body.



A huge splash disturbed the calm surface of the huge underground aquarium as Neji's half naked body emerged from the water.

Neji pushed a lock of black hair with blond highlights from his face and looked around.

Standing before him was an army of Ectoplasms.

"I see you have passed the previous trials, Examinee. but your journey is still not finished, To claim the title of victor, you have to go past me"


A feint sound filled the field as an Ectoplasm clone came forward to confront Neji.

The sound started getting louder, and louder and louder untill...


Something shot out from the water at super high speed straight towards the clone.

"I am out baby!!!"

Rockets guy shot out like a torpedo and like a rocket collided with Ectoplasm, causing it to dispel in smoke.

"Man it was easy!! Are you all even trying?!" He boasted loudly while flying around in circles.

"Oh you actually beat me to it huh?" His eyes narrowed onto Neji on the ground who was still just standing there a little dumbfounded as to what happned, water dripping from his wet hair and shorts.

'Don't be surprised, You have seen a lot of shit, Don't be surprised ' He chanted to himself as he shifted his eyes towards another clone.

"Excuse my rudeness Ectoplasm-sensei" he said.

Muscles bulged under his skin, which soon exploded out and covered his whole body in a suit of muscles.

"I guess you hit the gym a little" Ectoplasm said jokingly.

"A little"

Dust cloud filled the air as a hulking tank rushed towards Ectoplasm at speeds impossible for someone that size.

Ectoplasm had little time to prepare for the incoming strike, A punch connected to the cross guard just before his chest and the clone was blasted backwords.

"That was...something Allright " Ectoplasm clone said as it dissolved into smoke.

Neji started sprinting towards the last part of the race.

'The others would definately be here in anytime now, and the rocket guy is fast so-'


"What are you doing?"

"I guess it wasn't a fluke when you one shoted the clone"

It happned in an instant.

Just as Neji passed the place the clone was before something rushed towards him at high speed.

Twisting his body to the side he caught Rocket guy, his head just a few inches away from Neji's sternum.

Activating his rockets into Neji's face he was able to free himself from his hold.

"Damn, grabing someone like that, what are you a chimpanzee?" He taunted.

Neji's eyes turned left towards the group of Ectoplasm clones.

"The use of Offensive force is allowed in the second part, be it against me or amongst yourself." He said.

"you heard him, muscle brain"

The surrounding temperature started dropping down as well as the air picked up.

"Those two idiots are also not far, i bet they aren't behind much"

"Here i come!!" Another attempt at crashing into Neji.

But this time, just before Neji could grab him he flipped mid air and slammed his legs onto Neji's back.

A grunt escaped Neji's lips as he was pushed forward.

"What the fuck are you, a wall or something!?" Rockets barked out as he caressed his legs midflight.

This continued for a few minutes, with rockets hitting Neji at high speeds and him taking the hits, not hitting back.

They were so engrossed in it that they didn't even see the two other additions to the field.

"A power is neither good nor evil, it is merely a tool. The power doesn't define you a hero or a villain, Your actions does" A sentence he engraved into his heart flashed inside his mind.

"Jet pistol!!!"


Muscles bulged, Earth cracked, Ice creaked, wind roared.

"What the hell happned?!?!?!" Present mic's voice was heard as half of the field was destroyed.


Shun Saito knew he was the best.

With a quirk like his, he was destined for greatness. but it doesn't mean he didn't work hard to get to it, he constantly trained, studied his ass of for this exam.

U.A high.

It was his dream to become the fastest Hero. with his Rocket end qurik it was just a matter of time.

So when he saw someone beat him, even if it was for only a fraction of the race but he was beaten, he couldn't take it.

He wanted to be the best, and he will do anything for it.

'Then why...why...'

He had the upperhand, the better speed, better mobility...whereas 'he' was just standing there, unmoving.

Frustration filled his entire being as his hits did nothing.


Did 'he' thought he wasn't worth it!?

'Fuck the race!! Now its him or me!!'

High pitched whirling filled the air as Shun's rockets went into overdrive, his whole body creaked with extension.

'10 seconds...thats all i have' He thought.

"Brace yourself Meathead!!!!"

His form blurred in the air, gaining momentum.

And more momentum, and more.

Then he struck.

At such speed all Shun saw was a small dot on the ground.

"Forgive me"

'huh-' That was his last thought.

Neji's body twisted as Shun passed the place his head was before.

A meaty hand shot up, clasping around Shun's ankle.

Shun's vision darkned as he was slammed down, large spider web cracks formed underneath him.

"What the hell happned?!?!?!" Present mic's voice was heard as half of the field was destroyed.


Inasa had a weary smile on his face, one rarely seen.

Even as a child he was never scared of anything, always curious about everything.

He could deny all he want, but even he was scared, maybe only a little.

The display he just saw...

"Such Overwhelming Strength..."


Shoto Todoroki tried to ignore it.

Just as Shun was about to collid with Neji he created a barrier between him and them using a large iceberg.

In his eyes they were just distraction, afterall his real goal was to become a hero with just his ice.

'One blow'

One blow was enough to obliterate a huge iceberg.

He tried to clear his mind as he moved closer to the finish line.

Just a little behind him was Inasa, riding his wind and slowly catching up.

Both had the same thing on their mind.

To beat 'him'.

"Ohhh!! looks like Examinee no.21 and 19 are fighting for the first position!!!" Mic's voice blasted through the stand.

Just a metre away from the finish line a hulking blur passed them.

Neji had won, by a margin of 1.7 second.


Neji sipped the premium quality tea, it had a different aroma compared to the one he usually drinks, a little stronger flavor to.

"How is it, Imasuji-kun?"

The.....mouse? bear? dog? creature before his asked as poured himself another cup.

'Principal Nezu' Considered to be one of the smartest creature including humans on this plant.

Neji's eyes drifted to the various files and papers spread across the table.

from his recommendation letter, to his school records, a copy from his quirk registery , and even a copy of the police report about 'him'.

'..' A bitter taste filled his mouth when he thought of 'him', muscles subconsciously twitched below his skin, hand clenched as he tried to calm himself down.

*huff* 'Steady breathing, breath in, breath out, in , out.'

All this time Nezu continued sipping his tea, idlely looking at the papers before him.

"Neji Imasuji" He said.

"I will keep it short, I will only ask one question"

"You fath- i mean Muscular, if he came here right now infront of you, what will you do. Say honestly" Putting the teacup aside he leaned forward on his chair and looked straight at Neji.

"I- I wish of nothing more than to put a stop to him...." His body started tensing subconsciously.

Nezu frowned a little at that, almost disappointed.

"but as i am now, i can't do anything! If he were to come infront me right now, I will contact the nearest hero agency as well as the police" He calmed himself as looked at principal Nezu.

"hmm....Good, You were able to make the correct choice, but did forget one thing, you don't have a license so even if you were capable to confronting him you cannot, not without breaking the law"

"But i guess it isn't that bad, Neji Imasuji, i think you will be a fine addition to our family"

He said, reaching over the table with a tiny paw.

"Welcome to Your Hero Academia"


finally!!! The recommendation exam is finished!

Now onto canon!!

Btw the rocket guy was a neat little character i made and i think i will use him more in the future, i feel bad for him a little so expect to see him more.

Please think of a hero name for Neji!!!


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