
MHA: Invincible

What if humanity is faced with a threat that they can not destroy? Even constantly warring heroes and villains will understand the impending threat, but will their united coalition be able to do at least something to an enemy that is Invisible?

DestroSun · Cómic
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12 Chs

Chapter 3: The Entrance Exam

- And this fonk isn't so bad, I like it.

The black-haired young man said, enjoying the music while a big smile appeared on his face. Shaking his head to the bass, he leafed through social networking feeds, reading new, but often useless information, feeling a kind of emptiness.

- Man, scrolling through all these posts and videos, I feel like I'm just wasting my time, even though I spend it with little interest. I'd rather instead try to find information about the institutions and what they do there in the first place.

After installing a pop-up ad blocker, as I was tired of poking at crosses, I started to research all the academies in Japan, and then moved on to other countries as well. So I spent my time until the morning, occasionally taking a break, trying to break a record in a weird platformer, the point of which was to get as high as possible with the player pushing panels away.

_____ It's been six hours ______

It was starting to bloom outside the window as I watched a superhero's reaction to the top 10 villains, according to another hero.

- Who knew watching other people's emotions and opinions was so interesting, the internet is definitely a good invention.

I could hear the hum of a familiar car pulling up in front of my house as my father ran out of it with his heart beating fast, experiencing excitement. When he entered, he immediately noticed my face, lit by the phone, in a completely dark room, which almost gave me a heart attack, judging by the slight malfunction of the heart.

- A-Alex, is that you, can't you sleep?

Hearing the boring question, I answered with boredom.

- I don't need sleep, air, and the like needs of a normal person.

- Cool, I guess... Well, I talked to a couple of people," he sat down across from me and continued talking, "you got into Yuei, though you still have to take an entrance exam, but it's not hard, you just have to crush robots, and with your strength it should be easy.

- Cool, I guess.

There was a pause between us while I smiled a little, lightening the atmosphere, which had a positive effect on my dad's condition.

- So when do I need to get there?

- Today, in three hours. Here's the address.

He handed me a piece of paper that detailed all the details, even the country.

- Thank you, of course, but why so much detail? I don't suffer from topographical cretinism, is it really overkill?

- That's right, better safe than sorry, so don't let me down. And yes, you don't have to worry about your power, I told them you were a bit unorthodox.

- I'll try, don't you want to see the hero's reaction n-.

- And the top 10 villains? I saw it yesterday, you better watch the generous hero, his content comes out more often, and I'm going to go to sleep. Just don't forget about the exam.

- Yeah, good morning.

When he went up to the third floor and fell asleep almost instantly, I glanced at the papers left on the desk.

- His composure is respectable, but right now I need to concentrate on the papers, not analyzing people. What have we got here? Enrollment in the heroic department, preliminary class 1-A, quirk of a student ----------, general data about me, wow, even registration has been made, moreover, in this house, interesting, but my expectations were not met, I thought there would be something about the internal order of the Academy itself, but this is enough to coordinate further actions. Ideally one should make a plan and follow a specific goal, but I don't know what I wish for myself...

When I put the papers back in the same place, I lay down on the couch and stared at the time, noticing that my phone's charge started to reach a low point.

- Man, I need to find a charger.

Finding the cord and adapter by the TV, I began to flip through the tape dejectedly, looking for something to do to pass the time. Suddenly I came across "top 10 habits of heroes."

- Well, since I have to study to be a hero soon, why not?

Similarly, I spent another couple of hours going through all the data about the heroes: their looks, mannerisms, speech, and, of course, quirks. From all the data, I slowly assembled an image of the ideal hero, capable of becoming a real phenomenon and affecting the whole world. The closest to such a level was the Almighty, but because of his stereotypes and excessive kindness, he did not take advantage of such a chance.

In general, the prospect of becoming a hero is not so terrible, except for the fact that killing villains is kind of impossible, but I think this issue can be solved.

Having escaped from my thoughts, I looked at the time, as being late for the first exam would not be very good.

- 7:29, well, I think we can move out, though everyone is still asleep and I wanted to say goodbye, but nothing, it is not so important.

After memorizing the entire route to the academy, I put my phone in my pocket and ran, instantly breaking through the sound barrier. In a second I was in front of the school, where I would probably spend most of my time.

- Aaah! Where did you come from?

A girl with green eyes and red hair tied into a side ponytail screamed. Which caused everyone to turn their attention to us, while I kept my composure and answered with a stoic face:

- Here for the entrance exam, questions?

- No, just showed up here all of a sudden.

- That's how.

- Although our first impression didn't go well, but still, I am Itsuka Kendo.

She held out her hand to me with a smile on her face, out of politeness I responded in kind.

- Alex Adan.

Shaking my hand, I replied.

- Nice to meet you, Alex.

- Nice to meet you, too, I guess.

I looked around the small crowd of teenagers, not holding anyone's attention for long until a teenager with silver hair, thick white eyelashes, and sharp teeth like a shark came up to me.

- Itsuka, who is this?

- He came for the entrance exam, didn't he?

I was beginning to get bored with this company, so I decided to get away from them quickly, but it wasn't meant to be.

- That's right, and now if you'll excuse me, I have to retire to the classroom.

- Wow, that's some words, I'm Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, let's meet.

He held out his hand to me, waiting for me to respond, while I was getting more and more bored with this, but manners still need to be respected, at least for now.

- I'm Alex Adan, very pleased to meet you.

Suddenly he tried to squeeze my palm, but it didn't work, and that made him squeeze it even harder, exerting even more effort. With a shake of his head, his body turned steely, which made me a little curious as the girl moved toward us to seemingly pull us apart, but it was not necessary, as another attempt to do me some harm was unsuccessful. I just gave his steely palm a little squeeze as he shrieked in pain, pulling his hand away.

- Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, man, you don't look like much, but you're a pretty tough guy.

He said, waving his hand, and the girl came up to him and tapped him on the head, scolding him.

- You want to show off your strength, and you end up embarrassing yourself, don't you have anything better to do?

When she looked up, there was a glint of coldness in his eyes. Some kind of extraordinary confidence coupled with masculinity that made Itsuka even recoil from him.

- It was a test of a man capable of becoming my camaraderie, and he passed it successfully, come inside from this haughty woman, brother.

He threw his arm over my shoulder, unable to think of anything better to do, I decided to do the same.

- Let's go.

And we moved toward the door of the building, leaving the redheaded girl behind us as she looked at us with shock and incomprehension. Once inside we were greeted by a spacious hall, where most of the seats were already occupied, so we had to take the chairs closer to the stage. Tetsutetsu sat to my right, while the quickly arrived Itsuka took a seat on the left.

- Do you know why there are more empty seats here?

Asked the girl, to which Tetsutetsu replied with a bored face.

- It's Soo Mick, everyone knows that he likes to talk loudly, so they sat further away, and we had no luck, we had to hurry, if you were not delayed ...

- So it was you who started stalling, if you hadn't acted out the skit with him, we would have had time.

- If it weren't for that sketch I would never have met my brother, and for his sake I am willing to endure any hardship.

As they continued to talk to each other, I concentrated on the hero at the table on the stage. He was a tall man with pointy blond hair and a small mustache, with headphones and sunglasses on his head. The hero's costume, on the other hand, consisted of a black jacket with a studded collar, black pants with a studded belt and fingerless gloves of the same color, and he also had some sort of device around his neck, but it was somewhat hard to tell just from the visual signs, so I settled on the possibility that it was capable of correcting the direction of a whim, but that was a guess so far.

- Welcome one and all to my live show! And everybody say hey, hey, hey!

He put his palm to his ear, expecting a strong reaction from the teens, or at least some, but there was none, to which the hero was not discouraged and continued.

- I've got goosebumps running down my spine, listeners! All right, incoming... I'm going to give you all the background on what's going to happen! Are you ready?! YEAH!!!

This time everyone was silent as well, only Mick himself thundered back to himself, which even caused a bit of pity for him, but not for me, only a couple of people had sad looks.

- Now if I could have your attention, listeners! We will test your courage by a ten-minute run through an exact replica of one of the three city districts! You can bring whatever you want! Everyone gather at the designated location after the presentation, you know?

On the screen behind him there was a small tutorial, contained in a couple of slides: kinds of robots, of which there were three, representing the villains, as well as the reward for defeating them, and their appearance, which did not particularly shine with ingenuity: a robot with four pointed limbs; a robot that had a wheel instead of legs; and a mix of the previous ones, with two wheels instead of hind limbs, but with mini rocket launchers on their shoulders, which caused some surprise; there were also words about scoring the maximum points you can and about not attacking other contestants and using any anti-hero devices. When Mick's speech was over, the teenager with glasses spoke up.

- Excuse me, can I ask you a question? The memo actually lists four types of villains! Such an oversight would be a great embarrassment to a national academy of the highest caliber YUAY!

As the teenager continued to speak, I rested my hand on the armrest and rested my head on my palm, covering my eyes, to which I received a approving exclamation.

- Good idea, brother.

After these words a nightmare began, the bespectacled boy began to reproach the other teenager, who immediately trembled and shut up, and the hero on the stage began to explain about the 4th type of robots, aka villains, who were useless dummy robots for which no points were given.

- And now let's get to the main event of Plus Ultra! And let you all enjoy the anticipation of the trials!

_______ At the test site _______

I was at a fairly expansive replica of the urban area, the buildings as well as all the surroundings looked organic, they definitely did their best to recreate.

- I knew we were bound by fate, brother.

I turned to the silver-haired guy, who smiled broadly as he looked at me.

- What are you standing there for? Let's go smash!!!

- Aha.

Tetsutetsu started breaking robots left and right while I watched the other contestants, noticing interesting quirks, one of which was the black-haired girl, she was able to create objects directly from her body, which was entertaining.

- Hey, we're actually at an exam and you're looking at girls, come and join us too, or there won't be any robots left at all.

- Yeah, I think we should get started.

_______ In the observation booth _______

- Nezu, what can this kid do?

The tall and very muscular blond man turned to the white beast that looked like a humanoid mouse.

- That's what we're about to find out, Almighty.

- What's so unusual about it?

Asked the man with the long black hair falling down over his shoulders and covering his face.

- That's the thing, Aizawa, we don't know anything.

Aizawa stared skeptically at the beast.

- Wasn't it too dangerous to let out a teenager with an unknown quirk.

- No need to fear, I have some data on his abilities, and I also have a contingency plan prepared.

He waved his face at the red button set in the corner, and then everyone was silent, watching the black-haired guy on the other side of the screen. He disappeared that day, not even leaving behind any residual images, after which Nezu glanced at the map of the area, where active robots were marked with red dots, in an instant they all began to fade rapidly, while a smile appeared on the humanoid's face, to which the other heroes only shook their heads when the beast pulled out a small gamepad.

______ At the test site ______

I was methodically destroying every robot that caught my eye, when after a couple of seconds they were all destroyed and I stopped.

- Yeah, one touch was enough for them to shatter into tiny pieces, I thought it would be more interesting.

After the same words, I heard a rumbling sound behind the buildings, and a huge robot head peeked out, on which there were eight red cameras instead of eyes, and suspiciously pointed at me.

- Is that a challenge?

- What challenge, brother? Let's go!

Shouted Tetsutetsu who appeared, trying to pull me towards the exit, but he wasn't even able to move me.

- No need to worry, I'll definitely deal with him.

- Brother, I know you're strong and seemingly fast, I didn't even notice you running away from me, but don't overestimate yourself, only an almighty can take down such a giant.

Remembering the moment from the video this morning, I turned to Tetsutetsu and smiled broadly, putting my hand on his shoulder.

- You don't have to worry anymore! Why, you ask? Because I'm here!

I moved to meet the robot that was waiting for me, leaving the so-called comrade behind.

- Brother... You can do it!!! Take him down!!!

Moving to his shouts, I reached the huge machine moving on its tracks as the robot raised its fist above me and quickly lowered it. A powerful stream of dust swept across the immediate area and a loud thud startled the participants, who ran away to a safe distance while I stopped the metal arm without much difficulty, which caused a second of silent surprise. The robot tried to pull his hand away, which it failed to do, so he decided to strike a second blow, and I wasted no time just yanking my hand and thus tearing the palm off, upsetting the balance of the thing, but not stopping there, I threw it with a small swing right at the robot's head, breaking it right through, causing the robot to stop showing any signs of movement.


At that moment, everyone opened their mouths in silence, unable to believe their eyes, even the Almighty, who had previously been watching his apprentice closely, opened his eyes in utter shock.


From the author:

Here comes the chapter, yes, funnily enough, there's also the 3rd day of observation out there.

A link to tg where there are memes, chapter writing stage as a percentage, important (for who?) information, well, there are also sometimes polls. ( https://t.me/The_Sin_of_Despondency_and_Greed )

Now I'm off to rest, good luck!