
MHA: My Hero Adventure

Izuku Midoriya was excited for finally being able to stand in front of UA with his newly acquired quirk. Unfortunately, he lost balance and nearly face planted the floor. Man, that would've been an embarrassing first impression. Fortunately for him though, a black portal caused him to not face plant on the floor, but he got a feel of soft melons instead. "My bad..." Aplogised Ryoichi Cheney, the protagonist of this story. I don't own my hero academia or any other anime references (Fairy tail mainly) Warning: Non-MHA love interest

Rizzler007 · Cómic
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11 Chs

Chapter 4: Trial of Battle

Long chapter: 2500+ words


The first day of school had finished yesterday, and today was the second day of school.

Ryoichi was currently walking with Midoriya, Uraraka and Iida to class as they had met on the way a few minutes ago.

Outside the school was super busy as students were inviting others to join school clubs and whatnot.

"Any of you guys thinking of joining a club?" Ryoichi asked.

"No, I won't have time to do club activities" Iida informed, pushing his glasses up.

"I'll probably see what's there atleast..." Midoriya muttered, thinking about the possible social interactions he'd have to go through most likely "...On second thought, maybe not, hehe.." He chuckled in embarassment.

"If any of them interest me, I'll join and give jt my best shot!" Uraraka responded energetically.

Eventually, they ended up in class and took their seats.

"Morning Juvia, Todoroki" He greeted his seat neighbours, before Present Mic entered the class.

"Today I'll be teaching English, YEAH!!" He announced.

'So normal...' The whole class thought as the day passed by in a flash.

They had finished a maths lesson, English, Japanese, and had lunch. It was like any other school.

Now, it was the actual period for hero activities and...

"COMIN THROUGH THE DOORRR...." A voice could be heard from outside the class, as well as loud, fast footsteps

"LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!" The door burst open, revealing All Might in his hero costume posing flamboyantly.

"I can't believe it! All Might's really gonna be teaching us!" A student shouted in awe.

"That design is the silver age!" Another fan-boyed.

"Good afternoon, future heroes! Today we'll be building up your foundations by going through trials. Let's jump right into this with...

The trial of battles!" All Might declared, rushing the students to get changed into their hero costume and meet at where the trial would take place.




Walking through a tunnel to where the trial would take place with the class, Midoriya and Ryoichi were at the back.

"Uh, Midoriya"


"Don't you think your heroes kinda... childish?" Ryoichi says bluntly, crushing Midoriya's heart. 'Huh? Did he really not think it was? Whoops'

"O-Oh... I guess it is..." Midoriya looked depressed, after all, he was the one who came up with the idea and his mom's the one who helped make it.

Thinking fast on his feet, Ryoichi replies with "It's not a bad thing! It's actually kinda nice"

"Oh, really...? Thanks..." Midoriya smiled a little, he then looked at Ryoichi's costume.

Ryoichi was wearing black baggy joggers and some type of chestplate as the first layer. For the second layer, he's wearing a black yukata with a shadowy pattern that covers his right side. His left arm is revealed and not covered by the yukata, revealing a black tattoo on his left shoulder, adding a bad-boy charm to his costume. In addition, his hair was tied up. [Images]

"Though, your outfit's quite cool. And how have you managed to get a tattoo??" Midoriya complimented and asked.

"Thanks, this outfit cost quite a bit, though I might change it a little in the future. As for the tattoo, well I went portugal a few months ago and there you're allowed a tattoo at 16 with parental consent, so my parents gave me permission and this tattoo came to mind" He replied.

"That's awesome!"

They then caught up with the class and All Might appeared in front of them.

"First of all, all your outfits are cool!" All Might said with a thumbs up, but not before looking at Midoriya with an embarrassed expression 'Bit of an obvious resemblance dontcha think??' He then fake coughed.

"Let me now get to the explanation:

This trial of battle will be an indoor trial where there will be two teams per match. One team are the heroes, and the other are the villains.

The villain's will start by placing a bomb (Fake just to clear up) wherever they want. Their objective is to then stop the heroes from touching the bomb.

The heroes objective is to touch the bomb to stop it from going off.

The ways to win for the villain is to either, A. beat the heroes and capture them, or B. Stall the heroes within the time limit before they defuse the bomb.

As for the heroes, they can win by either capturing the villains, or touching the bomb. That was obvious" All Might explained briefly, pausing to allow the students to let the information flow into their brain.

"Now, it is time for your teams to be made, with~" He then turned around and pulled out a box from out of nowhere, "Some lottery!"

The teams were then formed once everyone put their hand in the box to grab a ball with a designated letter on it.

"So, we're team F, ay?" Ryoichi talked with his teammate, Rikido Sato.

"Seems like it, should we start with introductions? My name's Rikido Sato"

"Ryoichi Cheney, nice to meet you too. My quirks allow me to manipulate gravity and make portals, what about you?"

"I can increase my strength five-fold for three minutes after consuming 10 grams of sugar" He then pulled out a cup labelled with "sugar".

"Should we end it quick with your portal, or not?" Sato added bluntly, as the obvious and quick way to win was Ryoichi creating a portal right to the bomb.

"No, I won't be using my portal that way, as this trial is obviously a way for All Might to gauge our quirk strengths and weaknesses... probably" Ryoichi answered, to which Sato nodded.

The class then waited for All Might to announce what teams would go up against each other.

The first match was Midoriya and Uraraka as the heroes versus Bakugo and Iida as the villains.

'Damn that match was good', the winners ended up being the heroes after an intense emotional and physical fight, with the MVP being Iida.

"Next up... Team F as the heroes versus Team J as the vilains!" All Might announced.

Juvia and Kirishima, a red-haired individual, walked into the building to set up their bomb placement.

(A/N: Yes, I replaced Koda and Sero for Juvia and Ryoichi as they're both not that important... unless that changed way later lmao. They might be class 1-B though instead if need be)

"So, the plan's that, right?" Sato asked, to which Ryoichi nodded.

"STARTT!!" All Might shouted through the microphone, urging Sato to engulf the cup of sugar instantly.

- Villain Team -

"Juvia will stay here" Juvia deadpanned bluntly, causing Kirishima to groan and give up on making a team strategy, ignoring the never-ending rain which didn't help.

"Alright alright, have it your-" Suddenly, Kirishima got cut off by a black portal forming under his feet and falling through.



Having been caught off guard by the portal, Kirishima was not expecting to be punched in the face by a sugared Sato.


He was sent flying and impacted with the wall, almost being sent through it.

"Ahh, fuck... that hurt" After losing consciousness for a split second, Kirishima slowly got up with his hardened skin.

Fortunately for him, He used his hardening quirk whilst being sent flying, minimising the damage from being sent flying to the wall.

- With Juvia -

With her teammate being taken away, Juvia now had her guard up.

Another black portal appeared from above where Kirishima was taken, revealing Ryoichi coming out of it.

"Well, if it isn't my pretty seat neighbour, how are you?" Ryoichi joked with a chuckle.

He looked Juvia's costume up and down. She was wearing a blue dress that was buckled with a belt. She also has another layer going up to her neck tied together by a doll. She was holding a pink umbrella as well not cover herself from the rain. [Image]

'P-pretty?' Juvia blushed on the inside, but remained emotionless on the outside, "Juvia will stop you from winning" She declared, swiping her arm.

[Water Slicer] Multiple water blades were released from her swipe, approaching Ryoichi at a fast speed.

With swift, simple movements, Ryoichi dodged the blades, but not without one of the blades scraping his cheek which created a cut with some blood dripping.

'Hm, faster than I thought' Ryoichi contemplated, but not before rushing Juvia.

[Gravity Knuckle] With his fists infused with his manipulation powers (Making his punches stronger), Ryoichi sent a quick jab to Juvia's face.

To his shock, as well as the others watching, his punch appeared to go through Juvia's face.

"Juvia is your worst match-up. It is my win" Juvia declared confidently once Ryoichi backed up.

She had made her body turn to water with her quirk, causing Ryoichi's punch to be ineffective.

"So physical attacks are off-limits, ay? Shame for you, that's not all I am!" Ryoichi responded with a smirk.

He put his hand out with his palm open facing Juvia, causing her body to flop to the floor.

Ryoichi had increased the gravity of the area around Juvia by three-fold, catching her off guard and making her face to strain slightly.

She then once again turned her body to water and moved further away from Ryoichi, panting slightly.

'Not even that? Damn'

"I think you forgot..." Ryoichi started "That you can't run from me" He whispered in Juvia's ear.

She ignored her pumping heart and stated "Got you"

She touched Ryoichi.

[Water Lock] This time it was his turn to be shocked as he was now inside a dome of oxygenless water, not allowing him to breathe.

'Crap, think fast think fast' Ryoichi panicked a bit at the fact he currently had no oxygen.

'This move isn't mastered yet, but it's my only chance... let's hope there's not too much backlash'

"Surrender" Juvia proposed, thinking she had definitely won.

She could currently see Ryoichi put his fists together with his eyes closed, concentrating on something.

The gravity around him began to shake profusely, causing the water dome to move a little.

A second later, something insane happened.

Ryoichi smirked, the gravity around him rumbled a lot more before condensing around his body, causing the rumble to stop.

[Self-Destruct] The condensed gravity quickly exploded outwards, causing the dome to burst, the windows shattering, the walls cracking, and Juvia to be knocked back a few metres.

"What the..." Juvia mumbled in disbelief. This had been the first time someone had broken free from her dome, let alone from an insane method like this.

'Is he alright??' Juvia started to worry, which came as a shock to her.

"Ouch, that hurt... It's a lot better compared to last time though" Ryoichi groaned in slight pain as he limped towards the bomb.

"Juvia is impressed, you are the first person to ever break free from my Water Lock.

Unfortunately, you are too injured, making it my win" She put her palm out, releasing a strong ray of water from her hand.

[Water Ray]

"Heh, one mistake, Juvia" Ryoichi smiled confidently, causing Juvia to make a confused face.

A black portal appeared in front of the water ray's trajectory.

"I have two quirks"

Not having the energy to dodge due to the consumption of her moves (Mainly water body), Juvia's back was hit by her own move causing her to hiss in pain.

"This battle's gone on long enough, time for me to end this" Ryoichi charged up his fists.

"Juvia will not give up!" She threw away her umbrella and charged up two columns of water.

Seconds later, the two clashed.



They both shouted as loud as they could, which wasn't too loud due to their injuries or low stamina.

The nebula approached Ryoichi, who punched the floor with both of his fists.

The power of Ryoichi's special move caused the water nebula's to pop, leaving no trace of water.

Meanwhile, the whole floor broke.

'Wait, we're on the top floor-' He realised.

"Uh oh.." He hoped Kirishima and Sato were out of the impact.

He then remembered

"Juvia!" He was now free-falling and saw Juvia doing the same.

He could see that she had no energy to use her water abilities, so he created a portal under Juvia which made her fall into his arms in a princess carry, shocking her.

She looked up at him and saw how close their faces currently were and blushed.

Ryoichi, on the other hand, landed on a piece of falling rubble and infused his feet with his powers, pushing him and Juvia out the building with a jump.

Now that they were safe, Ryoichi breathed a sigh of relief, but not before looking up and seeing a beautiful scenery.

A rainbow had formed in the sky, with the bright, beautiful sun shining behind it.

He looked at Juvia in his arms to see that she was lost in thought as she stared at the sun and rainbow with a tear falling out her eye.

"The sun... it's beautiful..." She muttered, snapping out of it and looking up at Ryoichi, who was looking at her with a smile.

"You know... you'd look even better with your hair down" He blurted unconsciously, "S-sorry" he blushed in embarrassment.

Juvia heard his comment and chuckled, "Thank you..." She smiled, stunning Ryoichi 'Beautiful...' He thought, but not before shaking it off.

"What for?" He asked as they kept falling.

- In the monitoring room -

"How are they still falling?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"No idea"

- Back to the free-fall -

"For letting Juvia see the sun" She replied, confusing Ryoichi, which she could see "Juvia will explain another day to you".

"Alright!" He nodded.

He then created a portal under them and teleported themselves to Kirishima and Sato.

"What the hell happened in there?" Kirishima asked, seeing how pretty much the whole building was now destroyed.




"And the winnersssss...

THE VILLAINS!"' All Might announced.

"Wait, what?" Ryoichi let out in shock, just like the rest of the class.

"Well" All Might started

"First of all, in the end, you never actually touched the bomb. Second of all, you probably caused more damage than the bomb would've. And finally, though you technically defeated Ms. Juvia, Kirishima-shonen and Sato-shonen's battle was still ongoing, so you also technically ran out of time" He explained.

Then, the rest of the battles continued (In a different, perfectly fine building).




It is currently the end of school, and the class were chilling and conversating whilst waiting for the students who were sent to the school hospital during the trial.

Midoriya had entered the class and most of the students surrounded him and congratulated him and 'defeating' Bakugo, which overwhelmed him.

"T-thanks... hey, where's Kacchan?" He asked, noticing how he wasn't in the class.

Someone then told him where Bakugo went, leading Midoriya to run after him to explain some stuff.

A few minutes later, Ryoichi, the last student to return to class, entered the room and was also surrounded by people praising him.

Little did Ryoichi and the rest of the class know, these days would be the last of them having nothing to worry about...

- Unknown Bar -

"So... the 'symbol of peace' has become a teacher" A voice said

The same voice carried on speaking, "Hey... what do you think would happen once the 'symbol of peace'...

Got snuffed out by villains?"


A/N: This story will probably be romance focused as time goes on (Obviously it will still be an MHA story-based ff) hence the romance plot armour of things happening.

Thanks for reading

Hope you enjoyed