
MHA: Jaeger

Desiring powers gone wrong, a man died before he could use it. Though a higher power thought his unfortunate circumstance entertaining. With the omnipotent Murphy making things harder. His wish becomes fulfilled, but it wasn't exactly what he wanted.

B00BIES_for_life · Cómic
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37 Chs

Chapter 27: Vs Battle

"The 16 finalists are here! We will draw lots to determine who will fight who! And then, we'll go to the recreational interlude." Midnight pointed at the screen.

"Ohh, a one on one fight! I'm all fired up!" Kirishima grinned.

"Class 1-A!? What is this!?" Hizashi screamed as they wore cheerleader uniforms.

"You fucking pichu ass bitch! You fucking tricked us! Dieeee!" Katsuki immediately ran towards Denki with intent to clobber him half-dead.

"What happened?" Alex asked them and Izumi who was fidgeting around because they were showing too much skin, explained.

"Denki told us that Aizawa-sensei said the interlude will be a cheering battle. And we saw the cheerleaders from the US." Izumi cringed.

"We got tricked..." Momo created the uniforms in the first place. And she got bamboozled.

"We're already in these, why not cheer?" Toru made some movements with her pom-poms.

"You like this huh? Toru-chan?" Tsuyu didn't have any complaints as well.

"I guess you guys look good in it." Alex nodded at them with a smile.

"Ahhh! I'm sorry! I won't do it again!" Denki was getting the shit beat out of him by Katsuki.

"I never thought you'd look good in that Katsuki." Alex gave her a thumbs up and she froze mid punch.

"Huh!? You hitting on me you motherfucker!?" Katsuki shouted at him.

"Katsuki... So you want an oyakodon, huh?" Mitsuki couldn't believe it.

"Aren't you jumping the gun, Mitsuki?" Inko deadpanned at her.

"Those who don't want to participate in the interlude can refrain. You might need the rest, it won't matter." Midnight informed them.

"I would like to quit right now. I didn't do anything in the cavalry battle and got in with pure luck." Mashirao raised his hand.

"Huh? But it'll impact your internship." Kirishima looked at him in worry. Even he knows how important that is.

"I... I can't get in with just luck. I need to show everyone what I really can do. And I don't feel I deserve to be in the last event." Mashirao nodded sagely.

"Ohh, how manly!" Kirishima nodded at him and TetsuTetsu from 1-B cried manly tears.

"Me too. I feel like I don't deserve this." Nirengeki Shoda who was his teammate also abstained.

"Then we have to bump up a team to get them in the tourney..." Midnight wanted them to decide for themselves.

"If it's guts. Then shouldn't Tetsu's team go in? We got crumpled like a tin can by Alex without doing anything too." Itsuka sighed.

"Itsuka, you guys should-" Tetsu wanted them to go.

"Nah, don't think this is just a favor. You guys did better." Itsuka smiled at them.

'And I have a pretty high chance of advancing. I definitely don't want to see what Alex can do if he wants to beat you shitless.' Itsuka looked at him.

"Yosh! I'll do it!" Tetsu wiped his manly tears and it was decided that a girl with hair for vines; Ibaraki Shiozaki would join.

Along with Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu. Who can change his body into steel.

"Okay! Let's draw the lots then!" Midnight started the draws.

Match 1: Alexander vs Eijiro

Match 2: Mina vs Aoyama

Match 3: Momo vs Fumikage

Match 4: Shoko vs Hanta

Match 5: Katsuki vs Tetsu

Match 6: Mei vs Ochaco

Match 7: Pony vs Shinso

Match 8: Izumi vs Ibara

"Ohh, we're up against each other bro!" Kirishima was excited. And it was the first match too.

"I guess so, let's have a manly match." Alex shook hands with him.

"Alright! Are you readyyyy!? First we start with the scavenger hunt!" Hizashi screamed and Midnight gave them some cards.

"Something hot?" Alex saw his card and he sniffed the air immediately.

He flew towards the stands. "Huh? What? What?" Mitsuki blinked at him.

"I need something hot. And that ass definitely is." Alex carried her and Mitsuki got taken to Midnight.

"Hmmm. Something hot huh? I approve!" Midnight eyed Mitsuki for a second.

"Ehhh? You're gonna make me blush." Mitsuki hit him lightly.

"Ey! You motherfucker! Stop it!" Katsuki was cringing heavily.

The interlude quickly finished and everybody were either calming their nerves, regaining their mojo, or strategizing heavily.

The lego looking ass Cementoss formed the arena and he gave a thumbs up to Hizashi.

"Thanks Cementoss! Now! For our 1st match! Alexander Godfrey who dominated everything and Eijiro Kirishima! The mini Allmight!" Hizashi announced.

The crowd went wild, seeing two strong competitors immediately.

"I'm gonna use it you know?" Kirishima warned him as crimson sparks of electricity formed on Kirishima's body.

Activating One for All over his body at 60%. After all, trying to half-ass things against Alex won't end well at all.

"Sure, let's put everything you've learned to the test, Kirishima." Alex cracked his neck as he went on a stance.

His body changed to the great jaggi form as he wanted a more agile and dextrous monster.

"Ready!" Hizashi screamed into the mic and the fighters were still.

"Go!" When the buzzers sounded out, everyone was immediately subjected to hurricane force winds.

Alex dodged a straight from Kirishima and the wall behind him got wrecked by air pressure.

"You're amazing man, how can you dodge that?" Kirishima smiled.

"Training. And lots of sex." Alex began to pelt him with a barrage of slaps and palm strikes, preserving his knuckles due to his hardness.

Using Wing Chun, Alex dismantled Kirishima's strikes before he could even build momentum.

"Hmmm!" Alex grunted as his fist turned into a tigrex paw and he uppercutted Kirishima into oblivion.

"That kid's martial arts are on another level..." Aizawa thought he was just a one trick pony, but Alex was throwing hands like Kirishima owed him money.

"New Hampshire Smash!" Kirishima released a shockwave in front of him and he used himself as a cannonball to smack Alex back to the ground.

"You know, I've always admired you. Do you remember the day you helped Mina's friends from that scary giant dude?" Kirishima's hardening got more spiky.

"Ahhh, that. The man's just asking directions. It wasn't much." Alex chuckled.

"It was what made me turn into the man I am today! Now! I'll show you what I'm made of! Thunder cloud formation! Standby!" Kirishima's hands formed bladed edges on them.

His shins and feet also formed hardened pieces of his tissue, making him a bladed menace.

"Hoh? I've taught you well." Alex's mouth burned with fire and a tail sprouted behind him.

Kirishima stomped on the ground multiple times and Alex was surprised by his amazing speed.

'He could do that already? I guess they've been training in secret.' Alex shielded himself with his tail.

The barbs around his tail couldn't pierce Kirishima's skin and his edge that was sharper than the most well made steel blades sliced into his tail.

Alex roared as Kirishima's arm stopped on the bone in his tail. It hurted like a bitch, though Kirishima stopped as his eardrums popped.

A blazing fireball hit Kirishima on the chest and he was sent flying.

Quickly stabbing his legs and arms on the ground, Kirishima anchored himself.

"Come on! Come on! Let's show everyone our youth!" Kirishima charged at him.

Alex squinted his eyes as he focused on dodging his bladed attacks.

"Rankyaku!" Alex showed his flexibility as he bent backwards after Kirishima released a kick.

A crescent vacuum-blade sliced through the wall behind him deeply and Cementoss had to fill it in immediately.

"So you've even learned that?" Alex smirked at him and Kirishima snorted.

"I can only do it in my thundercloud formation, you on the otherhand. You can do it all, right?" Kirishima grinned at him and Alex sighed.

"Hmm, I guess I can't hide it now." Alex stomped on the ground multiple times and he suddenly appeared in front of Kirishima.

Kirishima swiped at him with his arm, but Alex was like a leaf that was being blown by the wind.

"Shigan." Alex punctured a hole through his chest, right at his left lung and Kirishima suddenly doubled over.

"Hah, shigan is for dirty defense users Kirishima. Why didn't you use tekkai? You're a little too green." Alex sighed.

"Not yet!" Kirishima used the overgrowth of his tissue to plug the hole on his chest and he stood up valiantly even with a collapsed lung.

"70%, 80%." Kirishima was increasing the output of One for All.

And the safest he could go is at 70%. "90%. This is as far as I can go without shattering all my bones." Kirishima grinned at him.

"Come on then, let's go." Alex gestured for him to come at him.

"Crimson typhoon!" Kirishima jumped in the air and he spun like a top.

"We got to stop them!" Midnight ripped her sleeves and used her quirk somnambulist, a scent that can put one to a deep sleep.

Cementoss raised huge walls of concrete to protect the crowd.

Huge vacuum-blades sundered the arena as Kirishima was truly like a crimson super typhoon.

"Stand tall Kirishima, you are strong." Kirishima heard Alex's voice behind him after his finishing move and his brain suddenly vibrated as Alex used all the 6 powers on his punch.

Kirishima looked at him with a smile as he gave a toothy one. He then fell to the ground like a meteor, shaking UA at its core.

Alex dropped to the ground and he healed Kirishima as he definitely has a brain contusion after that.

One by one, everyone in the stands began to clap.

Alex raised his hand and the crowd went wild. No hype needed from Present mic.

'What a troublesome kid. So that's how strong he is?' Aizawa saw that he dismantled Kirishima with pure technique and analysis.

He didn't even have to resort to his form that Yagi reported.

"So young Alex is even hiding stuff like that in his arsenal? What a monster... And he's what? 17?" Yagi furrowed his brows.

There might be 17 year olds out there that can fight One for All like that. Like Cathleen, the number 1 hero of America right now.

But that's the problem, she theoretically could. But she realistically can't. Not with her limited experience and control over her quirk when she was at that age.

"An explosive 1st match! Will the others be as amazing as this one!? Find out on the next episode of dra-" Aizawa whacked Hizashi.

"Okay, okay, the next one would be! Mina Ashido; xenomorph of class 1-A!" Hizashi introduced Mina after Cementoss fixed the arena while grumbling.

"And the fag! I mean rad, Aoyama!" He started doing hipthrusts.

"Mon ami Mina, please surrender. Or face the wrath of my navel laser, hngh~" Aoyama did a warning shot and he moaned like a freak while doing so.

Mina's eyebrows twitched and she shot his belt with some acid. His support gear that he uses to focus his laser.

"Ahhh! My belt! And my pants!" Aoyama's pants went to his ankles and everyone got a shot of his briefs with his picture on it.

He then cried as he ran away. "Uhhh, Mina Ashido is the winner." Midnight deadpanned.

The crowd booed the stadium and trash was being thrown at them.

"What the fuck!? That sucked ass!" Rumi was excited that they were starting to fight for real. And it all went up in smoke in an instant.

And Alex even showed his trump card that he's been saving up.

"Well, that was anticlimactic... Give it up to Momo Yaoyorozu, the creation hero! And the chuuni Fumikage Tokoyami!" Hizashi introduced the next match.

"Dark shadow!" Fumikage immediately sent out his mook.

But Momo was prepared and she busted out some floodlights with her quirk.

"Ahhhh!" Dark shadow plopped on the ground and it hissed like a vampire under the sun.

"My eyes! Ahhh!" Fumikage also got blinded by the stupidly overpowered lights and he ran away.

"Ugh, Yaoyorozu Momo wins." Midnight rolled her eyes. She was getting bored.

Shoko and Hanta walked up to the stage and the wannabe spiderman started stretching.

"Sorry, but I have to win this to prove a point." Shoko moved and she swiped with her hand.

An iceberg suddenly formed all over the arena and it even shot out of the dome.

"Fuuuu, I got a bit too excited. Sorry, I am not holding back anymore." Shoko looked at her father with disdain and she walked away.

"I... I guess that's more exciting." Midnight called the medics for Hanta who was freezing his ass off.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.