
MHA: Jaeger

Desiring powers gone wrong, a man died before he could use it. Though a higher power thought his unfortunate circumstance entertaining. With the omnipotent Murphy making things harder. His wish becomes fulfilled, but it wasn't exactly what he wanted.

B00BIES_for_life · Cómic
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37 Chs

Chapter 25: Sports Fest

"Young Izumi! Kirishima! Would you care to have lunch with me?" Yagi appeared in a corner and he was holding a lunch box.

"Pft, he's like a maiden asking out her crush." Ochaco laughed at him with Mina.

"What's wrong with that? It is good to be polite and romantic." Momo nodded sagely, her main source of entertainment are shoujo mangas after all.

"You know, Yaomomo... That doesn't sound good in this context." Mina smiled wryly.

"Uhh, Momo. Should we be concerned?" Melissa sweated.

"Wha? No! No! I'm not a fujoshi that ships kids with grown ass people!" Momo suddenly realized.

"Hah, I didn't know you loved BL Momo..." Alex looked at her like she was a pitiful soul.

"Don't look at me like I'm an unfortunate individual that happens to like crap like that!" Momo shouted at him.

"Whatever you say, smell you later guys." Alex waved his hand and Izumi's eyes twitched.

"Aunt Inko's getting some tonight, huh?" Melissa nudged her and they didn't appreciate her western banter.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Aunt Inko likes him and he doesn't complain. Your mother deserves to be happy." Melissa nodded sagely.

"I... I guess. But it's my mom you know? How'd you feel if your crush is banging your mom?" Izumi asked her and Melissa froze.

"I guess that is quite depressing." Melissa winced.

"Don't worry, Izumi! We'll seduce him later for sure. All we have to do is I melt our clothes and do a strip tease!" Mina had an ingenious plan.

"S-so shameless!" Momo blushed like a tomato.


Currently in the gyms of UA, Alex rounded up the other students of class 1-A.

He had some papers on hand and it was for their training program.

"Fumikage, your quirk is very rare. It also has infinite possibilities. What you lack is control, Dark Shadow loses control in the dark, right? You're the boss, you should be in that position." Alex gave him his paper.

"Tenya, I've seen your brother Tensei in action. His mufflers are wide bore and much larger. I assume his mufflers weren't like that before?" Alex asked him and he nodded in surprise.

"Then change yours for higher output. More, the better." Alex gave him his regime.

"Toru... Now, you're a tricky one. What else can you do?" Alex raised a brow at her.

"Uhh, I can do flashbangs?" Toru twiddled her thumbs and Alex suddenly bugged out.

"Wait... You can what?" Alex blinked dumbly at her reveal.

"What? What?" Toru got concerned. "You, you can be one of the strongest people in the world with that kind of potential." Alex realized something.

"Fueh?" Toru just froze there, unmoving. "W-what do you mean?"

"Your power isn't invisibility. It's light manipulation you dolt." Alex sighed.

"L-light manipulation? But shouldn't that be an emitter type quirk?" Toru was confused.

"Yes, how can you see if you're invisible?" Alex asked her and she didn't know.

"Exactly, you're manipulating light subconsciously. Making it pass through your pupils to see. Otherwise you'd be blind as hell. Your true potential is unrivaled." Alex deadpanned at her.

"R-really?" Toru's voice sounded hopeful and their other classmates were stupefied.

"I'll give you a list of what your powers can do." Alex showed her the capabilities of light manipulation at its peak and she started reading them like a girl possessed.

Alex then shuddered, imagining Toru saying. Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light? Then kaboom everyone's dead.

"Four arms fraud, I have nothing for you except to try and create more limbs." Alex gave Mezo the idea of Robin's flower fruit.

"Mashirao, your tail needs to be more muscular, harder. Hit it with steel beams as often as you can and try to make it prehensile."

"Denki, electrocute yourself as much as possible then we'll talk about your electricity powers." Denki shuddered as he saluted.

"Kyoka, I can crush your ear jacks like a cookie. Make them stronger until it's harder than steel." Kyoka grabbed her ear lobes protectively.

"Aoyama, train your core or I'll hit you until you form a stronger one." Alex squinted his eyes at him.

"Y-yes sir!" Aoyama didn't even try to speak with his butchered french.

"Tsuyu, you'll train with my girlfriend in her down time. You have similar traits enough." Alex rubbed her thighs and he nodded.

"K-kero, who is your girlfriend?" Tsuyu asked and they all looked at him curiously.

"None of your business." Alex glared at them and they whimpered.

"Is it a pro hero? Is she hot!?" Denki started asking and Kyoka whacked him.

"Hanta, you spiderman fraud. At least make your tape as strong as flex tape." Alex shrugged.

"Rikido, embrace your inner american and always carry some fructose syrup or corn syrup to power yourself up. Make changes in your hero costume to inject sugar into your veins directly too." Alex finished with their training program.

They then saluted. But the one he had his eyes on now was Toru. If his suspicions were right and Toru can manipulate light, then she might be able to use the whole spectrum.

And if that was the case. She would be a hero like no other. Forget star and stripes that can shit on physics.

Toru would crap on anyone if she masters her powers. Even if she can't manipulate the entire spectrum.

She could look at you funny and boom, you have brain cancer.

'I'll be watching you closely.' Alex nodded as Toru read everything about light manipulation as much as she could.


"Young Kirishima, Izumi. I am recovering incredibly well with young Alex's vitajuice. But the embers of One for All is beginning to die down." He sighed.

"How long is your limit now?" Izumi frowned. "Only 4-5 hours a day. I believe it would be much, much lower without Alex's help."

"That sucks... But you're so manly, Allmight. Even with your powers waning, you're still the top 1!" Kirishima was optimistic as ever.

"Yes... Yes I am young Kirishima." Yagi smiled at them.

"This is the start of your hero work. Kirishima, as my successor. I want you to scream I am here. As my replacement as the symbol of peace." Yagi patted his back.

"Toshinori-sensei... Umu! I will show everyone my youth and manliness!" Kirishima did a guts pose.

"As for you, Izumi. I want you and Melissa to show that the quirkless aren't as weak as people think." Yagi nodded at her with a smile.

He respected their dedication to be here right now. To be a pillar of support for the quirkless population that gets mocked, disrespected, and isolated.

"Yes, Toshinori-sensei." Izumi nodded at him with determination.

"Go! Plus ultra!" Yagi gave them a fist bump and they began training for the sports fest.

__UA dome arena__

"Hey! Are you ready!?" Hizashi screamed into the mic and the crowd went wild.

"Hah, that fucker is as loud as ever." Rumi was eating a carrot cake while patrolling with a friend.

"Yeah, Hizashi hasn't changed at all." A blonde woman chuckled beside her.

"Ryuko, why'd you accept Nezu's offer to guard the event?" Rumi was curious.

"Well, you can't stop shutting up about your boyfriend. So who is it? Don't tell me it's Aizawa or Seikijiro Kan?" Ryuko chuckled.

"Oh he's a first year. Alexander Godfrey, he's the best!" Rumi grinned.

"A... A student?" Ryuko was gobsmacked and the takoyaki she had on hand dropped to the ground.

"Umu! He doesn't get tired too, he drives me insane~" Rumi bit her lip and Ryuko blushed.

"You slept with a teen!?" Ryuko was scandalized.

"What? He's an orphan, he's the only one he got left. So he's already an adult." Rumi shrugged.

"That shitty logic won't hold up in court." Ryuko deadpanned at her.

"Oh please, he's so rich he can bribe any court out there." Rumi waved her off.

"Besides, he won't let any of us go. We're too sexy for that." Rumi smirked.

"We? Hey! We are not done here Rumi!" Ryuko chased her around.

Meanwhile, class 1-A started to file in. "Here they are! The class that took on villains in USJ! They're looking smooth as hell!" Hizashi shouted into the mic, again.

"Ugh, shut up Hizashi. You're too loud." Aizawa glared at him.

"Smile and wave boys and girls, smile and wave." Alex smiled at the crowd.

"That's your boy toy, Rumi?" Ryuko asked her and Rumi smirked.

"Boy toy? I have a great idea Ryuko, why don't you be a dear and play with us?" Rumi licked her lips and Ryuko shuddered.

"Go on! Kick their asses!" Mitsuki who got front row seats from Alex cheered them on.

"Mitsuki, you do know that Alex will be fighting our daughters, right?" Inko deadpanned at her.

"Well, if Katsuki doesn't win. Then I'll kick her ass!" Mitsuki's fine whoever wins.

"We'll be starting! And the grand umpire will be Midnight! The R-rated hero!" Hizashi introduced Nemuri Kayama.

She swung her whip and the teacher was currently wearing some BDSM gear.

"Is she seriously wearing that?" Izumi blushed heavily.

"You know she only wore a micro bikini and a trench coat on her debut. Of course she'll wear something like that." Alex rolled his eyes.

"Silence! Now, we will be deciding on what your first rodeo would be!" Midnight pointed at a screen.

And like a roulette, it started to pick the events that would happen.

"An obstacle course? I guess it's easy mode from here." Alex shrugged.

"As for the rules of the obstacle course? Do whatever you want, as long as you're not out of bounds." Midnight licked her lips.

"First of all, let's hear the pledge of the top freshman!" Midnight pointed at Alex and he sighed.

Alex went to the pedestal and he looked left and right first.

"Heroes are made, not born. If you think you are destined to be one. Then carve a path of your own." Alex dropped some words of wisdom and the crowd went silent for a moment before they cheered.

"This is their first obstacle. And those who can't go on will be weeded out." Aizawa squinted his eyes.

All the participants of the sports fest were crammed into a tunnel.

'The first who makes a move claims victory.' Shoko froze everyone's feet as she began to run on the frozen ground she made.

Kirishima stomped on the ice at his every step, Momo just skated through it like it was nothing, Ochaco was leaping on the ice like an astronaut on the moon.

Izumi and Melissa flew to the skies immediately, not seeing the point of playing with the other competitors.

Mina was like iceman, though she was sliding with her acid instead.

And Katsuki roared. "You icy bastard! You think you can get ahead of me!?" Katsuki honed on her like a missile.

With her quirk, she's actually pretty much a damned missile.

"Shit." Shoko was confident on her ice and skills. But not enough to ignore Katsuki who was like a rabid dog.

Shoko looked back and she was shocked when she saw who was right behind her, grinning like a lunatic with bloodshot eyes.

"Didn't expect me to get here quick, did ya?" Katsuki's hand was already on her face and Shoko ragdolled on the ground as she received a concussion.

Katsuki blasting her head with a controlled explosion.

She then kicked her out of the way like a pebble as Katsuki glared at Melissa and Izumi who were now fighting for 1st place.

"Damned extras! I'll deal with the other ones first." Katsuki looked at Mina, Ochaco, Momo, and Kirishima.

She then sabotaged them like a girl possessed. As she couldn't reach Melissa and Izumi.

Alex just cruised on the sky in his rathian form and passed through the 2nd and 3rd obstacle course.

"We have our winner! Alex just cruised over everyone and got over the robot hell, valley of death, and the landmine hell!" Hizashi screamed.

"Woooh! That's my boyfriend!" Mitsuki shouted as she whistled.

Meanwhile, Rumi pouted as she couldn't really do that. Mitsuki could pass as a college student. And she isn't as famous as Rumi.

"Come on Mitsuki... You're embarrassing me." Inko fidgeted around as people cheered for her too.

"Nah! Shut up Inko! That's my boyfriend and he made us proud!" Mitsuki was having none of it.

"Hah, wohooo." Inko cheered as well, though she hoped that Izumi would get second place.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.